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Posts posted by SHAAAUGHT!!!

  1. Reinhart: EVG= even strength goals, PPG= powerplay goals, EVA= even strength assists, PPA= powerplay assists

    2015: 15 Evg, 8 Ppg / 17 Eva, 2 Ppa


    2016: 8 Evg, 9 Ppg / 22 Eva, 8 Ppa


    2017: 13 Evg, 12 Ppg / 16 Eva, 9 Ppa


    The numbers make sense to me.  On the PP you start in your zone, and if they clear the zone the winger usually sits high near the opponents blue line, so a lack of speed doesn't hurt guys like Sam and O'Reilly when the Sabres have the man advantage. 


    That said I thought Sam was doing all the little things right, and let me be specific instead of just making a general cliche. 

    1) He won a lot of puck battles behind the net with his poke check and his combo poke-and-spin off move

    2) He was in front of the net to pickup up the garbage, get deflections, and screen the goalie

    3) His passing was much better in the 2H of the season.


    I think a lot of his improvement came when the entire team finally became comfortable and implemented Housley's system in Jan/Feb.  The defense was quickly moving the puck to the forwards and did a great job of opening up the neutral zone.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Sam start off strong next season.       

  2. :doh: Worst.FanClub.Ever.  


    Good luck attracting a coach that wants to work for a club that will fire you when you struggle to win games with only 5 above average NHL caliber players on the roster.  And my 5 players are Eichel, Risto, Scandella, O'Reilly, Okposo.  Yes the team has a lot of potential, and I think we've seen it during some games against very good teams, but we started the season with one proven LW on the roster and he was traded at the deadline.  This season was over before it started.  


    Housley is first year coach on a very weak team.  The Sabres have been moving the puck out of their zone with purpose since December, something that Blysma or Nolan never accomplished.  Am I the only one that remember how Blysma would have the wingers just standing at the red and blue lines to tip a puck in so they could go chase it?  Not only was it terrible and boring hockey, that doesn't help with player development either.  I'm not ready to pull the plug on Housley yet, and nobody else should be either.  The players are starting to play the system, and the system is showing promise.  Really I think the system is showing more promise that most of the players on this team at this point...

  3. Sure.  There was value in keeping his rights until July 1 (and possibly re-signing him), and there was value in not letting the rest of the league know that you're not able to play poker with the grownups yet.


    I don't see how keeping Kane playing out another losing season would improve our negotiating position before July 1st.  Let Kane play playoffs, let's see if he can stay healthy, and then let's see what happens July 1st.  In your scenario if Jbot doesn't sign him at the end of two months,  he basically gave up a 1st rounder, a prospect, and a 4th rounder for the right to negotiate with a player that has already lived in your city and played on your team for 3 years. 


    Regarding poker with the big boys, I think it would have shown timidness to not make a move here.  I also think that even when you lose a negotiation, you can use that as leverage in another situation ("hey man, I got killed last year, if you don't give me XYZ I can't make that deal").    

  4. What about Okposo being full of piss and vinegar of late? That's not really his M.O.


    I chalk it up to him being a proud man that doesn't like losing, especially when he is counted on to be a difference maker.  And it also might just be a veteran trying to keep the younger and fringe players motivated and competing during yet another losing season. 

    That injury he had was nasty last year. I remember someone who had a similar injury saying that it takes like a couple years for your arm to be back to normal, to have the ability to fine-tune its motions while feeling normal. That's devastating for a guy with stone hands and ~10 goal potential to begin with. You can tell he's lost any semblance of touch with the puck he may have had (snipes against Florida last year, Detroit the year before)


    Yeah, I was shocked that he was back to start the season, and I was equally surprised he wasn't as fast or quick.  I figured he'd be focusing on his feet while rehabbing his arm, but it just might have been too hard to train effectively before camp started and he had to be in game shape.

  5. I don't get all the Larsson haters here.  This guy is a solid bottom sixer that doesn't cost a lot of money and is just hitting his prime years.  He was having a career year (on pace for 15 goals) playing with Gionta and Foligno against the other teams 1st lines when his arm exploded (dislocated wrist and elbow) and required surgery.  15 goals for a 3rd line two-way forward/grinder is gold.  That's more than Foligno or Gaustad ever got us.  Injury clip here.




    That injury was vicious - I thought his career was over and he wouldn't be the same guy.  Because before that hit he was fearless, fast, and solid in both zones.  It took him a while this season but he is almost back to where he was.  Even in that Florida game he is carrying that puck from behind the net to the front of it with 2:30 left in the 3rd period for a solid scoring chance.  And then when one of his teammates is getting slashed and high-sticked, he goes over and blast the guy in the face with a cross check.  That is someone playing for more than just himself.  Again, more than Gaustad ever gave us. 


