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Posts posted by biodork

  1. ...just to make it easy, 1/3rd is a 3 X 13" lasagna,... which to me is, at most, three pieces, will last you a week?

    I was too lazy to do the math and I guessed / rounded, lol... I cut the pan into 12 pieces, left 5 out, and froze the other 7.  The intent was just dinners for the week since I already had sandwich makings for lunch, but I forgot I was traveling for work yesterday and today so now I still have 3 pieces in the fridge.  I'll definitely eat them, but I was trying to make it so I didn't have anything in the fridge more than 4-5 days so it doesn't spoil.

  2. Went to step one today of family court for custody. My wife and my son's biological father are set to do battle.


    This piece of ###### actually had the balls to file for full custody. He hasn't seen his son in 18 months. When he saw him 18 months ago it was for 12 hours. That was when he finally gave him his Christmas present. Yup, Christmas in ###### March. That one visit marks the entire total of his visits in the past 3 years.


    I along with his mother have been the only two people raising this boy for the past decade. 10 years, this mother ###### hasn't been involved at all! He used to get him every other weekend. He ended the visits short all the time. Then it was once a month. Now it's once ever 3 years. ###### you, you ###### ######! He's my son! You can't ###### have him!


    Today was a preliminary hearing of sorts. It went very well for us. All this guy wants to do is get out of paying child support. I could give a ###### about the support. We do not need his ###### money. But his son should have it. It should have been going into a college fund for him for the past 13 years.


    This ###### guy....I swear to God...


    ...it has become my life's purpose to destroy him in court.

    What a POS. I feel like you and ChileanSeaBass (if he's still around) will have a lot in common.

  3. Heard nothing but great stuff from Thor


    Personally I'm sick of the superhero movies. Burnt me out when Avengers 3 came out

    Do you mean the last Captain America movie (Civil War, which felt more like an Avengers movie)?  I agree that one was terrible, but I also totally agree with Jo; Ragnorok gets them back on track in a big way. 


    I'm sick of them too, but Thor was what they used to be/should be in my opinion- fun. 


  4. Saw Thor: Ragnarok yesterday. You know what? It was really fun. Silly, not the greatest plot in the world, had some dumb moments, sure, but I haven't enjoyed a superhero flick that much since the first Avengers. Plus, hey, Hemsworth. Catsuited Cate Blanchett visibly having fun as a villain. Even Hiddleston looked pretty good in this, and I'm far from one of the legions of adoring Loki fangirls. Goldblum got a little too... Goldblum sometimes, but it worked.

    I just saw it tonight, and that was definitely a ton of fun. Cate Blanchett is ageless! And the Matt Damon cameo cracked me up. Can't wait for the next Avengers and Dr Strange movies!

  5. My 18-year-old is a finalist for a position where she will do the same job she is doing now at twice the pay.

    From $11 an hour to $21.


    She’d be moving to new, busier location in a unionized setting.

    She’s been working so hard and being so thrifty to pay for her education and this would be such a huge boost. It’s on campus and could remain available for as long as she’s a student.


    Fingers crossed.

    Fingers and toes!


    Our new employee finally started today, and she is awesome... she totally fits with my other coworker and I personality-wise, and is very motivated to learn and take on some responsibility.  So glad we didn't hire one of the many "eh, maybe" candidates who applied and instead waited the extra several weeks (the job was originally posted in early August).  I'm very optimistic that she can help lighten my workload and get our group where we need to be over the next few weeks.

  6. If she's ever back in B-lo she needs to let a bunch of us know.


    Whiskey night, Bio!

    Right?!  Still trying to keep an eye out for a reasonable flight so I can join the SS get together in March... Frontier so far has been much ado about nothing as far as that new direct route they promised (BOO).  Whointhehell would choose to take a flight that leaves Denver after midnight, stops for 3 hours in Orlando, and gets to Buffalo at 12:45pm the next day???  I love Denver, but I miss being able to just drive my car up there to see everyone.

