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Formerly Allan in MD

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Posts posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. Krueger indicated that a primary focus of his is defense.  Works for me.  And he apparently has Bot's ear.  But Risto has to go.  As long as he's been in the league, to state, as he did last season, that it's still difficult to figure out what he should be doing defensively, says it all. 

    Also, we may discover we have decent goaltending once the defense is clearly fixed, which includes forwards helping out.  Being outshot every game tends to wear, no matter who the goalie is. 

    And good defense starts with the forecheck.  We've neglected good, effective forechecking for years. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Zamboni said:

    Nope. You’ve been saying this in multiple threads over the months  and I know you won’t change your mind. But the major reason, the biggest reason, the main reason,  the Sabres weren’t successful is the coaching staff. And Housleys ghastly inability to execute effective in-game adjustments. He was horrific at it. Sure, a team could always always always try to improve their roster, and that falls squarely on JB for not doing it, (especially a good 2C) during most of the season while struggling, but the overall talent on the team was not the major reason the season played out the way it did. With a better coaching staff, I bet the 18-19 roster would have been 15-20 points better.

    Bingo!  We have a winner.  Housley was a disaster.

  3. The law of averages never seems to work for Buffalo sports teams.  But something tells me that with the Pegula's dedication, patience, and money, that equation will be turned around.  It could be a lot worse for this city.  Don't forget we were once saddled with Paul Snyder/John Brown and the Rigas criminals.

  4. 1)  We already made a critical move; got someone who apparently can coach.  His assistants need to be top flight.

    2)  Trade the St. Louis pick for a solid player with some years on his contract.

    3)  Get some much needed grit on this team.

    4)  Resign ERod and McCabe.

    5)  Pray hard that young guys like Nylander and Mits truly develop.

    6)  Come up with an effective power play and forecheck.

    7)  Shake the Buffalo sports curse, please.

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