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Everything posted by hockeyhound

  1. Scott, Mccormick, Kaleta has been a pretty good line; your right, I can't remember seeing Scott make a really bad play.
  2. Did you see the bench during the Anthem? The whole team was geeked up. They looked ready to play.
  3. They are giving us a penalty :censored: Holy crap, Pittsburgh played the same way around their net and nothing. Vanek was interfered with when he was cross checked right in front of the Ref.
  4. That is freakin ridiculous where is the penalty? I guess they're not calling interference anymore.
  5. Two is on its way; they look like they have a little more jump in their step. Kaleta was skating like the wind during the PK. I love that guys effort; I hope it rubs off on the rest of them.
  6. I like the optimism; Sabres are going to win today. This team is starting to come together, and I don't believe we have seen their best yet. We have witnessed them beat the best team in the east; I believe it when the players say they are mad about how they have been playing, and I would expect them to go on a streak here soon. I wish Weber could be in the line-up more; however, not at the expense of Sekera. :( It's a Vantastic day for Hockey; Let's Go Buffalo! :w00t:
  7. Winning makes a difference; good way to start the weekend. Have a good weekend everyone; Go Sabres!
  8. Great Stat ? Does'nt this make it their 2nd regulation lose of the season?
  9. We are up by two goals; send out the heavy artillery, keep them honest. Boston is going to get nasty.
  10. Oh No; Freakin Thornton, where is Scott? Typical Bruin hockey, when your loosing, Goon it up That puck was long gone.
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