  7. Definitely regretting buying a ticket for when the Sabres come to Denver in about 2 weeks.  Oof.  Seemed like a good idea back in August or September...


    So, so tired.  I'm a broken record, but too much work.  And the new employee who was supposed to start today had to delay until tomorrow for personal reasons that are more than understandable, but definitely inconvenient and hopefully won't be too much of a distraction going forward.  Just want to sleep.

    D'oh... just found out I've been volunteered to join a work trip that has me leaving town the same night as the game.   :doh:

  8. Not gonna lie, I'm invested in what happens with your weird 3-way-friend-benefits-cheating scenario that's going on. It's like watching real life Maury, so you better keep us posted


    The Verizon commercials with Richard from Silicon Valley. Dude might single-handedly own the most punchable face on tv right now

    :lol: Will do, haha... we'll see how the movie goes tomorrow evening, but he's inviting another (male) friend and she might be inviting another (female) friend, so I won't be surprised if they both play it cool. I have no problem with him not wanting to have it out there in front of me since it's my friend and we work together, as long as he's being fully honest with her. I think secretly I just wanted the chance to tell him that I set them up so he could thank me for introducing him to such a cool chick, lol.

  9. Definitely regretting buying a ticket for when the Sabres come to Denver in about 2 weeks.  Oof.  Seemed like a good idea back in August or September...


    So, so tired.  I'm a broken record, but too much work.  And the new employee who was supposed to start today had to delay until tomorrow for personal reasons that are more than understandable, but definitely inconvenient and hopefully won't be too much of a distraction going forward.  Just want to sleep.

  10. Yeah, that's what I think will happen.  When we got him, our big brown dog tried to eat him, and the cat gave it to him good.

    The new dog's name at this point is Zelda.  My wife called him Zeke when she followed her home, thinking he was a boy.  I checked and said that's definitely not a boy.... and started calling her Zelda.


  11. The odd thing is that one of our dogs (the brown one in the picture) usually doesn't take well to dogs he doesn't know.  But he has no problem with this one.... like none at all.  After a few sniffs and a small growl (by her), they hang out like close buddies.


    The new dog wants to eat our cat though, and my wife said if that doesn't resolve itself, the dog's gotta go.

    Welp; that's no good!  Hopefully the cat will give him a good swat on the nose and that will be the end of that.

  12. Amputation is the only cure.




    So this followed my wife home yesterday (the white one), which is why I didn't post much during the game.  Can we keep her?


    <snipped for space>


    Assuming it's not someone else's pet (like poor Eleven's girlfriend's cat), go for it!  Seems quite comfortable with you guys.  :)


    Hmm, I may see some unrequite-ese in there. Of course, I don't know you, him, or your working relationship but:

    - Boyfriend: boyfriends can be temporary. My guess is if you became single he'd make a move after a respectful amount of time

    - Age: you seem to be young at heart, active, and outgoing, age probably doesn't factor in as much as you think

    - Introduce to friends: This one is a classic. "Maybe one of your friends is as cool as you; no, that's impossible; I'd settle for half as cool, because that's still awesome". There's a more forward version (and possibly creepy), "Do you have a sister?"


    I may be speaking from experience here.  :blush:

    :lol:  I was joking with him the other day that he was born in the wrong decade; for someone who was born in the 90s, he really knows a lot about 80s music and pop culture.  It's pretty funny, really, but it's also nice when my out of date references don't result in blank stares, lol.


    I'm really hoping he just feels awkward talking to me about her because she's my friend, because he still hasn't said anything but she told me they got together again last night and have plans for this weekend.  So Friday might be odd if he tries to play it cool and keep up appearances, but at least the two of them are still getting along, which is about all I could hope for at this point, I think.

  13. Bruised my big nail back in July. The entire thing is purple, but that's not weird. What's weird is it stopped growing entirely. Anyone know anything about this?

    It might end up falling out... never happened to me, but I've heard it happens a lot to hikers from the toe constantly hitting the toe box of your shoes and getting damaged.  Ouch.

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