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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. Going to Buffalo this weekend with the girlfriend so she can run the half marathon downtown! I'm definitely on auto pilot right now...just waiting for 4pm!! :flirt:


    Awesome! I'm flying to Buffalo tomorrow morning, and running the full on Sunday. My brother and sister will the doing the half. I cannot wait!


    Sunday afternoon, I've got a few friends coming up from Pittsburgh for the Buffalo Hunters' second home game. The Hunters are one of eight teams in the premier season of the American Ultimate Disc League, the first professional ultimate league. Some of their profits actually benefit Hunter's Hope (as in Jim Kelly's son). http://www.thebuffalohunters.com/www/content/hunters-hope


    After that, I will be getting some wings for the first time year... I haven't yet decided where in Buffalo I will have this feast. Then, we will paint the town red. Hoping for a Game 7 to add to craziness that will ensue.


    Lastly, my parents will be hosting a BBQ in Rochester on Monday, so I will get to see all my relatives from Buffalo and Rochester. Also, white hots. And last but not least, my mother's homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, which are the best in the world. F'N Fantastic!!!

  2. I'm personally hoping for a teaching job where I don't have to publish to get tenure. That being said, if a former colleague started shredding me, particularly if they were improperly citing my work, you're damn sure I'd go after them.

    How good are you at writing proposals to get funding? If you're good enough (REALLY good) then you could be on to something.

  3. I think you and Swamp need to hook up. Piano players are a dime a dozen, but the 3 hardest instruments to swing on are 1) drums 2) trombone 3) bass


    Anyone play trombone? We could get a SS skype band going.


    Haha, just remembered I saw this after the thread was closed last week. I was a beast at trombone in high school, and have played actively almost constantly since fifth grade, although I haven't played since this past Christmas. I always thought that trombone was relatively easy to play, for the simple fact that playing in tune register-to-register should become trivial compared to other instruments.

  4. Already cut the grass on Tuesday for the first time. It really needed it, but the more you cut it, the faster it seems to grow. :angry:

    At least you have grass! I just moved to Austin, TX, and easily 95% of residential lawns are either not grass, dead grass, or unkempt clumps of crap. Yeah, I'd say that only 5% of the lawns here would qualify for, say, 20th percentile or better in suburban Rochester or Buffalo. My dad would go berserk if he saw how it is down here! :lol:


    I don't care about my graduate degree. Which is making it very hard to complete. It's also making me miserable all the time, which is putting a lot of stress on the rest of my life, including my wonderful girlfriend. Bless her heart for putting up with me.

    Haha, sounds like me last semester. Gotta tell yourself that it'll all be over soon, and sac up! I promise you'll feel accomplished in the end d4rk, at least to some degree (pun intended).


    Not to ruin anyones day..but i must be one of those "old people" LOL. (You all should thank yourselves you have not met me and do not have that visual burned into your brains)


    I am 49 and just used to guys being naked in the locker room. I mean i can see if you are lounging around and all, but i never understood hanging out in a locker room. Go in, get my shower, get out. Maybe a shave, brush teeth, deodorant ...done.

    Speaking of saccing up, I was also going to post that I might just be one of those old guys. 'Sall good, you gotta embrace those awkward moments, fellas!

  5. Last weekend I acquired the phone number of a nice Japanese-American female. That's not really the relevant part.


    The relevant part is that I couldn't quite pronounce her last name, which was four syllables and ending in the letter O; so, she is now in my phone under "Tsujimoto". F'n Fantastic?

  6. Since the last F'N Fantastic Friday, I have defended my Masters thesis, moved to Austin, TX, and purchased a new car. First day of work is coming on Monday. F'N Fantastic!


    For those playing at home, I ended up with a 2009 Toyota Corolla. 55k miles, $10,700. Nothing fancy, in great condition, the only other owner had a well-documented history of the car (just oil changes, etc.)... And oh yeah, manual transmission too, even though I don't know how to drive it yet. :lol: Anyway, thank you all for the advice!

  7. There are really a lot of good sedans to choose from. I think this is the segment where you get the most car for your money. My advice:


    - get a car with less than 30K miles

    - check the Carfax report and stay away if it's been in an accident

    - go on the AAA website, find an independent mechanic to inspect the car and get the inspection before buying (I did this last summer and it was only $20)

    - if you have kids, get leather seats

    - don't get rear-wheel drive -- ie get either AWD or FWD

    - don't spend money to get the built-in navigation system

    - 2 minor options that really go a long way are bluetooth connection for your cell phone and an auxiliary input for the car stereo to connect your ipod.


    good luck.

