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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. Sorry guy, but academia relative to most other endeavors is definitely "cushy."


    Yes, working in a research lab for a university (major or minor) does result in long hours, but let's face it, a lot of those hours aren't necessarily terribly productive. Working in the real world might result in shorter hours (or it might not) but the pressure to produce whatever widget you make is much more direct. 'Production is down because of x, well get a replacement for x in here yesterday, so we can start making money again' is the refrain in the real world. 'You can't run y experiment because you don't have z? Well, go order another z, charge it to the yy budget, and get back to me in 2 weeks when it comes in' is only SLIGHTLY exaggerated. (Technically it should have been 'you can't run y experiment because you don't have z? Well, go order the parts you need to make a z, charge it to the yy budget, and get back to me in 3 weeks when the parts have come in and you've assembled the parts.')


    There is pressure to produce in academia, but efficiency is not often highly valued. (Which if you are efficient can and does induce it's own stressors.) Yes, a proposal for a grant has a specific deadline, but it usually is known well in advance and there is ample time to get everything in order. Yes, there are other deadlines as well, but typically they are well known in advance and they can be met without pulling all-nighters (though oftentimes the all-nighter becomes part of the process). The pressure is rarely the same as it is in the real world.


    Cushy is rarely related to the stress level of a job; it is far more often related to the amount of physical labor required, the immediate urgency of performing the task at hand, and the relative level of how much of the 'grunt' work can be avoided by passing it off to underlings or administrative staff. Academia is, when looked at this way, cushy. It also typically is quite stressful.


    Remember, if it was FUN, they wouldn't call it WORK.

    Taro -- see biodork's post, she hit the nail on the head. The only parts of academia that are any cushier than a job of similar qualification in the "real world" (industry) are the potentially flexible hours and relaxed work environment. And these two benefits are awesome! I will miss the flexible hours, personally. But, add in the increased stress, hours/week, and all the stupid political crap. I think the pressure of deadlines, etc. you mentioned is very often greater than in the real world. Not sure of your experience in academia...


    I suspect that it depends on how strong the research institution, as CO stated; I'm sure there are less stressful positions and concentrations to be found in academia. You can be in the right OR wrong position in academia, and you can be in the right OR wrong position in industry.


    My $0.02...

  2. My complaint is that I don't have a .edu email address. If you are in school and can't wait to finish so you can join the "real" world, then you are an idiot. Stay in school as long as you F'N can.

    And to think that earlier I was going to complain that my thesis isn't writing itself! :lol:


    see thats my evil plan to be an academic and have a cushy job for the next 30 years... .edu address and great benefits sounds pretty good to me but since this is a complaint thread... I don't have a real job and I am stuck at work til 8 and I am freaking hungry and bored....

    That's what I thought about a career in academia before I came back for grad school. Key word: before. To really, really make it cushy in academia (at least engineering/sciences, I'll say), you have to make it at a top school, and then you've got years of political b.s.: scrambling for grants, endlessly writing proposals, competing for alliances between professors, networking with completely fake douches from universities across the country, etc. Once you get tenure, though, you get to breathe a wee bit...


    I started off on a PhD track, because I really enjoyed teaching; then I realized how a career in academia really is, and I'm taking my Masters and running. Be wary, young Liger.


    Positive posts in this thread. Save it for tomorrow. This thread is all about today.


    Better? :pirate:

  3. I got stuck behind an old woman on the way to work today who slammed on the breaks each time a car was coming in the opposite direction. It was the most confusing thing I've ever seen on the road. Then after a while, she decided to pull over into the bike lane and drive full speed there. Thank god there were no bikers at that moment.


  4. In exactly one hour and eleven minutes, the drinks are on me!!! Woo-hoo!

    Drinks will be ON you, or IN you? :beer:


    Yep, it's a f'n mess here...but I'm in the same boat...no water near my house, so we are dry.

    Why are you in a boat if there is no water near your house? :blink:


    Maybe, just maybe, I'm glad it's Friday, too. Here's my $0.02: Virginia finally just did whatever was necessary to start selling Fat Tire in this state. All the bars here are advertising it like crazy, it's actually really funny.

  5. A powder blue prius blew through a red light that had been red for 15 seconds or more and plowed into the driver's side of my car... Thankfully the stupid kid didn't kill me.


