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korab rules

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Posts posted by korab rules

  1. You don't want that man. She'll show up on your doorstep someday wantin you to get her preggo so her life has meaning again.

    You don't have to friend them, you can just lurk - they are the ones starving for attention who leave their security settings wide open!

  2. People that don't know how to help themselves.


    My girlfriend and our mutual friends have this friend...She's in her mid-twenties. She has a four year old daughter. She lives in a cramped apartment downtown. She doesn't have a car. She always wants people to drive her places. Complains that she can't afford food. Doesn't understand why she's not allowed to have custody of her kid.


    But has plenty of time and money to go out drinking with friends, get new tattoos, and post little artifacts of it all over Facebook.


    How dense do you have to be?

    Link to her page?

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. Cask strength Scotch is a cure for the common cold.


    Been fighting one all week. Hit the bottle last night (for medicinal purposes only, of course), 3 or 4 oz all told, and today everything is cleared up and I feel like a million bucks!


    F'n Fantastic!

  4. That's my point - you don't know this, unless you have some super stable job that will never go away. You could find yourself in a number of situations where a bank may decline that loan. Paying off principle is literally stuffing money into your walls and giving someone else the key.


    You could cut your rate and invest the savings, while keeping your monthly outlay the same. At least you get to control of your money.


    I am self employed in a pretty stable field. How did your investments do last year? The last quarter brought me up to near flat for the year, which is better than most.


    I'm lucky enough to be in a position where it's not an either/or scenario.

  5. The bottom line for most average people is that having money locked up in your house is not the best course to take. When you need it most, like losing your job, you can't get it out because no one will loan you the money with no means of repayment.


    3.75% is cheap, cheap money. Not sure why anyone would be in a hurry to repay that. Liquidity has a ton of upside.


    BTW, we are looking to go from 4 3/4 to 3 7/8 ourselves. I'd rather save the $280 bones per month than give to the bank.

    I am at 5% now 3 years into a 30 on the big house, and looking to cut my term. Going to 3.75 over 20 is a negligible increase in the payment - about 5%. The 15 year at 3.125 results in a good bump up on the payment, but also builds a ton of equity in a hurry that will be available for college tuition if necessary. We don't have wild fluctuations in the housing market like the rest of the world, so I'm not banking on appreciation.

  6. Welcome to the last two months of my life, but with me it's our three year old daughter who wakes up 10 times a night and runs into our bed crying about the "monsters" in her room. After the first two weeks of my wife and I taking turns returning her to her bed all night long we have given up and she is sleeping in our bed most of the night while kicking me in the face all night long. Needless to say certain other activities are completely out of the question with the potential of a three year old crashing the party. It's like we have a new born all over again. :censored:


    That probably wasn't the greatest decision. Then again, not my kid so easy for me to say.


    Mortgage rates are at historic lows, even for these times. 15 years are at 3.125. Decisions, decisions - suck up a 25% increase in mortgage payment and shave 12 years or do something different. 20 years are the sweet spot, but they are at 3.75, the same as a 30 year. If only the 20 year would drop to 3.5 - it would make my decision a lot easier.

  7. Lengua (cow tongue) and carne asasda tacos from the taco truck parked down the road from my office. On fresh warm corn tortillas, with cilantro and spicy salsa verde. Fantastic.




    It most definitely is not. If he ever came near my man cave with tofu jerky he would be barred for life.

    I would give this post a +2 if I could, but alas, it won't let me. Both portions are worthy, and my wegmans sushi is now woefully insufficient.

  8. 8 oz. of skim milk w/ the salad might do the trick, too.

    So would 8 oz of steak.


    I don't know. You called d4rk out for his "tickled my fancy" line and now you're talking about tofu jerkey. This seems a bit questionable to me. We might have to put this one up to the judges.

    No self respecting man would shop in a store that sells tofu jerkey, and he certainly wouldn't buy it.



    Whoops! I just looked back and that was Korab and JoDo. lol my bad.

    ???bourbon is sweet?

    I do shy away from sweet drinks, but bourbon, at least the unflavored ones, are not on that list.

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