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Posts posted by Norcal

  1. This is completely made up.

    I just "binged" credibility of hockeybuzz.com and umm well the results were interesting. My goal is not to make up ridiculous stuff but I guess as a long suffering fan I WANNA believe even the most ridiculous information if it will improve the team sooner rather than later. My bad folks.

  2. On behalf of the humanity, I apologize for what is about to happen.

    I hear you but I never claimed to be an expert, I am a fan of the Buffalo Sabres and like I said I found this interesting so I thought I would share. I also said IF Tim Murray could pull this off it would be impressive. At the end of the day nobody really knows what TM will do until he gets it done.

  3. According to Eklund from HockeyBuzz...Chasing this one down, but at least two teams I have talked to in the last 36 hours have told me they have heard the Sabres, who currently have set themselves up nicely in the next two drafts, are letting it be quietly known they would consider two "top line" prospects + for the top overall pick in the upcoming NHL draft should that be the pick they obtain...I also read a similar version saying current NHL top six and near ready prospect as mentioned above. Not sure what the credibility of a site like this is but found it interesting so I thought I would share it.


  4. Murray is said to be looking to trade our 1st round pick this year for an established top six and an almost ready nhl prospect. That would significantly speed up the hunt for top six talent I'd say. Now the who's what's and how's I have no idea but if Murray were to actually pull that off it would be impressive.

  5. I think Darcy said there would be suffering because he knew he was going to have to break up the current core that had valiently fought to a 7-12th place finish and early playoff exit for several years running and he couldn't continue to add one or two players through trades and free agency to that core and getting the same results since it just wasn't accomplishing the ultimate goal which is to win a cup. He started to stockpile picks and by many accounts throughout the league left the cupboards stocked with high end nhl prospects who need time to develop while making plans to trade away home grown talent who became fan favorites through all the years of futility. Players like Miller and Vanek eventually had to go because they would not commit to signing and had taken that stance for several years. No matter what Darcy was in a no win situation and changes needed to be made but in no way do I think the Sabres as an organization set out to tank for a generational pick such as McDavid or anybody else. The Sabres are also not the only team to trade away core players and rebuild through the draft, they had just become so adept at building a 7-12th place team that it became the status quo and led to many fans having unreasonable expectations that couldn't be met by the current core. Personally I think Tim Murray will build a winner with what he has to work with and his knowledge of the league unlike any team we as fans have ever had the chance to root for. Any talk of purposely tanking next year is just a buncha crap and I don't believe it for a minute. Lets Go Buffalo!!!

  6. Watching the game on DVR...subban is a punk...looks like Sabres got the short end on penalty calls once again...why does this team refuse to stick up for each other?...deslauriers continues to impress...leino is still useless...both goals were tough luck, bad bounces although the Canadien do crash the net...conacher has balls!...Ellis played hard his first few games and hasn't done much since...someone shoulda beat up Gallagher...subban is a punk


    There were way way too many Canadien fans there


    McBain is an idiot, I hope he's gone next year


    Nice debut for lieuwen

  7. Apparently Armia got slashed and is missing the game tonight. That's twice this year he's been slashed, he just came back from a broken wrist or hand. I'm frickin pissed!!! In the preseason game he was lookin really good and recently he's been playing well again. Hope it's not another long term injury, sad.

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