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Posts posted by dudacek

  1. I absolutely think Murray already knows who the next coach is going to be and knows that he will except. When describing what he is looking for, it's the one time in the entire press conference where he looks relaxed and, dare I say, happy?

    Good take.

    Murray was as twitchy as I've seen him yesterday and what you describe was noticeable.

  2. Interesting listening to Sylvester trying to tear Nolan down as unable to get with his GM's program.

    We're overthinking this. Man, Murray's moves last offseason were brilliant mind-######.



    We are overthinking this.

    Nolan didn't click with Murray or his program.

    It's pretty simple.


    Also, sounds like at least some of the players threw Teddy under the bus.


    Hasn't been enough talk about this IMO.


    Murray stressed that all players said Teddy was a good man, but some obviously raised flags with their statements. What were they?


    Did Tim go in with some pointed questions about specific areas of concern?

    Did the players grudgingly give honest answers or did they come in with an agenda?

    Were the kids whining? Did Teddy quietly lose the support of the vets?

    Did Murray hear what he wanted to hear?


    Murray pretty clearly gives a lot of respect on Gionta. What did he have to say?

  4. Pretty sure Murray has little interest in building a relationship with his new coach.

    He's looking to hire someone who he already has a relationship with.


    I am getting the distinct impression that Murray has pretty loose lips away from the cameras.

    With Myers and now Nolan, we're starting to see that smoke can equal fire where he is concerned.


    There's a past with Babcock and Richardson.

    It's odd Babcock has yet to sign with Detroit.

    It's eye-browing raising that a young up-and-comer like Richardson didn't jump at the Ottawa job.


    I will be very surprised if it's not one or the other.

  5. See eleven's narrative; Murray built a team that he thought would be better, but not enough to not be in the lottery. When it was clear the team wasn't even going to meet those meager expectations, he did what any GM would do and went full bore for 30th.

    That's been my narrative all season.


    Murray inherited Nolan, but gave him a shot to prove himself.

    They didn't click personally, the team didn't perform as well as Murray expected them to and (most importantly) the kids didn't grow the way he needed them to.

    Teds a good man, and I could see why some are disappointed he lost his job.

    But this is one of the least surprising firings I can recall.

    • Nolan gets fired

    So does Cassidy in Rochester

    Sabres win lottery, take McDavid

    Girgorenko traded

    Murray moves up in the draft to take a defenceman

    Team takes on a big contract from a cap-strapped team

    One promising young goalie acquired via trade

    Neuvirth re-signed to a modest contract

    One mid-roster veteran free agent skater signed

    Hudson Fasching signed, plays with the Amerks

    A handful of youngish AHLers signed (D'Amigo/Varone types) in bid to rebuild the farm

    Babcock signs the biggest contract ever by an NHL coach

    Kaleta is told to look for another NHL job, and that if he doesn't get one he has a job with the organization.

    Benoit, Meszaros, Strachan, Lindback, Hackett, Dalpe, Sundher, Liewen, Gauthier-Leduc and Samuels-Thomas not offered contracts in low-roster purge

    Ellis re-signed with the intent of playing him in Rochester

    Reinhart makes the team

  6. Pretty sure it's 21, not 22. According to NHL.com they're in 10th which => pick 21 pre-playoff juggling.


    It's 21 and will improve one spot for every team below them that makes the final four.

    It could also drop to 27 if the Islanders and the Blues make the final four and 29 if the Islanders and the Blues play in the finals.

    There are also some in-between scenarios where the Blues go out early and the Isles make the final four.

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