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Posts posted by dudacek

  1. 10 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Wrong type of defenceman don't you see that?

    I clearly see the argument.

    I can also see how that argument falls flat if your three “skill” defencemen can also play good defence.

    Nobody said the Robinson/Lapointe/Savard Canadiens had too many of the same type of defenceman. Or, if you want more recent, less once-in-a-lifetime examples, the Josi/Ellis/Subban Predators, or the Hedman/Shattenkirk/Sergachev Lightning, or the Theodore/Pietrangelo/Hanifin Knights.

    There’s no doubt Power and Byram have to get a lot better in their own zone. Considering they’ve played 162 and 163 games respectively, I expect they will.

    How much better they get will ultimately decide if the trade made sense or not.

  2. Just now, PromoTheRobot said:

    What exactly is a "proven NHL backup?" Eric Comrie fit that description in Winnipeg.

    I'd tend to hope that guy should have a longer resume than Eric Comrie's one 19-game season as an NHL backup. A Casey DeSmith/Jake Allen/Kevin Lankinen level guy maybe?

    But I actually think a guy like the Comrie of 2 years ago is the type of signing we're going to end up with: Adin Hill, Laurent Broissoit, Alex Lyon, Charlie Lindgren...

    Not necessarily those guys right now, but a guy in a similar situation to where they were a few years ago: 25-30, tasted the NHL, never quite cracked it.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Well you're sort of right but only partly. No, I don't like the plan. But, while I do believe you build a winning team primarily via the draft, I think you have to build the culture FIRST. That's the part I disagree with. His idea that they grow into that culture collectively is, imo, inherently flawed. 

    I also do not believe that just throwing players into the NHL and having them learn that way is the best way either. Most teams use the AHL to teach and players only make the big club when they are ready. Most teams aren't willing to sacrifice entire seasons for "development". I think a roster needs to be balanced between rookies, young players and veterans, pros. Young guys developing in the minors and working hard and pressing veterans for opportunities and jobs. It's the cycle of hockey life. 

    When a pile of kids knows they have the jobs and they get pampered and given free reign to "grow" they don't learn that work ethic. They can instead get spoiled and lazy. The competitive pressure just isn't there. In any event I do not think throwing players into the NHL accelerates their development. They need to learn good habits early and they need the proper development paths. Look at Mitts and Thompson. They only started to come into their own AFTER being sent down and humbled.

    As for the trades and signings, they are minimal. I do not see Byrum for Mitts filling a need. Perhaps you could explain that? I see it as creating a hole at center. We already have enough puck moving offensive D men. What we need is Samuelsson back and adding another defensive D man, not a Dahlin-lite. All he did was toss Montour away and now replaced him. Holes created and filled like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. 

    I was for the Clifton signing and I think it was fine. He's overpaid, but that's how we got him. That's how you get free agents. Greenway trade was fine, even if his inconsistency annoys me but it's fine. I can't count Tuch and Krebs as great acquisitions because we tossed Eichel away. So far we have less than we had. Maybe Adams had no choice, but it's not a great accomplishment in terms of a plan. There's more tear down than build up there (so far). 

    Adams hasn't filled the holes we have and we are a team that imo underachieves due to the poor coaching and the lack of leadership and key veterans on the roster. There are simply far too many errors in the Pegula era and so far, we just swap parts and spin our wheels. 

    Like I said, you don't really like the plan and you really don't like the execution 😁.

    My only point is that the hand hasn't fully played out yet.

    As to the bold, I think we all wanted Adams to use his depth in young, talented forwards to acquire a top 4 defenceman

    That's exactly what he did.

    You might say (many did) "not that young, talented forward for that top 4 defenceman".

    We shall see.

  4. 6 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    If it's often what it looks like, there must be other examples besides Carolina.

    There are plenty.

    Chicago, Colorado and Tampa cup winners seemed too obvious and too successful.

    But they fit.

    This year's Vancouver team fits. New Jersey.

    The current Winnipeg Jets are product of this method. Ottawa is trying and thus far failing. Montreal has just started.

    The Florida Panthers tried and failed in the years around when Pegula bought the Sabres (22 years without a playoff series win, 19 of those without the playoffs at all) and finally got good when they tried a different path

    Sometimes it's just the darkness before dawn. Sometimes the sun doesn't rise at all.

  5. 4 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    I want to respond to the last sentence. Giving Adams a "chance to finish what he started" is okay if and only if there is a plan to finish things and the plan isn't simply to carry on until you get enough of your own draft picks to have a winning roster. 

