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Posts posted by SHAAAUGHT!!!

  1. 5 hours ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    Good take.

    I agree and I think that every fan will say this ... the Sabres are good, but still need to address some issues.  The issues now are minor in comparison to the massive issues over the last several years.

    Still they playing well enough to be, at last check, which was early this morning, in second place in the league.  I don't think anyone can honestly say they expected that and saw it coming.

    Agreed.  All good teams have some off games.  The good news is this was back-to-back road games, 2 games in 2 nights, 1st night was an emotional barn burner that felt like a playoff game against the best team in the league, multiple injuries to key players for 1st time this year - and they still walked away with a point.  

    The biggest concern for me to this point is still secondary scoring from the forwards.  Its nice to see Tage start to heat up, but right now it's still the 1st line and defense that is driving the high level of scoring we are getting to enjoy...

  2. Ok.  I would like to file a complaint that I'm not allowed to curse with asterisks on this message board.  If these kids have actually been to, watched, or listened to hockey games, they have heard the F word multiple times a season.  Sheltering children from censored curses on a sports message board in a time where the lead story on the evening news is payoffs to pornstars, or how powerful men can brag about grabbing women by the genitalia,... well it seems a bit asinine and tone deaf consider the lexicon of today.  IMO

  3. 15 hours ago, SDS said:

    Thanks. The board is pretty good for the most part, but since someone took the time to complain we should do our best to clean it up. 

    I've read through this entire thread and I think this is the main issue people have.  Just because someone complains, doesn't mean action should be taken.  This is a very clean forum as it is, and any request to censor the censored vulgarity does seem excessive.  And if a post was made to inform us of this issue, I personally take it as a warning that someones account can be suspended or deleted for a violation.   Maybe some clarification here will placate the masses?

    **Edited to fix my terrible grammar skills.  Still too much passive voice but it is the internet...

  4. Sobotka has looked just fine for a bottom six player joining a new team.  He is quick and does all the little things you want a veteran play to do.  I was worried he may be a bit discouraged at his role on this team, but it looks like he is grinding it out.  Winning always helps with that too...

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. On 11/9/2018 at 4:16 PM, Thorny said:

    It's interesting that 50% of voters said no to 8.33m. Where's the line for a guy who's an integral part of our offensive output who's still at a relatively young age and helps bring out the best value in our franchise centre?

    If you'd say yes at 7.5 but no at 8.33, $830 000 per year is enough to cut bait on such a valuable asset?

    The Sabres need to pay for Skinner, and by that I mean a contract that risks an overpay. Skinner is good enough, valuable enough, and young/quick enough that even as a depreciating asset in the final years of his deal, the Sabres from now on are in a much better place with him than without. 

    Even if it ends up costing someone like Reinhart. There's more than enough $ to make this happen. My only fear is that Skinner is adamant on testing the open market. 

    I didn't choose 6 years/50MM because I don't think he signs a 6 year contract.  8.3MM at 7 years would get it done, but I'm not sure Jbotts offers him that contract.

    I also don't know if Skinner will really be adamant about testing the open market - if he gets fair value now.  The big question will be how many teams are this competitive and show this much promise, while still having enough cap space to fit him...

  6. 1 hour ago, Randall Flagg said:

    I'd give him Kane's deal. I hope he'd take Kane's deal. I'm not sure he'd take Kane's deal. I'm not sure how much higher in cap hit I'd go than that yet.

    7x7 would be a good deal for both parties, but I wouldn’t blink an eye if they added an 8th year or another 500-750k a season.  Skinner is a gamer and the type of player everyone wants on their team.  If he signs, it gives Skinner one of the elite playmakers in the game feeding him the puck through the prime of his career, and Eichel and consistent 30-40goal winger for the next 5-8 years.  Yes please.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. On 11/4/2018 at 5:58 PM, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Why would the Sabres brass have made any NHL guarantees to a prospect under contract who they acquired in trade?  

    I don’t understand that arguement. 

    Another possible reason he hasn’t been sent down is chemistry in Rochester. Since they don’t plan to bring anyone up, they aren’t sending anyone down.

    Along similar lines, I don't think they want to pull a guy that is playing great down in the A out of that situation so he could play 12 minutes once or twice a week with the big club.  Its still very early in the season.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Does TT really have good hands?  I like his shot and his skating is better than I was expecting, but his hands have not been good.  Several times he's lost the puck while trying to deke and has made some bad turnovers.  At this point I'm still chalking it up to nerves, but if he doesn't settle things down he might end up in Rochester before New Year's.

