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Everything posted by hockeyhound

  1. Pipe it into the sound system, and crank it up to 10.
  2. What is this prevent defense? Finish a check, holy crap. Freakin skate!!! Man up, put the body on someone :wallbash: Terry are you watching this?
  3. Robyn did not get through to these guys; more of the same.
  4. You are right, that truely was a wasted pick. Who managed that one? Robyn says, lacking execution, intensity, emotion, etc, etc. etc. What are you trying to say?
  5. Good Job Kaleta. Set Things on Fire! No Leopold, really, the hockey gods heard our prayers.
  6. Ott explained why he was in the goalies face during an interview. The Pittsburghs goalie was hitting him in the balls with his stick during the game, and he went over to let him know if he ever tries that again, he would respond. As far as bush league, I guess if that is the way you see it o.k.; however, if some goalie started hackin at my sack, then I would kick his a**. :censored: I think Ott was being a good sport in takin one for the team; however, I do believe he responded correctly. I also believe that the rest of our guys should have at least stepped in and around Ott, and I am not advocating that his teamates should start throwing blows; however, it would have been nice to see some support from the guys. Buffalo could use a little bush league right now; some of the guys still look like scared rabbits. :huh: Have fun with this one. Let's Go Buffalo!
  7. I agrees with you on that point; moreover, it does take a lot longer to develop a D-men, and it seems that we have more defensemen that are struggling, and trying to find the balance right now. I hope they find their game soon; I hope Darcy is right about improving what they have.
  8. I like that about his game. It may take a little bit more time for him to adjust to the NHL; its just a thought. If i'm not mistaken Sulzer has not played in the American system of hockey, and he hasn't been in the league very long; did he have any AHL experience? Your right about the time and place.
  9. Weber looked great, I like Sulzer and Ehrholf; I am not sure I agree with Lindy about sitting guys because you don't want other Defensemen getting cold, I don't know, I am not there. I just think chemistry is hard to come by commodity, and I think if you have it, don't mess with it. You're right, I just hope they get it. I really think they're close to turning it around.
  10. It was a great interview; I love it. That is leadership. Good timing; that will push them even more. If they want to be a Cup contender, then you're going to have to play like a contender.
  11. Miller had a great interview; wow, he was pissed. The fire is building; things are starting look like they're turning around. Let's Go Buffalo!
  12. You're going to lose during the season. How you lose is important; the effort, the fire, the intensity, that was a game I would pay to see. The way Ott finished that game was impressive; fire, intensity, grit, there is hope. Yes, I would have liked to see the Sabre win: however, their performance up and down that roster outside a few faux pas along the way, in my opinion this was their best game of the season.
  13. I hope Ott's end of the game play starts to rub off on the Sabres. Ott reminds me of the days of Barnaby, Razor, Kruse I like the fire; the rest the guys seemed shocked, I hope he takes that into the locker room. Set it on fire Ott, now is the time. Let's Go Buffalo!!!
  14. I love this guy OTT YES that is the way to go out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
  15. Weber really turned it around, and Ott, wow, as advertised. YES! Let's Go Buffalo!
  16. How does the face off end up outside the zone when Glass is the one who pushed Foligno into the net?
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