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Posts posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. On 1/6/2019 at 12:38 PM, GASabresIUFAN said:

    I have been a big supporter of Jbot, but I'm growing inpatient with his cautious approach.  I am not advocating a major overhaul of the roster, although the forward play outside the top 3 may indicate that it is necessary.  Nor am I asking him to leverage our 4 1st rd picks over the next two years to do a TM style trade to sacrifice the long-term for a short-term band aid.

    What am I asking Jbot to do is react to a growing problem in a positive and meaningful way to bolster this team in light of Berglund's departure, Eichel's injury, Girgenson's extended stay on IR, and the continued absence of Wilson.  Basically we are without 4 forwards that could help this team.  All Jbot has done to replace that loss production was to pick up Elie in the pre-season and call up Smith.  Yawn!

    In fact since Beglund's last game, Dec 8, are an OK 6-5-2

    But without Jack, who played only 2 minutes on 12/31, we are 1-2-1 with only 8 goals scored, 4 of which came in the 1 win.  The loss to Boston yesterday, as the Erod lead 1st line was eaten alive be Bergeron and Company, has erased any doubt that this team needs a real shot in the arm.  The only one who can deliver that help is Jbot.

    As I've pointed out in other threads without the D and Jack's line, scoring from our forwards is virtually non-existent.  We simply have no centers, regardless of reasons, who seem to be able to consistently create any offense.  Amazingly the best of the awful group has been Larry, who I and many others wanted to see sent to Siberia after his work last season.  

    If Jbot wants this team to make the playoffs this season, the Boston game ended his excuses for not making a move.  A return from Wilson won't bolster the offense much if at all.  He is just another 3rd/4th player and we have enough of those.  Also Jack's return won't change the underlying fact that he have only one (Jack) productive center.  

    We have 19 games until the Feb 25th trade deadline.  That night we actually play Toronto in Toronto.  That's nearly 25% of the season.  A move right now might just save this season.  Wait until the deadline and the season will likely be lost.

    It's also not like deals can't be completed now.  There have been 6 trades since Xmas, including two trade by Edm to bolster their D.  I'm sorry, you can't tell me that there are no centers available.  If you look at the standings, especially in the East, there is a huge gap between the 9 teams in contention and the 7 teams already looking forward to next year.  Most of the those 7 have a player or two worth acquiring.  Ottawa has Duchene (UFA) and as we saw with Evander Kane, waiting until the deadline doesn't necessarily lead to greater return.  Maybe the Rags would trade Kevin Hayes (UFA)?  I'm sure Marcus Johansson (UFA) is available on the Devils.  Couterier, who is 26, and has 3 years left at only 4.33, is a player I'm willing to give up at 1st for, but I'd settle for taking Laughton (RFA)

    Out West, Stl and Minn seems like the best candidates to find come help.  Staal and Coyle in Minn, maybe Bozak in Stl.  Other then Coyle, Staal (UFA) and Bozak (2 years left at $5 per) should come pretty cheap.


    I am more impatient with Houlsey's approach. He is soft and a wimp. 

    Regardless of our weak coach, we shouldn't have expected playoffs this year. I didn't. Of course it's going to be unfortunate that we're going to be the second team in NHL history to have a 10 game winning streak and not make the playoffs. 

    I'm not going to judge JBotts just yet. But I have lost my patience with Housley and would love to have Q-Ville or Nolan behind the bench. 

  2. I grew up in East Aurora and saw some days in the minus single digits. Last year saw several days here in the positive single digits.  I can't imagine -68 wind chill. Unless you live in Alaska or northern Canada and are prepared for it, that could be deadly. 

  3. You all in the northern midwest, and in Buffalo take care. We have a winter storm warning here, but we're not going to see ANYTHING like you're all gonna get. I've seen highs predicted in many areas that are in negative numbers. I even saw predictions of wind chills as low a -68. 

    What's gonna suck here is we're going to get our snow when it's borderline freezing so everything will be coated in ice.......... again. 

    But highs in the negative digits, and all time record low predicted in so many areas......... take the day off, start a fire and watch some hockey. Even places like Buffalo can't expect people to work in what they're expecting. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, MillerVaive said:

    I agree. However at this point the types of players JBots would have to be looking for are those with term remaining on their contracts, all while looking towards the future. Because by waiting to make a move at the deadline, we've wasted too much time already & we're pretty much already out of a playoff spot. I know thats not what us fans want to hear, but just the other day was that post about how many regulation losses we could have & still make the playoffs. Only way its even feasible is going on a 5 - 7 game winning streak & winning at a 70% clip. All doable in the minds of us Sabres faithful but from JBots perspective he's probably looking at next year.

    But youre right about this offseason for sure. He's had 2 seasons to evaluate the talent or lack there of & has a good cap situation & assets in his pocket. I fully expect him to be making moves come the draft, when the prices for players arent as high as they are now before the deadline. Imo the time for JBots to make a move for this season was a month ago.

    That's a fair point, waiting until the offseason when players can be had for cheaper. It's unfortunate we have to wait until next year to become a playoff team. But, I think it's inevitable. 

  5. 6 hours ago, sweetlou said:



    I have never understood the obsession of holding onto late first rd picks or later round picks when you have the opportunity to obtain a player who has already worked their way up to the NHL?

    If I had to give up a late 1st rd pick and prospect for a player that was already in the league and signed to some term, I would do it in a heart beat.  So many people think of the potential of players and are always afraid there going to miss on that third round pick who becomes a star, but those are far and few between.  If you look at the history of the Sabres drafts, having a lot of picks does not translate into success.  

    I feel JBotts should acquire a young player who is already in the league and just not getting a chance because of the team they are currently on.  

