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Posts posted by biodork

  1. Thanks. And thanks to all. This place really is great. Pretty big turn around by the end of the day. She ate more food and more importantly, she drank a lot more water, and was actually happy.


    I knew there was no way God was taking her from us yet,… cuz then she'd be his problem. :lol:

    :D  :thumbsup:

  2. My kid stopped eating. She can't tell us why and we can't figure it out. Finally had to take her to a Gastro on Monday. She went from 75lbs to under 60lbs in a month and we have a bag packed in case there is an ER visit in our future.


    Yesterday, we figured out that she has a really bad urinary tract infection and started antibiotics. After a month of weighing her every morning and seeing a lower number day after day, she actually had almost a full meal last night (maybe her first in a month) and we at least saw the same number two days in a row.


    Hoping that this is the turning point and she starts to gain it back, but trying to not get too excited in case the UTI is just a red herring and actually has nothing to do with her appetite.


    Fingers crossed.



    Oh, and I, too, have co-workers that are completely useless and every time they ###### up, it makes it even harder for me to get a day off. Lazy stupid ######.

    Hope she continues to improve, Swamp!  That's some serious weight loss.  :(


    The healthcare system in Canada in general and in NS in particular ... it is somewhat better in other provinces, notably BC and Quebec.


    My wife has severe health issues that I have mentioned from time to time on here.


    She has an appointment with one of her Neurologists this coming Monday (16th) at 4:00 PM.  She has been waiting a year.  


    Anyway, she called to confirm her appointment on Tuesday as instructed.  Of course, one can never actually speak with a real person and must leave a message.  This morning someone called back and left a message (my wife often can't get to the phone) and said ... 'thank you for confirming your appointment for Monday the 16th at 4:00 PM.  We have to change that appointment, since the Dr. is always in the hospital in the afternoon, to 11:20 AM on Monday the 16th'.


    No regard for the patient at all and what is involved in actually getting her to the appointment.  And no regard to any conflicts in our schedule ... my wife often makes other appointments to see specialists on the same day as other appointments, as it is very difficult for her to get out to them ... the whole 2 birds thing.


    And spare me with the ... 'at least you don't have to pay in Canada' ... we pay alright, a whole hell of a lot.


    Thank you for listing we now return you to your regular scheduled ranting and raving about the Sabres.

    BOO doctors who care nothing for their patients' schedules.  My dad has been dealing with something similar for months, and it sucks.


    My complaint is lame, but I'm just really effing tired after putting in outrageous hours the last two weeks just to try and keep my head above water.  I'm exhausted and unmotivated right now, but the list is so dang long that I'm trying to power through and keep chipping away at it.

  3. A crosspost from the Break A Sweat thread.  This is Hurricane Maxwell.  His owner just adopted him; he's a Harvey survivor.  He looks pretty good, but he's really all skin and bone.  Apparently he nearly starved to death in the aftermath of the storm.  He's very friendly though.  And I'm glad he got adopted.



    PUPPY!  Good on your friend for adopting him, and hope he gains some weight soon!

  4. For anyone with an older Nexus phone already on Google Fi (or anyone looking to switch to Fi), they have a great promotion going on through Oct. 5th if you trade-in an existing phone for the new Moto X:





  5. I was so relieved to read about it on the internet as well. 


    The first time it was accompanied with dry heaves because I had tried taking medicine on an empty stomach, but I still didn't get fully sick. Yesterday was all gag, three or four times, and then just the lump lying low. It's totally gone right now. 


    When I'm relaxed, like right this second, my intestines almost feel relieved and like they've unclenched. When it gets bad, everything feels tight and clenched and the results make me sad. I dunno. I'm trying to keep it like this as long as possible but I've now reached a state of hyper-awareness that I fear will cause a feedback loop. 

    It sounds cheesy, but there are some free mobile apps that can help with relaxation, too... I have one called "Relax Lite" that includes 2-5 min. exercises that have soothing nature sounds and force you to focus on your breath, which is really helpful when I can't turn off my brain and sleep.

  6. Huh, no ######. I actually got prescribed anti-acid medicine from my doctor, and got checked for throat cancer because of this stuff. Turns out, guess I had a few months at the end of winter that just really sucked :lol:

    It's definitely an unpleasant experience, and while I don't wish it on anyone, I'm kinda glad to hear it's happened to other people, too.

  7. The lump in the throat thing is legit!  I experienced this last Jan., and I thought I was crazy until I searched and found it's an actual thing:






    It was awful because the position of the lump would make me feel like I was gonna hurl, and also like I was going to choke on food.  Thankfully it only lasted a few days, but not fun.  And like you, I've always kind of thrived on stress (i.e. I didn't think I found it stressful), but apparently my body thinks otherwise.   :(  I suspect Jo can probably relate to your original post quite a bit.


