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Posts posted by respk

  1. I'm getting there, too. I get the feeling this is going to be a team that lands the 8th pick... Would be kind of a shame if that happens on the backs of guys like Stewart/Stafford who may not be here long.

    I don't think Murray is foolish enough to not finish last. If it looks like there is any chance they don't finish last, Stewart, stafford, myers, ennis, etc get traded. And anyone that can be sent down with out clearing waivers gets sent to the AHL. To do anything other than finish last at this point would just be big time foolish.

  2. Many people are going to be surprised when this team makes the playoffs. Good goal-tending, a veteran defense corp and a mix of high-end rookie talent and veterans gives hope going into the 2014 season. It all depends on veterans staying healthy and a certain 2nd overall pick playing like the most talented player on the draft.


    They may not be the most talented team in the Conference, if you take a close look at the roster, they have enough talent in the right positions to have an effective power play and an effective penalty kill. Specialty teams in hockey are equivalent to a running game in football. Run and stop the run effectively and you will always be in the game. Same with specialty units in hockey. Take advantage of your opportunities and keep opponents teams power play off the board and you will be in a lot of games.


    It's not as crazy as it may sound considering the year they just came off of.


    I certainly hope not. I don't want the Sabres to compete for the final playoff spot, make it and lose in 4 games. That could hinder the rebuild. The Sabres need top 3 talent. Outside of Reinhart and possibly Grigorenko there is no player in the system that has shown to have top 3 talent. The Sabres have a few players that are projected to be 2nd line and a bunch of players that are projected to be 3rd line players. McEichel hopefully would be a top line player who can score when the team desperately needs a goal.


    What is the difference between making the playoffs this year and drafting first or second, 20 wins? I'll take McEichel, give up the 20 wins for the possibility to draft the next "generational" player that can increase the teams chances of being good for many years.

  3. While Donner had his problems that are well documented he also did some good for Rochester. If nothing else, he tried to improve Rochester sports. Unfortunately, it didn't always work out just right but at least he was taking a chance. That's more than can be said for 99.9% of the leaders that are in Rochester.

  4. Ya I guess I'm likely one of the few on here that is having fun with the tank. I won't consider next season unwatchable at all. But then again I am very pro tank and want to see how we end up doing, along with the Isles and Blues. As others have said, I've got one more tank left in me and after this draft I'm done with it McEichel or not. At that point we should have some very good core pieces moving forward.


    I'm very much enjoying the tank and find it very interesting. Not only to see where our pick ends up but the Isles and the Blues as well as activity at the trade deadline and FAs. We are watching the rebuild of a team in progress. I understand that some people don't like it, but it really is the best way to rebuild as it is a three pronged approach. Get your high draft picks, trade for some players and sign some good free agents. The idea of relying on FA signings and trades with some mid to late round draft picks is much more limited. Granted either approach has much risk, I just think the tank is far less because you'll have more assets to work with. Especially with how well the Sabres have executed the tank so far.

  5. Fashion changes and so does what wins in the NHL. Darcy built a team around speed and finesse out of the lockout in '05 (I think) and was the toast of the NHL. So Murray is going with size and strength but we are coming to the party a bit late. We're good until someone builds a team of gazelles and wins a cup.


    I think what Murray actually said was that he was building a team that is big, fast and skilled. Not one or two faceted as we have seen in the past but all three.

  6. The tank isn't about players playing to lose. No player worth a contract is going to do that. The players will always step on the ice to win the game. Nolan will coach the team to attempt to win every game. The tank is engineered by Murray and is in full motion. The FAs were all nice signings but combined with the losses, really didn't make the Sabres better enough to win more games. The major problem is that other teams may compete with us for last place. However, if it looks like they won't finish last I would expect that some assets will be traded. Myers, Hodgson, Stewart, Ennis and Stafford would be the prime candidates for a few high draft picks and possibly some strategic prospects.