    This is all great advice.

    Since you don't appear to be an enthusiast, reliability would seem to be your primary concern. In light of that, and considering the years you intend to keep the vehicle, stay with Toyota or Honda, avoid Nissan, and run like hell from a Hyunda, anything else made in Korea, or any other discount brand.

    Thanks, guys.


    I plan on going to dealerships. It seems most have the Carfax available by default. And what's the word on "certified pre-owned"? You think getting a third-party mechanic involved even with a dealership is necessary?


    Korab -- I actually meant Mazda (not Nissan), any word on Mazdas? And as far as Hyundai goes, the 2010 consumer reports guide has got great reviews on most Hyundai models. Cheaper and pretty basic cars, what's not to like (seriously... I have gotten a few recommendations on them)? Kia... I don't trust, haha. Acura is also another make that's on my mind.


    Also I have heard that I can get much better price by saying up front my goal price which I can pay entirely on site right now. Truth? Thanks again...

  8. car shopping in a couple weeks

    whatcha looking at?

    Good question! You got advice? :flirt:


    I'm looking at used, maybe in the 2006-2010 range. Spending $12k max, but hoping to get something for less (could pay up front if I could swing ~$9000).


    Really, I just want something that will be reliable for maybe six years (or until I own a house with a garage to put a new car in). And I don't need anything fancy; probably just a sedan that's not tiny and that is decent on gas.


    I'm looking at Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan... I'm not really set on anything particular so I'm pretty open to suggestions. :) Maybe I need to go digging for d4rk's domestic/foreign threads, eh?


    Edit: Good luck, Liger. And congrats, Shrader, that is certainly Fantastic!

  9. CDX is the 43.28%.

    Actually, wouldn't he be the 56.72%? Nice job, CDX!


    As for me, I'm finally defending my Masters here in a couple weeks and everything is in place and on schedule. Then I'm moving and starting a new job, and I can't wait for a fresh start! I also get to go car shopping in a couple weeks, mmmmmmm. F'N Fantastic!


    Oh, and the gym finally opened back up on campus here this week, w00t!

  10. Yes. I went in a very casual fan and I left wanting to know everything about them. Grohl put on an amazing, entertaining, funny, intense, personable show. I have been researching them damn near night and day the past few weeks and I can't find one thing not to love about the guy.


    It is criminal you haven't watched that Wembley show. I may ban you until you do. haha I've seen many shows in my day and that Wembley show is just amazing.





    On the topic of Dave Grohl, I was a huge fan of Nirvana in high school as well.


    I haven't really paid attention to new music in close to a decade now, but I'll say that the Foo Fighters are one of a few have still been putting out great music!

  11. So, on multiple levels - I can't get this song out of my head and it could be a Sabres Theme song... I saw them last month and was a casual fan. Now I'm obsessed. The more I learn about the band the more I like them. Their concert at Wembley Stadium is one of the best Rock shows you'll ever see.

    Nice. Did you see them at Verizon Center in November? I had a few friends who went to that one and said it was fantastic! Dave Grohl announcing something along the lines of "I hope none of you have work in the morning, because we're gonna rock all f***in' night!" :worthy:


    I won the Wembley Stadium DVD in a contest at a bar or something last winter, but I have yet to sit down and watch it. I'll have to make a better effort to get around to it sooner!


    This is funny timing too, as I've been listening to them a bunch the past two days. I have mostly "Big Me" stuck in my head as well as this one, a beauty!:


  12. Yea I grew up in the rolling hills of the finger lakes and from what I have seen of Radford it looks like a similar place. I am doing all the research I can to get this job and again thank you!

    Cool, yeah I'm in Blacksburg right now, 20 minutes up the road from Blacksburg, but I'm moving in three weeks. Outdoors stuff aplenty, plus springtime comes early. Good luck!


    And I hear ya on the up and move to get away thing. Hope you figure it all out, Liger.

  13. Here's a question: why the heck do Yuengling drinkers love it so much?

    When I lived in Pittsburgh, it was kind of just the beer that was always on hand.


    It's easy to drink.


    It goes well with food.