    Anyhow, I'll second the suggestion that physical activity (whether that's jut plain old exercise or getting outside and wandering around) helps a LOT.  But if that's not your thing or there aren't good places to go nearby, making time for any other activity that you find enjoyable should help with relaxation.  I'm much better at giving this advice than taking it myself, though!

  8. Very close to my list.


    Smoked gouda

    Havarti dill

    Munster (is this the first love for munster?)




    Extra sharp cheddar is just a given.



    Jo beat me to it, but smoked gouda is probably my favorite anytime cheese.  Excellent on a sandwich or for snacking.


    Muenster is another favorite sandwich cheese, and yeah, provolone, too.


    But man, if we're talking about the kind of cheese you'd put on a cheese board, we're going next level.


    Too many that I've enjoyed and not remembered their names, but Humboldt Fog and Gjetost are standouts.  And anything port wine.  I dig most any cheese that isn't Swiss or stinky/moldy.


  9. Jo beat me to it, but smoked gouda is probably my favorite anytime cheese.  Excellent on a sandwich or for snacking.


    Muenster is another favorite sandwich cheese, and yeah, provolone, too.


    But man, if we're talking about the kind of cheese you'd put on a cheese board, we're going next level.


    Too many that I've enjoyed and not remembered their names, but Humboldt Fog and Gjetost are standouts.  And anything port wine.  I dig most any cheese that isn't Swiss or stinky/moldy.

  10. I expect full reviews.... Or else....

    No maple, but found a bar in Breckenridge last night where the bartender took great pride in preparing our old fashioneds. Rye whiskey from a distillery near Vail, lemon peel, and Luxardo cherries in a heavy glass without ice. Fantastic.

  11. So I don't post as much as I used to, and it's not simply because I've been super busy lately (I have been, but it's not like posting takes a ton of time). As most know, I recently made the move to Ohio University to pursue a new master's degree....and I love it. I love my work, I love the classes, and I'm taking a deep dive into something like I haven't in years. I'm poor, and in more debt...but I'm happy. I'll call it a win.

    Glad to hear it, Blue!

  12. That article can eat my 120 inches of snow shoveling ass! Every year! Ten ###### feet! Maine? Montana? Idaho? No one ###### lives there! Combined population of 19 people! Massachusetts? Ha! Just because those putzes can't drive doesn't mean the winter is worse. Rhode Island? Like anyone drives in Rhode Island. They're all sailing on their yacht in Monte Carlo between their homes in Newport and Ibiza.


    Man, I miss the snow. I'm not wishing summer away. I'm just saying...it doesn't feel right without complete 4 feet of snow cover from December to April.


  13. Worst winters ranked by state ????




    20. New York

    New Yorkers have a way of vacillating between bragging about their comparatively mild winters relative to some of your other northern metropolises (your Bostons, your Chicagos), and then switching into “STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING NOW AND BEHOLD OUR PLIGHT” mode when some serious weather comes their way. Meanwhile Buffalo’s up there under some 30ft of lake-effect snow, just alternating between hours-long shoveling escapades and quiet moments by the fireplace spent softly crying about Scott Norwood while taking shots of Frank’s hot sauce.


  14. Celiac's, IBS, gallbladder, idk wtf this is but I cannot be a graduate student and have this flare up like it has been for 3days at a time. It is physically impossible to have even close to the level of focus that is required for me to have a chance in these classes. 


    Going to the campus doctor tomorrow or Friday, hopefully they have better suggestions than anyone did in NYS. 

    Gallbladder should only bother you with higher fat foods, but I hope the new doc can suggest something useful.  My guess is if it were something way worse (like Crohn's or ulcerative colitis) you wouldn't recover on your own after a few days, so as awful as it is, here's hoping it's something that can be helped.


    And thanks for the laugh, Liger!   :lol:

  15. I had an EGD done this morning where they discovered an esophageal web that was most likely congenital. I say "was" because they stretched that mofo out......


    Hurts like hell. The sore throat is nothing. That spot they stretched that thing though...I am embracing my inner sissy.

    2 days of liquid diet and no beer.....no beer! Cruel.

    Yikes, man... I hope this fixes the problem and everything heals up good as new!  Sounds painful.  :(


    Ughh they found a huge cyst in my throat years ago when they went in to remove my adenoids... essentially had a big ol' hole back there just full of... gunk. Removal took awhile. Haven't had a bad cold since. 


    I'm on liquid diet right now prepping for cameras all up in my body too. I'm so freakin' weak. I keep passing out. And the worst part hasn't even started yet... God I hate being human. 

    Yeesh lady... you be safe and take care of yourself.  No driving, either!  Hopefully good news from the tests.

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