    I look at a trade like the Mitts Byram trade and I don't really see it filling a hole or making us better. I just see it as Adams avoiding a potential problem in signing Mitts and getting the best player that was available to get rid of Mitts and that problem. Byram is a highly skilled player, but he's not really the type of player we needed. We already have highly skilled D men with offensive skills. We need defenders. 

    It's not like we have a diverse pipeline either. It's highly slanted towards fast, often small or smallish, skilled offensive forwards. To me it's like Adams plan is keep drafting the same guy and maybe if we do that odds are one or more of them will hit and be a star. It's time now to fill the needs of this roster so it's time to make some deals and/or sign some free agents. So if he does that, if things shift in that direction, maybe then I will join you in "letting him finish" but I do need to get a sense that there actually is a finishing plan. It's time. 

    Lastly, the coach has to change. Granato may have been a decent development guy but he's not a good game management coach and he's not the coach we need to get to the level we want to be. Change there might also signal a finishing part of the plan. 

    I know you and Adams don't like the same players and that makes it really difficult for you to endorse his plan.

    But he's hardly building his roster solely through the draft. In the past 2 1/2 season he has acquired Tuch, Krebs, Lyubuskin, Comrie, Greenway, Clifton, Johnson and Byrum to augment his NHL roster and he'll almost certainly add a few more more over the next 2 or 3 months.

    They've been a pretty mixed bag and you can rightfully criticize his choices. But it's wrong to imply he's not interested in adding from outside the organization, and Tuch and Byrum say it's wrong to say he's not willing to make bigger moves.

    I don't think it's any secret what you don't like is that he has chosen to ice rookies like Benson and Quinn and Power instead of players who are better than those guys right now. But that wasn't the plan. And the plan isn't to keep adding more and more rookies.

    The plan was to accelerate the development of Tage, Dahlin, Mittelstadt, Cozens, Quinn, Peterka, Krebs, Samuelsson and Power by letting them learn in the NHL and fill in the gaps in that core as needed.

    Other than the 1st 3 players, the development part hasn't fully played out yet. Whether you like it or not, Mitts for Byrum was the first significant move to fill the gaps.

    It's the plan itself you don't like and that can absolutely be supported by the facts.

    But he hasn't finished what he started.

  6. Up front is where I am most active.

    Jost, Olofsson and Robinson need to be significantly upgraded and another centre has to be acquired to fill the hole created by Mitts.

    I am looking to overhaul the identity of the bottom 6 and want to add two wingers who can bring the speed and hustle of Robinson, but with a degree more skill and a lot more meanness. I’d look hard at Dakota Joshua and Will Carrier: two guys who will punish on the forecheck and get to the net.

    My biggest investment comes at centre. I am still banking on Cozens as a legit 2C, and don’t need to bring in an upgrade, but a guy who can fill that role like a Stephenson works. I’m also fine with a more natural 3C. Just get me a warrior who can win faceoffs and score more than Johan Larsson. I think we’re more likely to target this guy in a trade.

    Girgs can play for my team if he wants to, but not at the expense of adding the above.

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  7. Id kick tires on a proven NHL backup to provide a safety net and make Levi earn the NHL.

    I think that will be hard because the more capable options will be reluctant to sign with Levi looking over their shoulders.

    They will sign someone. Fingers crossed he will be better than Dustin Tokarski and Malcolm Subban.

  8. 1 hour ago, Flashsabre said:

    I see 2C and top 4 RHD as big holes.

    Cozens needs to be 3C or RW.

    Chandler Stephenson, Monahan and Duchene  are 3 guys that could fill that role.

    Demelo, Matt Roy, longer shot:Pesce, would help Power immensely.

    If they could add one up front and one on the backend I think it would go along way.

    I fully expect UPL-Levi next year.


    A Stephenson- Roy offseason seems the most realistic especially with Vegas just extending Hanifin.


    I’m probably in the minority, but I have no interest in adding a big ticket veteran free agent defenceman.

    If I could effectively flip Jokiharju or Bryson for a stouter RHD I would, but I think we have our top 4 already and am not ready to make a significant investment in another.

    A bottom 4 of Clifton, Jokiharju, Johnson and Bryson as a worst-case scenario is fine by me. Cliffy and Joki as the 5/6 are far from the problem with this team, both have looked pretty good in the 4/5 role in the back half of this season. Bryson appears to have recovered from the disaster that was the fall of 2022 and is far enough away from a top 4 slot to ease my worries.

    The quickest, most efficient way to improve is for Mule to play 70 games and Byram and Power to play to their draft status. Power has shown a lot better over the season’s second half. Hopefully Byram will fully embrace the team and the opportunity. I wonder about his friendship with Cozens and whether it will help feed each other’s commitment or do the opposite.

