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Posts posted by biodork

  1. Any chance he's crushing on you? I've been on that end of the transaction more times than I like to admit and the behavior is vaguely familiar. 


    News flash (not really) ... MEN ARE WEIRD!!


    And, bio, I tend to agree with Matt above.  Dollars to donuts this guy has a big crush on you and is freaking out about it and does not know what to do, as you are friends.

    Hmmm... I don't think so?  I mean, we get along really well, but we've only gotten together twice outside of work (not counting the joint "dates" with my friend), and both times were kind of work-related since we were celebrating milestones achieved at work.  I talk about my boyfriend a lot and I'm always highlighting the age difference (he's 24 and I'm 37), too.  And he was joking a while back about how I should introduce him to all my female friends after I was telling him about a night spent playing Cards Against Humanity with my snowboarding ladies.   :unsure:


    I thought Bio was looking for some male perspective on this. All I see is a bunch of actual advice.


    Male perspective: Go to the movies, then bang'em both.

    :w00t:  :lol:

  2. This seems like a Big bang theory plot.



    Only other thing I can come up with is he's not interested in her outside of a friendship. Maybe he was at first and now he isn't?

    Maybe. Ugh I thought I'd done a good thing introducing them and now I'm not so sure.  We have a really good working relationship and get along well, so I don't want to do anything to mess that up (or hurt my friend).


    I would guess he just doesn't feel as comfortable talking to you about his relationship with your friend as he would about women you don't know. Maybe he's nervous that he might say something that will get him in trouble if you repeat it to her? It's very possible there's no good reason for his lack of openness, but as a guy I can say that I've definitely kept relationship things closer to the vest when it came to situations in the past where everyone was friends.

    Yeah, and I couldn't blame him for that... I dunno, maybe he's just trying to play it cool and not let on he likes her too much if he thinks I'll just tell her, but I just don't want Fri. to be weird.  What have I done, lol.

  3. I mean yeah if it were me, I would figure the girl would tell her friend; last girl I dated was friends with my buddy's girlfriend, my buddy probbably now knows way too much about me :lol:


    It honestly sounds like this is his first go at this; that's basically a move I've known guys to pull when they were like 15. Have you talked to her about this?


    Either that or the much darker possibility is he already has a girl and doesn't wanna get caught. Does he seem like that kind of guy?

    Yeah because I told her towards the end of last week that I thought it was funny he still hadn't said anything about them, and now she's paranoid that he's hiding it for some reason.  I told her he was probably just worried I might not be cool with it and I'd wait until today to say something, and she hasn't asked yet but she's probably wondering.  And honestly your last point is the only other explanation I can come up with, but he totally doesn't seem like that kind of guy at all.  He had mentioned several weeks back about hanging out with a female friend of his and getting along with her friend, but he hadn't mentioned her since and he's honestly been so busy hanging out with other guy friends of his and then my friend and I the last few weekends that I don't know how he'd even have time to be dating someone else.  Even so, it would be fine for him to casually date a few girls if he wasn't ready to get serious with anyone right now, but the guy had a long-term girlfriend through college who he lived with until last Feb., so he really doesn't seem like the type to collect Tinder dates or anything.  I just don't get it.

  4. Sounds like he's just nervous/awkward. Not your fault at all though. Maybe don't go/pretend you are busy next time he invites you three together? 


    If it were you, wouldn't you kind of guess that the girl might tell her friend, though?  I like both of them and I don't mind all of us getting together, but I don't want to be a 3rd wheel and I don't want him to be pretending they're not already talking and hanging out separately because it'll make her question his feelings for her if he's suddenly self-conscious or less affectionate if I'm there, and that's not fair to her.  I don't want to call him out and tell him I already know because then he'll know she told me, but I just want it out there in the open.

  5. I need a male perspective on something and can't justify starting a new thread for this, so we'll try this one.  Background:


    My coworker is a young guy, and I remember thinking when he first started (last April) that I wanted him to meet my younger female friend because I thought they'd probably get along.  My friend ended up dating someone else pretty soon after, so I never had the chance.  Fast-forward to around 6-8 weeks ago, and she is newly single because things didn't work out with the guy she was dating.  I told her I wanted to introduce her to my coworker because he's a really nice guy, smart, funny, etc.  She wasn't really looking to date again so soon, but was still interested to meet him as a potential friend, and I told her there wouldn't be any pressure from my end and that I wouldn't tell my coworker anything about it.