    Damn, hope you're ok. I was in an accident Friday -- our driver fell asleep and we crashed into a light pole on the left side of the road. Thanking God all week that there was no oncoming traffic, and the only injury sustained by any of the four passengers was a seatbelt burn on my neck.


    Also related, I once had a baby blue Prius rental car on a business trip in Saint Louis (my only option). Needless to say, my co-workers had a field day with the jokes/flamboyant comments all week for that one.


    Sounds like somebody needs to keep their wife away from their brother.

    ooohhhhhh...... too far.

  6. Went through something similar this fall/winter. Started with a bad calf cramp in the middle of the night, and from there it seemed like I could never get it loose when running. Then it would just grab up and cramp and pop toward the end of my run. Finally got an MRI and they couldn't tell exactly what was wrong - it was either a ruptured tendon or a ruptured cyst in my calf. Only prognosis was rest.


    I picked up one of these calf sleeves and it has helped a lot. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003940I4M/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B001GAPEFO&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=00PVSRT45G4DANAH8TNJ


    Thanks for the tip! For what it's worth, I got this: http://www.roadrunnersports.com/rrs/products/PRO208/ And for those playing at home: I ended up doing the Buffalo marathon anyway. The best part was winding through some of the North Buffalo neighborhoods near Delaware Park -- a lot of families outside supporting the runners, cooling them off with hoses and handing out watermelon slices and whatnot. Let me tell you, that watermelon REALLY hit the spot 20 miles in! :thumbsup:



    My complaint today would be my indecisiveness in accepting a job offer. There are so many companies in this country, how do I know this is the right one?

  7. In Buffalo, I find the problem to be pedestrians. Who jaywalk. Who take a few steps into a lane and then slow down, as if they've "established position" under NBA rules or something. Does anyone know how to cross with a light here?


    Here in small college town Blacksburg, VA, it is widely accepted that pedestrians can cross any road at any time they want, and traffic will stop for them and politely let them cross. When I moved here, it certainly took some getting used to.


    DOESN'T ANYBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN??!! These kids will all graduate college and move on to bigger and better places and just start crossing streets like it ain't no thang; surely they'll be killed almost instantly in any typical urban environment. :death:

  8. Went in to see a doctor yesterday; I pulled my gastrocnemius (the upper part of the calf). I was supposed to run the Buffalo Marathon with my brother in 2.5 weeks. My previous three months of dedication down the garbage for now! :wallbash:


    And there's still not enough time in the day sans running 45 miles/week.

  9. Been saving this one up since last Friday evening. It's actually three things, but they're very, very related...


    (1) Female housemates.


    (2) Terrible television. Specifically: Teen Mom 2.


    (3) People who don't understand that the significance of watching sports in real time (as opposed to DVR'ed) is much greater than the significance of watching crappy reality shows in real time.


    Now that the playoffs have started, I think I have laid down the law. :thumbsup:





    Great song! Have you noticed that it goes to the same tune as "Randy's gut, is full of dirty ol' cheesburgers..." Doesn't matter though, TPB for life.


    Haha! I just knew it was a matter of time before Trailer Park Boys started appearing in this thread.

  11. As a Red Sox fan and obviously Sabres fan, I was less than thrilled when they started playing that song at the arena. Get your own damn song!

    It's been with the Sabres longer than the Sox. Sox didn't start using it until summer of 2002.


    We were singing before that.


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Caroline#At_sporting_events Wikipedia says the Red Socks have been using it since '97


    i've had this riff rattling around in my brain for literally 25 years not knowing what song it was or who sang it. when i was 10 years old, it ruled my world. i heard the last wordless 15 seconds or so on a columbus, oh radio station in october of '97 (that's how bad i've wanted to figure out who it was..i can pinpoint it's occurrence in my lifetime), but the dj never indicated the title or artist. a couple of weeks ago, it came to me again in the shower, and a few days later, it got played on a station here in boise, idaho! i was shocked, but was able to scribble down some words, look it up, and it's been stuck in my psyche ever since...and now i share it with you all.




    :D Love it!

  12. It may be bizarre, but you have to admit that it was very creative on their part. Most of those very same things they said could be said over here as well (with a few word substitutions).


    Haha agreed. Someone need to make a SabreSpace version. Where are our musically-talented posters at?

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