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Posts posted by Hank

  1. 4 minutes ago, pi2000 said:

    UP-Luu had what was probably his best game as a pro tonite.

    Let's hope he can find some consistency and string together a solid chunk of games.   

    Their playoff hopes depend on it.

    What are you talking about? 6K has been consistent all year. The two starts he lost were against Pittsburgh and Philly the 2nd. If you watched those two games you know The whole team played like dogshit. Hayek himself couldn't have won those games, let alone 6K. He was spectacular tonight and against Colorado and Philly the 1st. Good to very good in the other four. 

  2. 40 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    That is an impossible ask. And you know that. 

    But the point isn’t about players who failed to “fully develop” in junior hockey. The point is that players who are clearly in need of a bigger challenge can’t get it because of a rule that denies them the opportunity. Yes, Savoie is going to spend considerable more time in Rochester next year, where he has shown he already belongs, but his progress as a pro hockey prospect will have been hindered in the meantime because he would be that much farther along is allowed to compete in the A vs men as opposed to teenagers.

    Would Kulich be better off in juniors and more fully developed if he were forced to return to that level at 19 years of age?

    Return? Kulich never played in the CHL. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Taro T said:

    Personally, expect it sends a worse message to start the guy that gives them the least opportunity to get a win in a particular game.  UPL gave them a great opportunity to win this game.  He DOES NOT match up well vs what the Capitals like to do.  Both Comrie and Levi match up better vs that.

    Not saying they can't win w/ UPL between the pipes in DC nor that they'll automatically win running one of the other 2; but they have to go w/ whichever goalie gives them the best chance to win any given game.

    And, honestly expect that they were winning tonight with any of the 3 between the pipes.  You giving Comrie a 3rd consecutive start had he gotten the win tonight?  Levi 2 in a row in UPL's shoes tonight?  If yes, cool, good for you, you're staying consistent to your belief that not rolling a guy that ended a losing streak (that that guy had a part in as well, btw) sets a bad precedent.  If not, why not?  Either way, we don't see eye to eye on this.  And that's fine as well.

    I agree with this. I hate you for making me say that 🤪  


    I don't think this was one of 6K's better games, but he did enough to get the win. I want to see Levi in net next game. 

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Scottysabres said:

    Oh come on Hank.....it was low hanging fruit :😜 

    I get the humor, just not my particular brand. Regardless of my personal feelings toward the team or player, I don't have it in me to crack a smile when I suspect the target of your humor of domestic violence. No offense intended with the emoji, and no judgment toward you.  

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 1 hour ago, LabattBlue said:

    Goaltending is by far the biggest problem today followed closely by team defense(regardless of the root problem being players or coaches). 

    This is somewhere between ignorant and dishonest. 

    • Disagree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Almost assuredly. While I heavily stressed all offseason the importance of a solid 1B to give Levi a chance and provide some level of insurance, I just feel a little dumb for buying into the idea he could be a starter right out of the gate, bucking an incredibly significant statistical trend. But not nearly as dumb as Adams should feel about making that decision while being paid to do so

    I think the goalies have been more good than bad. I think the team as a whole have had too many bad games. Some good ones too, but some really bad games. The games they were really bad, last night, Pittsburgh, Philly the 2nd, I'm not sure there are many goalies that could have stolen points on those nights. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    In seriousness, are we thinking this is something the organization has already changed its mind on? Presumably they believed Savoie was the better prospect considering they selected him much higher, in the same draft 

    You make a fair point. Common sense says the organization thought more highly of Savoie when they drafted him much higher than Kulich in the same draft. Does the organization still feel that way? I have no idea. I personally have always had a serious man crush on Kulich and considered him the better prospect. I may be proven wrong in time, we'll see. Given what he's done in the A as a teenager I think it's hard to argue against it. You may remember my trade proposals for Saros prior to the draft included Savoie, but Kulich was untouchable to me. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 6 hours ago, tom webster said:

    I’ve never felt that Savoie was highly regarded in the organization. They really wanted Kasper and Savoie was the consolation prize. Then after drafting Benson it seemed like they couldn’t talk about him without mentioning that he was the best player on the ice whenever they checked in on Savoie.

    I've never been high on Savoie either, it baffles me whenever I see someone say he's a better prospect than Kulich. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 1 hour ago, JohnC said:

    I agree with your general sentiment that Levi is not going to be a workhorse goalie. At least not yet. However, I believe that Levi is our #1 goalie while the other two goalies will be vying with one another to be the backup. It shouldn't be forgotten that at the end of the season when Levi signed, he did play in the majority of games at the end of the season when we were competing for a playoff spot. 

    It's still early in the season. The goalies on our roster will determine how much they play based on their performances. If one of them standouts, then that goalie will move to the head of the pack. As it stands now, Levi is our #1.

    I disagree. While I believe Levi's floor is higher than 6K's ceiling, he's not there yet. So far this year 6K has been the better goalie. Today, Levi is not our #1, neither is 6K, I believe rotating them right now is the correct thing to do until one of them forces their way into the crease based on their performance. 

    17 minutes ago, SwampD said:

    Am I the only one who doesn’t think the problem with this team so far in the early stages of this season hasn’t been our goalies?

    I feel like everyone is walking to the gallows already. Jeebus.

    No, you're not. 

    • Agree 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Brawndo said:

    Friedman on 32 thoughts mentioned that Hanifin, Zadorov and Chris Tanev are rumored to be available. Tanev would be another EJ type addition, one of the better defensive defenseman in the league and would be a great pick up imo. 

    Carolina is shopping Tony D’Angelo per Friedman as well. 

    Isn't D'Angelo all offense and no defense? If so, I don't think he helps. I'd kick the tires on Carrier. 

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