  9. The only people on notice are those insinuating RJ should be pushed out.  I don't care if he is calling games from his living room, makes up half the players names and mispronounces the other half.  Hearing Rick's play-by-play was literally the best part of most Sabre's games last season.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, dudacek said:

    I think you supplied the best answer to your question.

    It won’t happen until Eichel has a season like MacKinnon just had - 90 points, and leads his team to the playoffs.

    Until then, we’re talking about his potential.


    And this could be the year we finally see his potential.  No more skating with Girgs and Pommers.  He'll have his BFF on the right side, and a natural goal scorer on a contract year on his left. 

  11. 14 hours ago, Thorny said:

    Do you think it's more likely the Sabres do or do not extend Skinner?

    Depends what type of deal he's looking for.  If he is ok with a front loaded 3-4 year deal, I think it happens. 

    Botterill's moves since the trade deadline have not only made the team better on the ice, but he has given himself a lot of cap flexibility in the out years.  I don't think he is looking to give up that flexibilty on a longer-term Skinner contract.  It also may depend on what Sams contract is going to look like. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 1 hour ago, LGR4GM said:

    And it sure as hell isn't Berglund's spot either. I would argue it is Reinhart's unless they move him to center. 

    I think Reinhart starts next to Jack too, unless Middlestadt looks terrible in pre-season action and they have to move Sam to 2C.  I find this an unlikely scenario.

    I'm most curious about how E-Rod and T2 perform in camp.  They both can play their off-wing, which helps us on the left side, but they bring two different skill sets.  For me this is the biggest competition to watch because I expect the winner will play on Middlestadt's left side on the 2nd line.  

  13. pi2000



    I think you are supposed to pick a password that people won't guess...

    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. You: "Lehner has a career save percentage of .915. He's not nearly as bad as you all want him to be. He finished in the top 10 in 2016-17. "


    WC: "I mean clearly he is, because Ottawa got rid of him, and we just let him walk."


    Me: "Nobody would even trade for him.  

    I said this on the previous page, please debunk with more than career save percentage: 

    "Lehner's numbers tanked despite team shots, chances, high danger chances all going down from the previous year, some by a significant amount (we were top 6 in the league in shot attempts against this season and in the top half in scoring chances allowed). Lehner talks about conspiracy theories instead of understanding that he needs to be better. Lehner consistently loses focus and allows inopportune goals at the most critical moments. He's dreadful and the team is right to move on." "


    "You guys take this ###### way too seriously.


    I feel bad for you, with Lehner gone, you're going to have to find another whipping boy to gang up on."


    This happened, in this order. Am I missing something?

    The first two responses are not personal and deal solely with the claim being made and not with the poster.

    You followed with the bold.

     That is what I call check and mate.  LOL

  15. Well this might change the trade landscape a bit.  It's very weird story to say the least, especially since Hoffman "150%" denies it, but it seems Karlsson and his wife don't believe him.  Someone is going to have to be moved before camp opens. 


    Mike Hoffman's Fiancee Accused of Online Harassment of Erik Karlsson's Wife


  16. Someone should let Big G know that maybe his taxes are so high because the local government has to spend time and resources dealing with all the half-witted well-to-dos coming to them to fix basic home ownership problems.   


    You couldn't pay me enough to deal with this crap. 

  17. Actually when Paul Hamilton did the play-by-play for some Sabres prospect tournament games he was really good, and would be a better replacement then Dunleavy.


    Hamilton did pretty well too, but Dunleavy tries to bring more flair to the role and I like that. 


    At the end of the day, at least we know it isn't going to be Kevin Sylvester.   :D

  18. You mean smaller ice surface


    lol, yeah I did.  These European d-men are used to a lot more room in the offensive zone so I see them pinching quite a bit.  Those opportunities don't present themselves as much on NA ice surfaces, and when they do the player wont have as much time as they are used to.  

  19. RJ is a god among men, and Dunleavy has the misfortune of following up one of the greats.  He's better than anyone else that has filled in for Rick and he will find his rhythm.  At this point DD is still better than 50% of the other play-by-play guys in the league.   


    I'm still lamenting the loss of Jim Lorentz.  Nobody broke down plays like him during the course of a game (Roby did have his moments during intermissions).  Harry Neale was a shell of him former self while doing games for the Sabres and Rob Ray sounds like he has marbles in his mouth whenever he speaks.  Razor gets a pass though because he gave his body to the team and his life to the area, and I do appreciate his sense of humor and his willingness to share his opinion on and experiences with players and coaches. 


    It will be a cold, sad day in Buffalo when RJ fully retires and we never hear him yell SHAAAAAAAAAAUGHT!!! again during a game... 

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