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 37 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    So let's address this point by point.

    1) negativity to players comes from poor efforts and losing. They win and they get much love. They work hard and they get even more love. Nobody drives anybody out of town (we do not have that power). I've seen every Sabres game this year and every Bruins game. Bruins were booed by their own fans 3 times if I remember correctly. Once quite loudly. Nobody complained or left town. They worked harder. Sabres were booed a few more times, but not really much louder or much more often. Certainly not sustained. 

    2)"elsewhere" players are treated better? You must be f'n kidding me. The bar is so incredibly low here. You want to see scorn for your own team and players go look in on a Flyers site sometime. Bruins fans are far more critical. The standard on other teams is much higher. At least most teams. Sabres media is incredibly soft as well. Softer than the team, and that's really soft. 

    3)Detroit wrong? Detroit was 11 points behind us last year and they are still alive down to the wire (but will probably just miss). They passed us and they have not had the #1 overall draft pick once, not to mention twice. Best they've had is 4th overall. They are better than us. Not a lot better, but better. 

    4)Young as an excuse? They CHOSE to be young. It was a management decision and thus they can be held accountable for it and they do not get to use a self fulfilling prophecy as an excuse. 

    The reality is the team is poorly coached, the team is pampered and spoiled and not held accountable (the bar is too low), they keep hiring inexperienced management that learns on the job and makes mistakes. They keep changing plans and deconstructing and then reconstructing in a perpetual cycle. They play soft and have inconsistent efforts. They are simply a badly run organization and a bad hockey team and without  changes, they will be the exact same thing again next year.

    Theres a lot in here I agree with and some I don’t, but what I want to respond to is this:

    They keep changing plans and deconstructing and then reconstructing in a perpetual cycle.

    It’s the single-most destructive, damaging aspect of the Pegula reign and the one that is hardest to overcome. it’s why I really want to give Adams a chance to finish what he started.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Archie Lee said:

    You are correct that much of my thoughts are “in hindsight”. I don’t know how else to evaluate the situation.  I was onboard with much of what he did and did not do last offseason. Now that the season is over it is time to evaluate the results.

    In hindsight, what’s worse for the future: That Adams didn’t have the urgent conviction of getting this team to the playoffs?  Or that he so badly misunderstood where the team was that he thought Clifton and Johnson were the missing pieces?

    Maybe I’m the optimistic one. I think the organization can shift its level of conviction and urgency this off-season. I’m not sure we can overcome a GM who thinks that what we needed to take the next step was to replace Lyubushkin and Stillman with Clifton and Johnson. 

    Fair enough.

    What I want most from next season is a GM who is right about Thompson, and Quinn and Cozens and Power.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    I said when he was hired and I first heard him speak I believed his timeline was much longer than ours and with the tear down his plan was playoffs in 5 years and then presumably perpetual playoffs like the Bruins and Leafs etc. now. I was hoping that was wrong, but it appears that the 5 years from when he was hired idea is more correct and IF they do make moves and add this off season it will look to be true.

    It's either that or they are just BS artists and totally incompetent which is also quite possible. 


    I don’t think he put a number on it, but it was clear he was taking the long road of build from within.

    This is often what that road looks like.

    Carolina has made the playoffs 6 years in a row. Before that they missed for 9 straight years.

    Aho, Teravainen, Pesce, Slavin, Staal and Necas were all part of the team that missed that last year that led them to draft Svechnikov.

    Hanifan and Lindholm were also part of the team and were flipped (for Dougie Hamilton) kinda like Mittelstadt was flipped for Byrum.

    They built a critical mass and an identity from within, then added around it.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Archie Lee said:

    I do not think Adams made moves last off-season with a conviction towards making the playoffs. At the end of last season, both Adams and Granato bristled when asked if they had missed an opportunity by falling short of the playoffs and also when asked if not making the playoffs this season would be considered failure. Note that I am not saying they are actively trying to lose.  Rather, that they have not shown, in my view, any sign of accepting that not being a playoff contender this season is an unacceptable outcome. 

    I agree with you that Adams has made clear what his intended pathway to success is. I am not eager for him to be replaced and want to see him continue as GM. I do think though that there are moments in a team’s progression where there needs to be a clear directional shift from rebuilding to competing. I’m not talking about a hollow “drill more wells” or “the rebuild is over” statement. I mean actions that set the tone. Last off-season, the decision to not make any changes on the coaching staff, to not move Olofsson (who Granato had lost all faith in), to bring back Jost, to not bring in a replacement for Quinn and change the make-up of the forwards, to not utilize existing cap space or draft/prospect capital to get better talent, to then start the season by rolling out a struggling Levi for 4 straight games, sent a clear message that winning was not an urgent matter for Adams and Granato (and Pegula, to be fair). 