    She's going to school on the same campus where we work, so she and I planned to meet for lunch one day (they do food trucks here a lot, so it was going to be pretty casual) and I invited him to join us.  They definitely got along, so all of us got together again for lunch a couple weeks after, and at that point she'd brought up Stranger Things.  They both loved the show and wanted to get me to watch it so we could all watch the 2nd season when it came out, so that's how I ended up getting in to the show.  The night season 2 came out, all three of us met up at my friend's apartment to watch several episodes, and the two of them were getting along famously.  She'd given him her phone # and they were texting some, and we'd all planned to do the same thing the following Friday night.  I'd told her I was happy they'd met because if nothing else they seemed like they'd be good friends, and she definitely seemed interested.


    The following Friday, we all met at her place again, but he had gotten there earlier since I was running behind.  When I got there they looked super cozy together, sharing a blanket on the couch and laughing.  We finished watching the series, and when it was time to go, I had the feeling he was kind of stalling since the week before he and I had left at the same time.  I took the hint and left without him so he could have a chance to make a move if he wanted.  That Sunday my friend told me the two of them had gotten together again over the weekend for dinner and a movie, and that they had made plans for the following weekend as well.  All cool by me, since I introduced them on purpose!  But here's where it gets a little weird...


    ... my coworker didn't say anything about it last week.  Like I gave him a few opportunities (we usually talk about what we did over the weekend, upcoming plans, etc), and nothing.  Something came up later in the week where he realized he had the dates wrong about when a friend of his was in town to visit and he had to cancel their plans, and she told me that he told her the same thing, but he again said nothing about her when he and I were talking (just generically "I had to cancel all my plans for the weekend").


    I brushed it off at first because I wondered if maybe he thought I'd be mad about him trying to date my friend, but the three of us were talking about going to see Thor this coming Friday and I really don't want things to be weird or him to feel like he has to pretend he doesn't like her.  So today at lunch, I said something like, "Hey, this is kind of awkward to bring up, but I just want to get this out there since we're all planning on getting together again this week.  It seems like you and (my friend) get along pretty well, and I just wanted to make sure you know that if you guys like each other, she's not off limits or anything like that just because she's my friend... feel free to go for it.  And while I'm happy to keep hanging out with you guys, if you wanted to do something on your own, you shouldn't feel like you have to invite me along."  And his response was kind of weird... like he said something to the effect that it was good to know and he was just happy to have friends to go and see movies and do things like that.  I didn't press because I don't want to make things uncomfortable, but any ideas from you guys on what the deal is?  Like I honestly can't think of a reason why he wouldn't have just said at that point like, "thanks, I'd really like to get to know her" or something like that.  I don't need specifics and it's not my business where it goes from here, but I want to make sure he's not being shady for some reason.  He's always seemed like a totally nice and stand-up guy, so I can't figure out why he wouldn't just be up front about it.  We talk all the time at work, and he's told me about other dates he's gone on (none recently), so it's not like it's a forbidden topic or anything.

  6. Big 5-0 this weekend.


    I’m hoping to party like I’m 25 but its all old farts at the house this weekend......

    Happy early birthday, we've!


    I'm picking up the bf this evening from the airport and we're headed out to dinner, then hiking tomorrow and snowshoeing on Sunday.  Looking forward to a few days off work with someone I care about and don't see nearly enough.

  7. With today's outing, I've officially hit 200 miles hiking over 29 days since March, not including any snowshoeing done from Dec-March.  Holy cow.  I wouldn't have believed that number if I hadn't been keeping track along the way out of curiosity.  Go me!  Now if only I could transition to being less of a weekend warrior and weekday couch potato / workaholic to getting consistent exercise throughout the week, I'd be all set!

  8. Just to follow up since I don't remember what thread we were talking about it in, but as expected my Nexus 5X has bricked again. It's a damn shame. My warranty was up in June but since I have the protection plan they're replacing it free of charge for the second time in less than a year. 


    I couldn't be more satisfied with Google's customer service, but these 5X phones are garbage. 

    I think either you got a dud or I was just lucky, because after 20-21 months my Nexus 5X was still going strong... only trouble I ever had with it was when I got lazy about deleting pics and the memory was too close to full.  I actually kind of miss it right now because I finally got the Moto X4 that I'd ordered last week... it's not bad, but the camera isn't very impressive so far, and it's a lot heavier than the 5X (mostly because it's sturdier construction).  I'd just gotten Oreo a few weeks ago on the 5X and now I'm back to Nougat, although Motorola has promised an update by the end of this year.  I'm a little nervous the updates won't be released as quickly as they were with the Nexus line since it sounds like it's up to Motorola rather than Google, but we shall see.