    Yes, this year he seems a bit slower, and his defensive play has been hit-or-miss, but this guy is putting it back together and could be our Dixon Ward, Matt Barnaby, Vaclav Varada type player.  If you watch the lines he takes without the puck you can tell the guy is coachable and knows his stuff.  I don't think Johan has hit his ceiling yet, and I think he is the kind of player that we need, because this team doesn't have a lot grit, and its going to get even softer when we lose Kane and Gorges.   Plus it's fun to say Johan in the terminator voice.  

  6. "It is the responsibility of each poster not to post in an offensive or obnoxious manner. 



    The real question is the definition of "offensive."  I wasn't as put off by the post in question as Radar was, but I could be in the minority on that.  If enough people find it offensive -- it's offensive and it's the fault of the poster."



    Oh boy here we go...


    Easy solution maybe we should consider: as long as the poster isn't personally attacking someone, if you don't like it, comment that you don't like it (if you want) and move on.  I find it more offensive that someone considers majority rules to gauge right and wrong because, in general, people get really stupid and easy to manipulate when fired up about something.  I've played in a few Xbox online hockey leagues and the personal attack rule allows people to goof on each other playfully, without taking it "over the line."


    Regarding this specific comment, sure it was childish and immature and maybe would have been funny if I was in middle school (or highly intoxicated), but I've seen worse comments about Cody Hodgson and Ville Leino on this board.  There's my two cents that no one asked for.  :P


    Anyhow... can the Sabs make some trades already??!!!  

  7. Lehner is an above average goalie that will hopefully be playing for a different team by the end of the season.  Seems like an ok guy but he isn't worth much more than a 3rd round pick at the deadline.  Ullmark is our goalie of the future, but I'm hoping we trade for an above average goalie in the off-season (whose name doesn't rhyme with Bobbin Gainer) and run a 1a-1b goalie tandem next year to ease him into NHL starter action. 

  8. I'm not going to read the piece but Risto's fancy stats do lead one to ponder. Is there something wrong with the analysis or the player?


    My sentiment exactly, hockey isn't baseball so the moneyball analytics only go so far.  I read the article, and what I took out of the stats is that even though Risto had good individual season, his ceiling is a lot higher on a better team (duh).  I think this article was a fluff piece for diehards by seasoned reporter, or a really good article by an intern.  Either way, it's hockey news in the summertime so I'll take it...

  9. If you want to pay someone like they can carry an organization, they should be able to do it.  Eichel has not done it, or shown that he can do it - yet.  His body of work is small, which skews any statistical analysis when you are trying to apply it over an 8 year term.  Yes Jack is an amazing hockey player and everyone should be excited that he is considering a long term contract with the team, but he still has A LOT to prove.  

  10. Wow.  People are dying to overpay Eichel.  I don't blame any of you though, because you lived through DR and TM, and you've only seen JBot deal for a few months, so your not used to seeing what a good contract looks like. :P  But in all seriousness, I'm really glad JBot is negotiating this deal, because it is already obvious this guy knows how to get contracts done without overpaying.  Here is my unsolicited opinion on the matter:


    Let's start here.  Eichel has done nothing in this league so far except energize a fan base.  He was arguably the best player on a poorly run team with no fire power and a weak defense.  He takes shifts off, makes the "I-can't-believe-my-mommy-took-my-phone-away" face when he gets upset, and did not lead his team to the playoffs. Go on and tell me all about how he was top 11 in points per game, can skate like the wind, etc etc etc, and I will keep pointing to his -29 and the 88-73-23 record he and his team accumulated in his first two years in the NHL.  Connor McDavid he is not.


    Long-term contracts are risky for the team, not the player.  Typically when you go long, dollars go down.   At this point in his career it is less risky for the Sabres to take this chance on Jack because his upside is so high.  Either way, going long should not cost the Sabres anymore $, if anything it gives the team leverage in the negotiations.


    Does Eichel really want to be in Buffalo?  This contract will tell us what we need to know.  

    • A contract at $9.5MM+ is overpaying and will limit JBots ability to put together a good team both short and long term.  Jack and his agent know this and don't care. Welcome to playoff bubble hockey for another 3+ years.
    • A contract at $8-8.5MM shows us that Jack wants to be on winning team and is willing to take a lower salary to give his GM a better chance to make it happen (remember, this guy is going to making over 50% of his income on endorsements and other BS - he doesn't need a big $ contract)
    • A contract at $8.5-9.5 shows us that this was an intense negotiation, and both parties fought to get every inch they could. I consider this fair market value and an acceptable term.

    I'm excited to see what the actual deal looks like when it's done.  

