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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. Graduate School.




    I hear ya on this one. It is mostly awesome. But sometimes the worst.


    Trust the rest of us when we say, keep playing that school game for as long as you can.


    I generally agree, but I worked then came back for grad school, and now it's just not a good situation. I'm probably going to leave with the Masters in August, but I feel like I'll probably want to come back for PhD again after a couple years. We shall see.


    These are some of the things I'm pissed off that I'll miss because I'm going on vacation.


    Vacation! This better be a good one.


    Who has spring break in the middle of February? You must be on trimesters. That s**it's whack.

  2. Applying for my bosses job. This comes on the heals of my department VP essentially being castrated, the job is daunting, probably near impossible. I just felt thes opportunities don't com knocking very often, running my own department, having near autonomous control. I'm nervous as ######, not about getting it but what will happen if/when I do get it. Should find out in a couple of weeks.


    Nor much of a complaint, just no where else to put it.


    Are you a robot?

  3. Doing nothing but reading procedural stuff during this entire first week on my new job sucks. I want to do some real work. That makes the day go by much faster than reading about when I have to submit form X instead of form Z.


    How about the sexual assault training? I was required to do 12 hours of it at one previous job. :rolleyes:

  4. Check out Victory Brewing's stuff too if you get a chance. Really good.


    I second this. The Victory Whirlwind is an amazing summer beer, reminds me of lazy college summer nights :)


    I finally remembered to stop through PA on the way back from WNY after the holidays, got a case of the Hop Devil IPA :thumbsup:

  5. I've got one. I left my eyeglasses behind during my holiday travels, so until they come to me in the mail, I need to wear my contacts at all times I am awake. Just in time for late night west coast games, too! :censored: Oh well.

  6. Complaint: I hate when dog people act like ######. What has a cat ever done to you?


    As for the cats, hit up petfinder.com. They have a listing of pet welfare groups and you might be able to find a no-kill shelter if you're squeamish about the SPCA.


    Did I ever tell you guys about my business plan? It would be based on The Hunger Site, which you can go to daily and click, and with each click it provides 1.1 cups of food to the hungry. The sponsors/advertisements on the site provide the funding, of course.


    Anyway, my site would have a place you can click, and each time you click, it would kill a cat and feed it to a hungry dog. It solves the stray cat problem as well as the hungry dog problem. Think it'd work?


    And yes, I realize I probably sound like a jackass. PA, your cat trap efforts are very entertaining, by the way.

  7. So the last few days I have been at TBD getting a feeling for the upcoming draft. I make a post about the Brandon Marshall trade to Miami. So how long would it take before someone replies to my post bashing me for being a fan of a woman beater, which I clearly never said. A whole 4 or 5 posts later. Unbelievable, it's like clock work over there. Can someone please tell me why it is so freaking hard to post over there without any drama. There is so much more maturity over here at SS, and when there is an issue we can usually get it straightened out like adults. WTF!!!!


    Haha I gave up posting on there awhile back....only rarely do I make a post these days. Just not worth it - I just use the site for news updates and whatnot. Meanwhile, I hear LabattBlue has been stuck at 10,000 posts for some time now!

  8. Bombs away! :)


    Don't mind if I do! I haven't watched more than 10 minutes of any Sabres game in several weeks due to this exam I'm taking Friday. My brain is frickin fried and I'm ridiculously out of shape. With playoffs around the corner and some nice spring weather, all shall soon be well.

  9. My co-worker and I frequently eat cereal at work if we miss breakfast at home, so we started alternating buying milk. For 3 days, he has said that he would bring milk in, since it is his turn.


    For 3 days, I haven't eaten breakfast at home for this very reason.


    For 3 days, I have now starved until lunch...


    OOooohhhh what kind of Cereal?

  10. give me back that fillet of fish....give me that fish.....


    give me back that fillet of fish...give me that fish...


    What if it were you hanging up on this wall...


    What if it was in that sandwich, you wouldn't be laughing at all!!




    Thanks for the link!!!!



    So I recently discovered http://www.grooveshark.com .... not sure how long it's been around - check it out: search for songs, create playlists, upload your own songs, create personalized radio station, etc. It's like iTunes, online, but you can add any song you want. Pretty neat, I thought I'd share.


    And in my head right now? April in Paris, a Count Basie classic ;)


    Go Sabres....

  11. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    You da man, d4rk :thumbsup:

  12. wish i had time for a side job, but i travel a lot. i'm down in charlotte, nc.


    things will be easier when the wife can work, but for now she can't due to some health problems left over from her pregnancy (baby was born last november). boss is still a dick though. and a frenchman.


    Fuuck France

  13. I missed my vehicle passing 100,000 miles. I feel your pain... :cry:


    I have a fun story about 100,000.


    Feb. '08. My buddy, a pompous jackass Pats* fan, is hosting a Superbowl party for his then 18-0 team. At the time he was 20, so I had to get booze for his party, and he requested a nice big bottle of champagne.


    Upon arrival, I realize that my car was at 99,994 miles. We exchange boozes and monies, and he's acting all confident that there's no way his Patsies* can lose. So eventually he tells me: Fine, I'll GIVE you this bottle of champagne if they lose.


    So at halftime he brings out like a nice bucket of ice with the champagne, cigar in hand, etc., and he and his cohort of Pats* faithful are huddled in the corner all serious and whatnot. By the way, this is in Pittsburgh, so there were maybe 40 rooting for the Giants, and 5 or so in silence rooting for the Pats*.


    I'm sure you could predict the rest of the story. We acquire the champagne, cruise around the city for the final 6 miles, pulling up to our place just as the ticker shows the five zeroes. Victory was ours!! The Merc won the Superbowl!!!

  14. I guess it depends on whether or not it's one of those people who thinks that you have to yell into a cell phone if you want to be heard.


    Wings, sorry about your dog. You're "lucky" to have another one at home. That should definitely make things a bit easier on you. I'm going to have to disagree with DeLuca on this one though. Like I said last week, the dog is as much a part of the family and immediately replacing it seems a bit cold (for a lack of better terms) to me.




    My family had to put down our first dog, of 15 years. Like you, I at that time thought it was absolutely awful to try to replace her right away. Nevertheless, we got a new little guy the very next week and it ended up being the best thing to do to get over the previous dog! Just my two cents.. I know your situation is a bit different what with the second dog still at your side.


    Good Luck!

  15. Students bitching about how hard it is. Come on. At WORST, you're in class and/or studying 40 per week.


    Not true! Worked more hours as a student for sure, but the weekly schedule is so much different than the work week.

  16. It doesn't get any better than NHL '93 for sega genesis. Just stick with that and you can play it for free on your computer, no $300 gaming system needed.



    Hell yeah! The crowd meter shows current decibels, average decibels, and max decibels. And there's an out of town scoreboard too!


    The fights were also so much better. NHL 95 had awesome fights.

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