  9. Iwan Rheon is in Marvel: Inhumans on ABC.  My wife was watching it and I happened to look up when he was on.  Didn't see much of it, but seemed like he was a power-hungry prick in that, too.

    He is, but the show is so terrible... I watched the first episode and had no interest in seeing more.  Shame that his talent is being wasted, and hopefully it won't negatively impact him going forward, since Ramsey was such a great (in an awful sense) character.

  10. Is The Snowman failing because it's trash or is the name "Harry Hole" just unadaptable to American film audiences?


    I watched the first few episodes of A Young Doctor's Notebook on Netflix (BBC show, I believe). It features Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe playing the same character at different ages. It's not showing both of their stories, it's just focusing on Daniel Radcliffe's and they're both there. It's set during the Russian Revolution and it's witty and fun.

    I haven't seen it, but I saw this article the other day:


    The director of 'The Snowman' explains why he made such a terrible movie


    Terrible excuse, but it would explain a lot.

  11. Two of my friends suggested last week that I should try out Stranger Things so I could watch it with them when the second season is released this coming Friday.  Didn't know much about it, but since GoT is done for a while I figured I'm game.


    Watched the first 3 episodes at my friend's place Sat. night, watched 3 more on my own when I got back home, and watched the last two yesterday.  I guess it was okay.   :lol:

  12. A bunch of hard work finally has paid off. My first 5 figure paycheck today. And I’m not counting pennies. :)

    :o  :worthy:


    Just finished my last exam until finals. I did well on the first, bad on the second, and average I think on the third. None of them will kill me as long as I keep working. It's sunny and 68 degrees out with a nice breeze, MODO is back, it's Friday, and the Sabres are on tonight!

    This should've gone in yesterday's thread.   :devil:

  13. Please take this the right way: I hope it encourages you take care of yourself.

    That kind of overwork will come back to bite you - if not immediately, then with long term health issues down the road.

    Says the voice of experience.

    I appreciate it, (bob, too!), and although I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'm still working too much this week, I did cancel pretty much all my plans last weekend so I could stay home and sleep as much as possible, and I'm going to try and take it easy this weekend as well.  Fingers crossed that the job candidate we're interviewing this afternoon is a good fit and can start quickly.

  14. Glad you're okay. I had nights like that back in high school when I was a new driver and was still learning my limitations. I was driving home after setting up sound equipment for a gig one night and dozed off at the wheel. Woke up just as I was running the red light at Broadway and Transit. Slammed on the brakes and came to a stop in the intersection. I was lucky there was no one on the roads. 


    If you ask me what the worst condition for driving is, I would tell you it's tired and sober. Awake and a little drunk just doesn't even compare. 

    For me it's tired mixed with any amount (even one drink) of alcohol... seems to just exponentially magnify my exhaustion.  But I'll agree that tired and sober is worse than awake and a little drunk.

    (And thanks.)

  15. I've been burning the candle at both ends for a few weeks now with crunch time at work and still only having two people to do it all.  (My co-worker is awesome, but he's a junior person and I can't expect him to work insane hours just because I choose to.)  Multiple 12+ hour days, 4-5 hours of sleep (and sometimes less) per night.  So worn out.  But last week we successfully finished the first major test for our group, so my co-worker and I went out for happy hour after work on Friday.  I probably had a little more than I should have, but I thought I was okay to drive, and the restaurant/bar was only about 10-15 min. from home.  This is somewhere around 7:30pm.


    About halfway home, extreme tiredness kicked in and I realized I was in trouble.  I'm sitting at stop lights, struggling to keep my eyes open, praying to God just to let me get home safely without hurting anyone.


    I don't remember getting home, and woke up almost 2 hours later still sitting in the driver's seat of my car, somehow safely parked in the (narrow!) garage, when my boyfriend called me the second time to make sure I'd gotten home okay.


    Scared the bejeesus out of me.  I'm so, so lucky and grateful that I didn't hurt anyone (including myself).

  16. TY for info, ps that is how my wife's cousin died... during surgery...



    Couldn't of been happening when he played for the sabres right? You can't buy out a player who is injured... I mean he could of had the symptoms and not really known anything serious but we could of just stuck him on LTIR

    Hard to know, but it kind of sounds like his back injury sort of triggered it (I don't recall whether he'd had surgery at that point or not), so it's fairly likely he was struggling with it while he was with the Sabres. But even so, no one (including CoHo) knew he was "injured".

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