  11. 3 main reasons:


    1) Injury prone

    2) While he can keep the team in the game, he doesn't steal too many games for us.  This makes him an above average goalie, but not elite, and his contract should reflect that.  At $4MM/1year I think that is a great deal for both sides.  Show them you can play 60-65 games a year, stay healthy, and that you are still getting better.  The Sabres get an affordable starting goalie, with potential upside, and he's still an RFA afterwards.  

    3) He is awful in shoot-outs, which can cost a team 8-15 points a year

  12. Not sure if Gorges deserves to be in this category.  He isn't a 18-22 minutes a night guy - although he was used that way this season because of injuries and less than stellar play by others on the backend.  He is 100% the kind of guy this team needs in the locker room and on the ice (finishing checks, making it miserable on forwards in front of his net), but I think he needs to be at 14-18 minutes a game. Of course in order for that to happen GMTM needs to plug a couple holes at D.  Either way Gorges isn't going anywhere this offseason unless he's part of a package deal.


    Also, how does Kulikov not make this list?  I still like Bogo's play more than his (although he had me scratching my head a lot more this season with some of his decisions). 

  13. This is the first time Gionta has been 100% healthy on a non-tank Sabres team.  He is skating faster, harder, and with a chip on his shoulder.  Without a doubt we should sign him to a one-year deal next year for depth and leadership - as long as he remains healthy and no one better is available on the open market. 

  14. Props to Eleven for taking the high road on a very sensitive subject.  I think you handled yourself perfectly in that situation.  


    Not to discount the misperceived sexual harassment angle, but this might have been a situation where a group of people where just looking for a reason to be in a fight that night.  That accidental brush against the woman was the trigger they could use to justify arguing with someone and possibly get into a worldstarhiphop video.  Luckily it happened before anyone had too much to drink so we will never know... :flirt:

  15. Several things played into this and I believe it's a good trade because of them even if Pysyk ends up being a better player.


    1. Move up in the Draft to get your guy.


    2. Swapping a Right Hander for a Left Hander


    3. This about finding someone to play with Risto, not necessarily who the best player is. Kulikov fits better than Pysyk/Gorges/Bogo/McCabe


    4. This leaves the D pairings at Risto/Kulikov, Bogo/McCabe, Gorges/whoever wins this position. That isn't bad.


    5. Kulikov is on an expiring contract. Why is this good? Options. 

    If we do sign Stamkos we might be like Guhle is now ready, we don't need Kulikov, let him go, save the cap.

    Expansion draft we can only cover so many defensemen and we HAVE to protect BOGO because of his NMC. Pysyk was likely lost anyway. Get something for him.


    6. The extra pick means nothing, we have too many picks and not enough contracts. They're sweeteners. 

    I 100% agree on all 6 points.  Pysyk is a good player, and will be a good player for years, but Kulikov is a better fit for this team this year, and gives us options down the road (re-sign, trade deadline bait, let walk for cap space, etc)

  16. Am I the only one that thinks any team signing Stamkos is a huge risk for medical reasons?  He is dealing with blood clots, which is a totally different animal than a bad knee or shoulder surgery.  We just saw McCormicks career end over this in Buffalo and I'm worried Stamkos plays part of the season next year and then is forced into retirement.  I would love to have a pure goal scorer on this team, and would prefer someone proven like Stamkos than Cody Hodgson... I mean Jonathan Drouin.  :P


    Can someone please help me jump on the "Stamkos to the Sabres" bandwagon and answer these two questions?


    1) Is there a history of players that suffered from blood clots coming back and having a long career?

    2) If Stamkos is forced into retirement due to blood clots, what would the Sabres be on the hook for per the CBA?

  17. What I've liked most about Ullmark up to this point is that he saw an opportunity to grasp the starting role (even if it is temporary) and he did it.  He had a shaky first game but looked real solid the next two.  Like others, I agree he still needs time to develop and Rochester is the best place for him when Lehner gets back.  


    We also learned that when Johnson was given the same opportunity he totally blew it. Hopefully this was a wake up call and he can work himself into a reliable back-up role for the rest of the season.  Because if Lehner goes down again, and Ullmark keeps playing this well, it should be an easy decision to keep starting him over Johnson.  


    It will be interesting to see who Disco Dan plays on Thursday after having a few days off.  

  18. evander kane was also very impressive. it didn't really show up on the score sheet but he won pretty much every race into the left corner, and usually came up with control of the puck.


    Evander Kane had a great game and I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it.  He doesn't hesitate to chase down the puck and throw a big hit on the forecheck. And when he does lay the body on, he doesn't take himself out of the play.  Plus he isn't afraid to throw the puck on net if other options aren't there. The Kane-Eichel combo is going to terrorize defenses this year.  

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