    There is no specific individual I want replaced, fired, cut, traded. What I want is for the Sabres to operate like a team that expects to make the playoffs in the coming season. There are around 22 or so NHL teams that operate that way in any given year.  Not all are successful, obviously. We have not operated that way under Adams yet. My opinion is that he is a year overdue and that every year that he puts it off is a year that takes us further away and not closer to the goal. 

    Some of this seems to be more hindsight though.

    Last year’s team could score with the best of them, but couldn’t keep the puck out of its own net. It had just improved by 16 points.

    Is that the context that cries for changing coaches?

    Adams brought in Johnson and Clifton and Greenway to address the goals-against and penalty-killing issues.

    He decided he was better off waiting for someone to emerge from his trio of goalies than bringing in an outsider.

    And he (my opinion) bet that he could bring in Pat Kane to fill the Quinn hole while leaning on Olofsson as his backup plan.

    He did not foresee his 4 top scorers all falling of as dramatically as they did, which - far more than any of the above - killed this year’s team.

    To me, it’s an excuse to say Adams wasn’t trying to make the playoffs this year.

    Semantics maybe, but in my opinion, his failures were failures of execution, not conviction.

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  13. @Flashsabre asked the question in another thread:

    Has Terry had enough and does he want to get serious about fixing this mess?

    Which brought up something I'm really curious about:

    Does Sabrespace think the existing core of the Sabres can still grow into the core of regular playoff team, as Kevyn Adams has clearly preached and managed toward up until this point?

    Has the Adams rebuild had a setback, or has it failed completely?

    • Thanks (+1) 2
  14. 20 minutes ago, Archie Lee said:

    Call the above what you will (committed, urgent, methodical, purposeful). The next time Adams makes such moves with the specific conviction of making the playoffs in the upcoming season, will be his first time. 


    But Adams thought he was making the playoffs this season adding the players he did.

    He's always told us his plan was collecting young talent and nurturing them toward success and promised us it will work.

    By specific conviction, do you mean acquiring clearly better players to push the Peterkas, Quinns, Powers, Byrums and Bensons further down the depth chart, or even moving some of those players to acquire more established ones? Not arguing, just wanting you to expand on what you're actually hoping to see.

  15. 29 minutes ago, Archie Lee said:

    I think you make valid points. 

    While the Wings aren’t out of it yet, if they miss it will be 5 years out of the playoffs under Yzerman. I’m not sure they have enough high end young talent to move into perennial contender status. 

    I also agree that longterm we are better positioned than Wash, Pitt, Phi, NYI and even some of the contenders (Bos, TB). 

    Your last point about coaching and leadership is critical. Keep in mind that teams behind us are coming (or will at least be trying to). NJ will almost certainly add an experienced head coach and will get healthier over the summer. Ottawa sounds like they will hire Evason or Berube as their coach. They will get tougher to play against. Montreal is where we were 2 years ago; I saw a segment on one of the sports networks recently where it was indicated the expectation in Montreal (organizational) is that they are in the playoff race next year.

    There is no sign that the teams ahead of us are about to tank. I can’t help but think that the floundering of the Sabres, Wings and Senators has sent the message that deliberately being bad comes with risk of taking longer than expected to become good. 

    At some point there needs to be some level of organizational urgency to end this drought. Last year at this time I thought we were better than 50/50 to end the drought this season. Right now I would put us at under 10% to make the playoffs next year.  I just can’t find 8 teams in the East that I am confident we will be better than.

    How long until our current players have had enough?  

    I realize that for most of us right now, it’s all about ending the drought.

    From a league-wide perspective, the Sabres are no different than a dozen other playoff bubble teams in the mix for the final few spots.

    Next year a couple teams from that group will be next year’s Vancouver and Nashville and a couple teams above that group will be next year’s New Jersey.

    I don’t think the Canucks jumped because they became urgent, or the Devils fell because they didn’t.

    3 teams are tied for the last wild card spot right now: Detroit had about as “urgent” an off-season as any team. Philly and Washington looked like they were writing the year off to rebuild.

    Identify the holes and fix them as best you can.

  16. Don’t need to tell you guys about the flaws of +/-.

    But within that context it does give you some indication of how successful a player has been in his role and relative to his team.

    On a team that is -7, 20-year-old Nikita Novikov is +19, far and away the best on the Amerks.

    He has 23 points in 62 games.

