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Posts posted by oddoublee

  1. 20 minutes ago, Drag0nDan said:

    Is Elias Lindholm an option?  

    I believe he is, and I suspect the Sabres are going to call his agent. Most people are ignoring him based on the idea that we are 'set' at 1C and 2C. I don't think we are. Elias would be the team's theoretical #1 Center, allowing Tage and Cozens to avoid tough matchups against teams with extremely elite first lines (Toronto, Edmonton, etc...). 

    Elias along with a player like Domi changes the look of lines 1 through 3 dramatically. However, assuming they don't buyout Skinner (they won't), they are going to have to go cheap at backup Goalie and Forward 13 and 14 - and roster Ryan Johnson as their 7th D instead of allowing him more time in Rochester. May also mean people will have to get used to the idea of Girgs and Robinson coming back on 3 million combined as part a 4th line with Krebs. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Flashsabre said:



    Thanks for posting this - I looked at last years - and they do not do a bad job projecting contracts out. Very cool. 

    Imagine a Lindholm and Domi signing at those prices on this team. Ruff would have 3 lines with lots of C/W flexibility. While I am not a huge UFA guy...this team may need it to get over the hump. 

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  3. On 5/18/2024 at 1:55 PM, dudacek said:

    Here’s someone who fits my “this year’s 2021 Reinhart” model.

    Marty Necas is a 25-year-old 5-year veteran RFA who wants more than Carolina is willing to pay him.

    Friedman says he’s expected to hit the market. Wants term and the Canes won’t do it.

    6’2” skilled, and fast. Former 12-overall pick in 2017 who broke out with 71 points 2 years ago after 3 years of 40ish. Dropped to 53 last year.

    Not particularly physical or a shutdown guy, but his puck possession numbers are strong.

    Plays RW but is naturally a centre and reportedly wants to play centre.

    This is the the type of guy you could get for the Reinhart price of roughly 2 picks in the second half of the 1st, or equivalent prospects.

    He shouldn’t cost more than Cozens on term and you’ve got him for at least 2 years for 5 or 6 if not.

    He’s basically your Mitts replacement to a “T”.

    Which is ironic because reports say he was going to be the Sabres pick at 8 in his draft year before newcomer Botterill overruled the holdover staff and took Casey.

    I looked at his face off numbers, and I believe he will fit in perfectly with this group!

  4. 1 hour ago, kas23 said:

    So, besides the obvious (Skinner), is there any other dead wood we can shed? Too many players making inflated salaries with not enough results. I look down this roster and ask myself, we’re having imminent cap problems?

    No one will like my answer, but Muel is dead weight. Doesn't play enough. Analytics are poor. 'his' win loss record is good...but that has to be taken with a grain of salt based on his role. That is 4 million I personally would love to shed

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  5. They should swing and miss/hit for Elias Lindholm. He creates so much position flexibility. Top 6 six center - allowing Cozens to slide into a 3C or top 6W. He can play your tough assignments against teams top scoring lines. While also giving you some production offensively. He is no Chris Drury - but he could be our theoretical Chris Drury. If we could get this guy to bite on a 5 x 8.5 contract...it would be gold for this team. That said - it may cost the Sabres 9+ to get him.....but...he changes the dynamic of this team. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    I wonder if the Seattle firing got the Canes upper management worrying. 

    i think it is all just posturing by both sides. gain a half mill here...lose a quarter mill there...I never thought he was really leaving. And both sides have a right to play hardball up until the last minute. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Doohickie said:

    Around these parts we call him Mule or Muel (the spelling pulled out of his last name).

    Let's see how they play after a training camp under Ruff.

    And it isn't necessarily rough/tough that the team needs.  It's simply dogging the puck.  You know, the thing that Benson does really well; Quinn too, when he puts his mind to it.  I think they have the size and speed to do that... they just need to do it.

    Regardless of what Lindy's plans are, I hope he gives each player some direction on what he wants to see in their game at the end of the summer.  (more motor, more strength, etc.)

    you will get moose and like it!

    • Haha (+1) 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Doohickie said:
    1. Pressure the puck when the other team has it or when it's loose.
    2. Play sound positional defense.
    3. Counterstrike when the opportunity arises.
    4. Crash the freakin' net.

    I think Granato's system didn't do step 1 nearly enough, but when they did they looked very good.

    You mean Samuelsson?


  9. 6 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Nah, I'm still hoping Ruff can turn Cozens into a solid NHLer. Cozens needs to get taken back to the compete level he had when he arrived. The workhorse has to get working and add some muscle. I think he can be fixed and if we add a good 2 way 2C I can see him thrive much like Coyle did in Boston on the third line behind Bergeron and Krejci. When that 2C (like Lindholm) ages out Cozens will maybe actually be ready to ascend. 

    If you have a better idea on a 2C (one who might be obtainable) by all means name him. I just think you have to seize the opportunity if it presents itself. 

    The reality is I doubt Lindholm would want to sign with Buffalo anyway, so it's moot, but one has to dream at this point. 

    Lindholm is the ideal 2C this team could use. Strong 2 way player. Faceoffs in d zone. Scoring touch? 30 years old...all I hear is that means you can get 3 solid years out of him at minimum.

    Only downside is, he will probably cost 8 million...9.5 for sabres...we probably can't afford him without moving moose and skinner

    • Agree 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Thorny said:

    There’s honestly several areas of need, but imo by far the 2 we need to see go right are:

    - a legit 3C. Not a 3C/4C tweeter but a legitimate C more in the mould of “middle 6”, if anything. Our top 2 guys are well slotted imo but not so secure in their relative status league wide in those positions to make upgrading the third guy anything other than mandatory. We need to upgrade at C merely so as to keep the output at that position safely “acceptable”, at a break even point of sorts where our strengths in other areas (D?) can hopefully be an x-factor. Without a 3C add, any roster areas where we have advantages relative to other teams probably just go towards digging out of a hole. We’d be an incomplete team without it: the Mittelstadt trade was clearly half of a re-shape 

    -2nd thing isn’t an add, it’s a lack of one: keep rookies scarce or non-existent. Equally important.