    No one really dislikes it -- ever spend 20 minutes trying to figure out which cheap beer to buy because one person in the group hates every crappy option?


    Personally, I do consider a step above Budweiser, Coors, etc. Not a huge step. For what it's worth, I'm a big Genny fan too, probably only because it's local.

  14. Cereal - I'm a Virginia Tech grad and can't believe this keeps happening in what is an otherwise really quiet town. Nothing eventful ever happened in 'the burg' when I was there in the 90s... now this. Sickening. Hang in there...


    Hey cool, I hope to join you as an alumni within two months. :thumbsup:


    The lockdown is over. The police aren't really talking, but it sounds like a police officer pulled the suspect over for a routine traffic stop. The officer was shot, then the suspect fled on foot and shot himself about a quarter mile away.


    Thanks for the kind words, all.

  15. Complaint?


    Yet another tragedy at Virginia Tech happening right now. Two have been shot and confirmed deceased on campus, including a police officer. We're in lockdown now, but it's really f***ed up that they haven't found the shooter yet.



  16. I get my car back in an hour or so, I won't be driving this any more.

    post-1315-036366700 1322831814_thumb.jpg


    It's not a bad car, really, just doesn't really fit my style (such as it is).

    :wallbash: One of the cars I rented to drive back to WNY recently was a little tiny maroon Toyota Yaris. And I thought I had it bad. :lol:


    Tomorrow is the ACC Championship game in Charlotte, NC. The confidence level is very high at Virginia Tech. We've got a group of ~30 people together for the tailgate tomorrow in Charlotte, including many people I haven't seen in a while. Bank of America Stadium is the perfect venue for this game. It is centrally located for 10 of the 12 ACC teams. All the tailgating lots and the Epicenter for afterward are within walking distance of the stadium. Plus, it turns out that the place we're crashing at is also very close by.


    F'N Fantastic. Go Hokies. :thumbsup:

  17. Good idea on the thread, shrader. I was wondering what we did last year for Complaints on Thanksgiving?


    Anyhow, my complaint:


    I made the drive up to WNY today. I was PLANNING on going to the game, due to arrive at the arena 5pm, although I did not have a ticket. Well, my uncle ended up selling all his tickets because they were going for good money, and I decided not to try to scalp for the same reason. So, I did not end up going to the game. <_<


    BUT, I made it back to Rochester in time for dinner with my family and to watch the game with them. :)


    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! (if I don't get back on here to post again)

  18. I've been seeing a girl the past few weeks and everything was going great. But, we just had the talk yesterday about where this is going....


    She doesn't want to make it an official thing because I'm moving 1000 miles away in two months, and long-distance isn't an option. Fair enough.


    And I don't want to continue to "hang out" if there's no chance of a long-term thing coming out of this. Also fair enough (although I'm not sure if she understands this point of view).


    It's just disappointing. I've been single for over three years, and I am an EXTREMELY picky person. Now I finally find someone I really like, and it's too late. Also, we've lived 80 yards away from each other for the past 26 months; what the heck was I doing this whole time? :lol:


    Cue the WAHmbulance, right?


    /sounding like a 16-year old

  19. One of my best friends here passed his PhD defense this morning. He's got over 30lbs. of pork (soon to be pulled!) in my oven, and at least two dozens 40's of malt liquor to accompany it.


    It's Homecoming weekend here, and we've got a good group of close friends all coming in, as well as my sister. Sunny and high of 60 all weekend -- football game tomorrow afternoon and a 5k Sunday afternoon. And as I have mentioned before, the scenery is second to none here in southwest VA this time of year!


    And two weeks from today, two of my best friends from high school are getting married, so I get to come home to Rochester for a few days. Definitely going to Jets@Bills 11/6, but here's to hoping I can make it back in time for Flyers@Sabres 11/2! :beer:

  20. 2> Date tonight

    Good luck Matt, get some.


    I had a date myself last night, first in a very very long time, and it went very very well. :thumbsup: Of course, this is three months before I am moving 1000 miles away.... :thumbdown:


    No matter today, though! The sun is shining, already gave a stern warning to the housemates about going anywhere near the TV remote starting at 7:30, and..... well I guess I forgot to throw some Labatts in the fridge :lol:


    Also, I recently discovered the 5th floor of the library here on campus, it's a quiet floor and I can monitor an entire hillside of the leaves changing colors. We have such beautiful autumns down here in the mountains of Virginia. :)

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