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Everything posted by hockeyhound

  1. At least Foligno was trying to score a goal when he fell into the goalie. I did'nt see Foligno throw any punches at their goalie. What a circus act :doh:
  2. Terry said he promised a Cup soon or something like that. Hit'em Ronny :censored:
  3. I understand you need to give Ronny sometime to turn it around; however, I think it is going to be a day late and dollar short. Blockbuster trade; hit the reset button, maybe it is time to look to the future.
  4. Where are the quick starts and the fast feet? I think the Denver v Dakota game yesterday was more entertaining.
  5. This is hard to watch; it seems like the Buffalo forwards are taking off out of zone, and the D are to slow to react. I hope Ronny can turn this around; they only have a few more games before their playoff hopes start going south.
  6. If Chicago is the standard for good hockey right now, then Buffalo does have some work to do. I watched the first Chicago game this year and I was amazed at how quickly they could manage the puck on the PP. Yesterday, they finished their checks, tape to tape passing, they were all in rhythm, and had a great pace to their game. I was amazed at their awarness of each other on the ice. I liked what Ronny was saying about the team having to pickup the pace in their transition game; however, it looks to me that they are still sluggish getting out of their zone, and they turn back quickly at the first sign of pressure.
  7. They making quicker decisions; good job Buffalo.
  8. Let's Go Buffalo! I cleansed my hockey palate yesterday by watching Chicago and San Jose as a reminder of how good hockey is played. I think bad taste is gone now, and I am ready to see Buffalo turn it around. Let's Go Buffalo! Let's Go Ronny!
  9. Lindy Ruff is getting ready to give his press conference this morning, and I have mixed emotions regarding his departure. It is easy to point the finger when all hell is breaking loose, and the answers are just not there; however, I would like to remember the days when Lindy coached the team during the winning years. I'll never forget listening to the final Dallas game with my family on the way back from a conference; we all were tearful when the game ended the way it did. Today my daughters are much older, and they still remember that day like it was yesterday. We all have experienced some let downs over the years with the Buffalo sports scene; however, today I would like to remember Lindy in those years when we were winning. Lindy was thrown into a coaching situation after the Rigas family crapped all over Buffalo, and I appreciate Lindy for hanging in there. He coached our team under some really crappy circumstances; Lindy is truely a first class competetor in my book. Thanks Lindy for the good years.
  10. Good job in the presser Ronny; I really hope you can turn it around. Let's Go Buffalo!
  11. It will be interesting to see how Ronny calls it in his presser.
  12. I don't think anyone is throwing in the towel; maybe just calling like it is for today. I think the majority people really hope Rolston can make a difference.
  13. How much you want to bet that some report is going to fire back at Rolston, "What the heck are you going to do to fix this mess?"
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