    So for the next four years are you looking to build around picks, prospects, or players??


    I can see holding on to first round picks if you only have one of them, like every team does. You need to build your depth. 

    But, if you're a team like the Sabres who might possibly have three of them this year, use one or two of them to get immediate secondary scoring and still have one or two left to plan for the future. 

    This team in unlikely to make the playoffs this year, but if you can get immediate secondary scoring and make them a playoff team next year, and still have enough draft picks to only make them stronger in a couple of years, do it! 

    The trade deadline and offseason is going to Bots defining moment. This is where we see if he is worth it. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. I'm not going to pretend to think the Sabres were going to make the playoffs this year. But if you're lucky enough to have a 10 game win streak, you'd better have a good enough coach to get you there. 

    He's soft, doesn't stick up for his team and sits back takes it. 

    I'm fed up with him. The Sabres have consistently hired coaches who were labeled as "teachers". The last time we had a coach that had some balls and made the team show up night after night was Ted Nolan. 

    Hire somebody with Balls. Goober didn't have any. Rolston didn't have any. Housley doesn't have any.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Housley has to go. I'm sorry, no support for his team to criticize the officials after this fiasco is unacceptable. 

    I've been criticizing him for being soft ever since he came to Buffalo. He proved it even more tonight. 

    It wouldn't have made a difference in the outcome because refs rarely reverse their calls, but at least have the balls to call them out and show your players you have their side. 

    It used to be when teams had two assistant coaches, now it's closer to four and five. They should be the ones to set up strategy and the head coach is the cheerleader. 

    Where is Ted Nolan?

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 5 hours ago, North Buffalo said:

    Bad bounces... maybe but if Hutts had some puck awareness at least 2 of those don't go in...  Softees imo.  Yeh it was frustrating, looked like he was fighting it... in the first two periods.

    It's all starting to even out. They got to this point with many good bounces. When they were winning games, they were barely doing it. Rarely did they dominate anybody, and now odds are starting to come into play. 

  9. 3 hours ago, dudacek said:

    Okposo 7 years, 42 million

    O’Reilly 7 years, 52.5 million

    Moulson 5 years, 25 million

    Ennis 5 years, 23 million

    Hodgson 6 years, 25.5 million

    Leino 6 years, 27 million 

    Ehrhoff 10 years, 40 million


    Damn, after the decade we’ve been having, I see why @nfreeman is so gun shy about long-term deals.

    We better hope Risto (6 years, 32 million) and Jack (8 years, 80 million) treat us a little better.

    The O'Reilly deal was worth it. The Ennis deal could have been worth it if it weren't for his concussion issues. Hodgson lead the team in points at least once that I know of. And Ehrhoff was fairly young when they signed him so $4mil/year was worth it at the time. 


    Tavares carried Moulson and Okposo on his back. They apparently weren't as talented as most thought. Those were bad deals. 


    Leino......... that was the worst of them all. Skinner has proven himself year after year to be a pure goal scorer and he's still young. Leino was signed to his massive deal because of one good post-season. That was stupid. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    KO wears the A on this team for a reason.  A very good reason.

    Maybe the coaches are asking him to modify his game to be more of a 'power forward' and not to worry as much about scoring goals.

    Fair point. He could just be in a slump and his head issues really aren't a problem. I'd like to see him turn it around and he very might. 

    Only problem I have is he is probably a great leader. Unfortunately a very expensive leader with long term. 

    He ain't going anywhere because nobody will take on that contract. So we're going to have to give him the benefit of the doubt. I haven't looked at the buyout calculator, but it might be much more beneficial if they can wait one more year. Which would give time to find out if he is in a slump or if his career really is done. 


  11. 15 minutes ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    Am I the only one that read this as Ville _ _ _ _ _ and thought what?

    Very good post otherwise.

    Thank you. 

    I think P-Ville would be a great veteran presence despite his declining stats. Ville was brought in to actually make a difference offensively.. 

  12. The Devils just put Cory Schneider on IR, claiming he was injured. To me it's rather suspicious considering he's had 1 win in his last 21 regular season games and he has a $6million cap hit for the next four years. 

    I hate to find loopholes in rules, but if others are doing it why can't we? With Okposo's recent head issues, what's to say they can't put him on IR and free up cap space?

  13. I'm guessing 8.75 mil for 8 years. Considering he's already getting close to 6 million, with Moulson's contract coming of next year, there won't be much of a loss. That's also including P-Ville's close to 6 million. Even if he re-signs, it won't be for close to 6 million. Might be a one or two year deal for 2 million per year. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 18 hours ago, LGR4GM said:

    We tried the "ride it out" plan and dropped like a stone down the rankings. Skinner can score on his own. Split them up. 

    Skinner - Erod/Mitts/Sobotka - Thompson

    Smith - Eichel - Reinhart/Thompson

    Sheary - Leftovers - Okposo

    Zegmus - Larsson - Pommers

    I don't think they dropped down the rankings because of them. I think they got lucky, and very fortunate, to have that win streak. 

    The problem isn't them, it's the lack of secondary scoring. 

    Nice to see Pilut and CJ get their first goal last game, hence the win. They will have secondary scoring soon. But you can't break up what might be the best line in the NHL in hopes of creating more secondary scoring. You just have to wait for the secondary scorers to mature and provide, It will happen. I'm going to hate it when they don't make the playoffs, but this is a serious turnaround from what we've been watching. I expect to be a contender very soon, but at this point I'm just happy to be entertained. Sabres and Panthers are my 1A and 1B teams, what I'm seeing out of the Sabres now is what I saw out of the Panthers the second half of last year. 

    Now, what I'm seeing out of the Panthers is just garbage. But, that's a different story for another day. Probably better for it to be in around the NHL. 

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