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Posts posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. He's good, but I want this circus to be over.... Get what you can for him and move along.



    Also that pretty nice save he made last night, I think it was umburger, it was shot right back into him which made the save look better than it was...I'm not a miller hater.... And i don't think enroth is the answer at #1 but I think we need to take a shot and see at least.


    Worst that happens is our GT sucks and we draft better next year..... Win/win





    I think if the last draft didn't turn out so well for us I'd support another season of tanking. I am fully expecting that we are going to have a 2nd very productive draft in a row this Summer. Two great drafts and lets get the show going.


    Another factor for me is Moulson. I don't miss Vanek at all with Moulson on the roster. If we can convince him to stay our #1 LW is locked in. that is a pretty big deal IMO.


    Weave, WTF happened to you?!?!


    I don't even know who I am anymore.


    Let's hope this year's draft is a stellar one.... Everyone is assuming that it will be, and it certainly should land us some serious talent, but this is Buffalo, where even the simplest tasks are wrecked on a yearly basis.


    I agree with you in that Moulson is a pretty good vanek replacement, same number, same style of game, good production, all without the vanek grimace.

  3. Is Miller to Ottawa a too far fetched idea? It makes sense, IMO, that Murray would deal with a team he is familiar with.


    Miller to Ottawa for Zack Smith and their 2015 1st round pick? Too much? Too little?

    That's if miller wants to go to a Canadian team, I think it's been said that he will refuse to go to a Canada in team in the past... Not sure how true it is.


    Also I'm not one of those guys that cares about trading in the division, you get the best return regardless of what team offers



    I do! :P


    As dudacek points out what's the best you can honestly hope for next season? Somehow squeaking into the playoffs and needing the miracle of all miracles to ride that to a cup? I've got no use for middling seasons any longer. Give me an honest shot at the cup or give me suckitude!


    When I hear "give me suckitude" I Don't think about hockey lol...... Mind, meet gutter!



    Not afraid of going into the corners, no matter who he's posting against. Posts big in big threads.


    I've heard talks of 11 having secret parking ramp deals with the KHL, while he is special, he's most certainly a flight risk


    Since you're one of those guys that gets disappointed by hindsight draft possibilities (not a slight, everyone does), the Bills picked Aaron Williams and the next two picks were Dalton and Kapernick. The Bills also picked TJ Graham 5 picks before Russel Wilson because they thought he'd be there in the 3rd.


    Also, Troup and Gronkowski.


    I suppose the draft is a crap shoot, I just never understood some of our picks at the time...CJ wasn't a terrible pick but terrible for being our first round pick that year, and definitely not what we needed..... I guess the problems all came from us not identifying proper positions to fill at the proper times.... I'm still bitter at picking TJ tho, one of the worst picks in the past 5 years.


    I think we have a semblance of what we actually need now, a better direction, just hope the picks are more positive than bust... Kinda like the Kiko pick, that seems to be working out alright for us so far.



    Thanks again guys. I've turned into the Grigorenko of line-setters.....


    That site is the best around in my opinion. You are on a 15 minute delay, but they are tapped right into the casinos. You can click on each hotel and see the movement...and the team records are all there. Decent commentary as well.

    Drane, mind making a ruling for me.... I went all in a while ago, but technically it left me 25 bucks or so, cause I didn't think we could bet partial, next game I went all in on Minnesota I think, since then I haven't played cause I didn't know if I still had that little left... Ur the man, u tell me, this contest is the only thing left meaningful in my life lol

  8. Peyton vs Brady.... Again..... It would be nice to have an elite QB...


    And on the other flip of the coin... Kapernick vs Wilson.... 2 guys that are young and 2 guys I believe the bills passed on a few times (as well as the rest of the league)....





    My bad for not realizing that. Still don't think they buy him out.

    There is really no rational reason for keeping him whatsoever, I think it would send a poor message if we kept him on this team.... Zero goals and not much else brought to the ice with him


    Its the equivalent of me botching surgery for 4 months straight and expecting the hospital and group to recredential me.... Just ain't gonna happen



    Okay I download the free trial version but I have no idea how to activate it....

    On my phone... Go to settings then language and input.... Then you should be able to select Swiftkey as the main source.


    Once in Swiftkey you can switch colors, etc...



    I recommend Swiftkey. Best word prediction you can get on a phone.

    Absolutely, my stock GS3 keypad sucked, SwiftKey has made it so much better and it was only like 3 bucks.... I'd be lost without it considering I've only posted ~50 posts on an actual computer.... The other 2K or so, right from the mobile..... Maybe that's why I haven't gotten into any Internet fights on here lol

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