    No idea what the underlying metrics and eye test is saying, but the numbers look promising.

    Mattias Samuelsson had 12 points in 23 games as a 20-year-old rookie, and was -8 on an inferior Amerks team.

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  17. 6 hours ago, LGR4GM said:

    I only believe in the drafting as long as Ventura and Karmanos are here. It's fairly obvious to me that Forton shouldn't be the main voice in the draft room, too many old man hockey vibe picks from his lot. 

    Is this mostly or entirely about Leinonen?

    Forton has overseen 3 drafts. This kinda feels like you're arbitrarily deciding he got talked into "good" picks and owns the "bad" ones.

    I've always kinda thought Leinonen was a Kevyn Adams call; as in Adams decided he desperately needed to draft a goalie that year and was going to reach off his list to do it if he had to.

    The guy(s) who honed in on Leinonen specifically to be that goalie, I have no idea.

    Well, actually I have no idea about any of this; it's just the impression I got from talk in and around the pick.

    • Like (+1) 3
  18. 47 minutes ago, mjd1001 said:

    I still Power has 2 issues right now in his game:

    -He struggles with confidence.  When the Sabres are playing 'lesser' teams or 'non-superstar players' he doesn't have this. But its like...when you put an elite player on the ice, he gets a little awe-struck. Now I know one might say against elite talent on the ice ANYONE will not do as well simply because the players on the other team are that good. But, its a little beyond that.  I have noticed that with the puck on his stick carrying it out of the zone, he will carry it a bit more, or look to make a better pass most of the time, but when there is a 'superstar' on the other team on the ice, he will get rid of the puck quicker, or make a really quick, short, sometimes clumsy pass. The key is, that is even when he isn't being pressured. He doesn't seem to want the puck as much in those situations.  This is anectdotal, I have no stats to back it up but it seems to happen enough that I notice it.

    -Physically, he seems to struggle more against smaller/faster players. Austin Matthews is great, but not exactly a small nimble speedster. I don't seem to remember him really getting 'turned inside out' by Matthews over and over.  But its the small guys, the quick, darting/water-bug type skaters he doesn't handle much.  He has the size, an the reach where I'm sure he can and will learn to denend them better, but he isn't there yet.

    So again, I dont' have any stats to back this up, but from watching him play, its just the 2 things I think he needs to work on the most...from just observation and my own personal 'eye test'.

    I haven't particularly noticed the "against stars" thing, but I'll watch for it, and it fits.

    Owen Power still across as a baby in terms of his maturity. He comes across as a responsible, polite, kinda nerdy introvert whose mom and dad always loved him, and is quitting his job packing groceries to head off to college.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  19. 3 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    Do you think the Sabres are a really good team?

    No. Do you think what any fan thinks about that matters much in the context of this conversation?

    Do you think him saying “I believe in my teammates and I’m not going to rest until we reach the playoffs” is not representing the team well in the community or the media, or setting a good tone for his teammates?

    I know some of you look at the “youth” thing as an excuse and I buy that in terms of Adams could have and still can get older players.

    But in terms of the locker room, I see it as simple truth: many of these players are talented and  inexperienced and should get better.

    And if I’m leading this group, that’s an integral part of the message I’m sending the Powers and the Peterkas and any other kids Adams sends my way: I believe in you guys; if you keep working and learning, you will have success. And then I hold them accountable for getting better.

    There may be flaws in its execution, or the players receiving it, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the message.


  20. 1 hour ago, Thorny said:

    What did Dahlin say? I heard Tuch parrot it but missed have missed it

    Well there’s this unforgivable comment

    “I want the Buffalo Sabres in the playoffs, and I’m never going to give up, and I think we’re close,” Dahlin said prior to Thursday’s 4-2 win over the Washington Capitals in the home finale at KeyBank Center. “I think we are a really good team. I think we’re the youngest team in the league, so, well, it sucked that we didn’t get in, but we have learned so many things from this year that we have to bring into next year and get better.”

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  21. 16 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Not saying you are doing this but I don’t think the answer is ever “well next year we’ll be healthy.” Which is I think the connotation of the above, in a sense. If we get Jack Quinn back for a full year, rest assured there will be a different guy we say, “if we only had him the whole time.” It’s just how injuries work. We’ll make the playoffs next year if the team is good enough even AFTER the inevitable key injuries. That’s the depth we need. And it requires a more practical approach. 

    We can imagine how good we’d be with Quinn this year, but we have to go through the roster of every other team we are competing with and give them back a player they’ve missed too 

    You have been very pointed about saying “leave no stone unturned”.

    This year is why.

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