    - - - 

    I’m not saying addressing these two things means we are all set, there’s more we need to do, just that I think missing on either of these likely represents an auto L. In truth there’s also another layer of additions to mould further from playoff contender to cup contender but WAY too much cart before horse to even go there yet. There’s are few more things we need for this year besides the two I mentioned, but i’m certainly not saying they need to think about that “next layer” yet. 

    I would love C to be looked at as well - mainly because we just got rid of a very useful one in Mitts. Anyways...

    I am curious what people think of Elias Lindholm as an option for this team. Playing out west, I don't have eyes on him. 

    From a reputation standpoint - he is a two way center with some offensive skill - but looks like statistically he is on a down year - but his shooting percentage is way down below normal. 

    Is this the type of Center the team needs?

  11. 10 minutes ago, ... said:

    Couldn't watch the Ranger's game but I fully expected the score. Anyone see it? Was it as lopsided as it should have been?

    I watched at a hotel bar...I respect how Washington scrapped their way in to the playoffs.... But they were and are outmatched

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  12. 17 minutes ago, Flashsabre said:

    Amazing that almost half the teams in the league have switched coaches in the last year

    in another post (i do not remember which one) - i posted a recent article on nhl HC shelf life - if i remember correctly - it is under 3 years. It is not a position you want if long term comfort is your number one priority. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 12 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    For baseless rumour (h/t Smell) mongering, it got the big hitters in the media to run it down. That tells me there's smoke but maybe not yet fire. No way Wawrow et al were going to ignore the Internet chatter.

    Then the news that there has been an NHL approved party interested in buying the team. Think that happens by accident? Approval implies due diligence by the league re: the interested party. Seems like a big deal.

    Does the league want TP to sell? Is he not selling out of spite? Was the offer merely too low?

    So while this wasn't the pants anaconda I was hoping for, my garter snake is still at half staff as I write this.

    If Thorny likes this post, all bets are off.

    There is smoke. Stories like this do not come out without reason. Unless someone shows me that owners get approached by approved buyers all the time - well then ok, I will dismiss it. But the fact the league even thought TP was approachable is so very telling based on my limited understanding on how these things work for major sports teams. 

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  14. 6 minutes ago, WhenWillItEnd66 said:

    I am actually surprised we have not heard any rumors on any names. As of now i think we are the only open spot....

    Agreed - you would think they would be jumping out of the gate before other openings come up. Not saying they are not trying...

    Is it possible Terry is still not decided on KA and is holding off through the weekend before allowing KA to execute his plan? IDK...just a thought...

  15. 13 hours ago, Flashsabre said:

    Right now the Sabres, Devils and Sens are looking for a head coach. That number will increase. If the Leafs lose first round there is no way Keefe can be kept on. A couple more teams will probably look for a shakeup if their are surprising first round losses.

    yeah - we shouldnt underestimate the competition we are going to have for the guys we are all talking - berube, gallant, etc... While I don't think most potential candidates will completely thumb their nose at us - it is reasonable to think we are not the number one option for candidates once the season shakes out..

    • Agree 2
  16. 1 hour ago, mjd1001 said:

    Maybe someone who is really REALLY into analytics can analyze Cozens a bit more, but to me everything I see comes down to last year him having a higher shooting percentage, this year it reverted to mean (his career average)

    His ice time, his shots per game....similar.  When you look at the NHL edge metrics over the last 3 years...His top skating speed, speed bursts and average skating distance are his strengths and the pretty much the same each year. His offensive zone time is below average and the same each year. Even where he TAKES his shots from is the same each year (compared to the rest of the league he REALLY likes shooting between the faceoff dots and over to the right boards 10-15 feet out),  One of the biggest differences in their metrics is shooting percentage. THAT is the one thing that is different.

    My worry, and my continued worry with him is he really IS playing the same game he always has. This year. Last year, The year before. There is really only one thing that was different than stands out...his shooting percentage JUST last year. 

    When he has ONE very good year, but that one year he has a shooting percentage of almost 15.....while his rookie year was about 7, his 2nd year about 8, this year 9...its hard for me to not think that maybe the 6-9% range is the type of player he really is...and he is a guy that consistently looks to get 200 shots a year for his ice time....200 shots times even 9% gives you 18 goals.

    He is still young.  He can get better in other areas of his game. But every year (including this year and last year) he looks to be a 200 shot guy, EVERY year he takes shots from the same spots on the ice.  Unless he goes back to that nearly 15% shooting percentage, hes not going to be a consistent 30 goal guy for you.

    The only SMALL thing supporting the concussion idea is his shooting percentage was 14.3% (in a small sample size), continuing last years trend, leading up to his concussion.  It was after the concussion that it went down to 8.4% for the rest of the year.

    Good write up. He could very well be a 15-20 goal a year player. If that's your 3rd line, or d zone center; gravy. 

    I root for him. But everything I have sse to date tells me he is best served as a top 9 who can slide into the top 6 when required.

    Not a bad thing. Can make a great career out of that.

  17. 6 minutes ago, CallawaySabres said:

    I don't HATE that idea but I just don't know if I want Ruff back her at at all, even though I loved his time here.

    This is where I am at. There are worst options than Ruff - and it is not a loss if we end up with him. But there is a part of me that would hate to see him come in - and the team starts terrible and he gets let go, tarnishing is legacy with the team. I suspect competitive winners do not think like that - and it is more of a 'fan' concern. none the less...it goes through my mind. 

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