    After this season we'll see a significant free agent signing or two combined with the 1st or 2nd pick in the 2015 draft should end the tank.

  7. What better way to represent your city? Booing Bettman says far more about those booing than it does about Bettman. Philadelphia fans have a well deserved reputation as blithering idiots. It didn't matter who the commissioner was, he was going to get booed. I thought Bettman handled it extremely well. He knew exactly what was going to happen, weathered the storm, made a decent joke about it and outlasted the clueless fools.

  8. I think the Sabres will show a marked improvement this upcoming season. Girgenson should be better just from being a year older and wiser, our goaltending should be the same, and I believe Myers will kill it this yr..I want another last place finish I just dont see it happening...


    I expect the Sabres to be more competitive but finish last again. I expect they'll work harder more consistently but won't be able to score goals and the goaltending will probably be worse than last year. If there is any chance that they don't finish last, Myers, Ehrhoff, Stewart and Stafford will be traded at or before this draft or the trade deadline. I'm hoping Murray is smart enough not to screw that up.

  9. Ehrhoff and Myers are probably gone at the draft.


    Unless the Sabres drastically change their stated direction and actions, the Sabres won't be mediocre they will be very bad possibly worse than this past season. And they should be to maximize draft position in the 2015 draft.


    My take on the Sabres approach to player development: It seems that Murray and Nolan agree that young players should spend time in the AHL or juniors unless they are spectacular. The Sabres don't have any players that are spectacular. However, if someone shows next year that they are spectacular they'll be in the NHL.


    Deslauriers will play with the Sabres. He's 23 and has already spent 2 full seasons between the AHL and 17 games with the Sabres.


    McCabe will most likely spend next year in Rochester.


    Girgensons spent a year in the AHL and did little until the playoffs. He showed that he was ready this year to play in the NHL.


    I don't think anyone is worried about the players feelings when it comes to where they play. The major concern is the player's development and that probably occurs best when the player is put in a position to succeed and learn all facets of the game. I don't think that occurs on the Sabres next season.


    Wahh they need someone to hold their hands wahh.


    No, no they don't. You want veteran support? Ehrhoff and Myers are your guys.


    I want our best prospects to develop. Playing in the NHL, even if the team is mediocre, is still better than wasting away in some minor league. Other players aren't being sheltered. Girgensons doesn't need to be coddled. McCabe and Deslauriers are going to play. What about their feelings? Or some bullsh*t to that effect.


    The team is going to suck if the players on it suck. Put your best players on it. These kids have a lot to learn, so let them.

  10. The biggest reason not to have Zadorov, or any of the recent draft picks, in Buffalo is because the team is going to be terrible. Why put them in a situation that they can't succeed in. I don't expect Murray to provide any immediate help for next season. In fact I wouldn't be surprised to see Myers and Ehroff traded at the draft. There is no one to support Zadorov, Risto, etc. in Buffalo. Murray gets through one more season of the tank, the 2015 draft and then we see major changes to the roster for the 2015-2016 season. One more year in the AHL or juniors for everyone who is eligible, hopefully they get some playoff experience and then move up to the Sabres.


    I think the problem with Grigorenko was that he very clearly wasn't ready and the coaches didn't want him there.


    Zadorov is a much different situation. He didn't look lost or out of place during his time here. In fact he looked downright good.


    I can't come up with a good reason for why our defense shouldn't be Myers, Ristolainen, Ehrhoff, Pysyk, Zadorov and McCabe.

  11. Finals 1975 and Finals 1999 were far worse than this past year. To be that close and not win is a very rare opportunity lost. I actually find this past season the start of an extremely interesting time in the history of the Sabres. What will they do with the 2nd pick in the draft this year, what will they do with the #1 or #2 pick next year, who will they draft with all of the 1st and 2nd rounders in general, who will they sign as FAs after next year, what players move up from Rochester after next season, what can Nolan do with limited resources next year and what can he do after next season, etc. This has the potential of watching a unique time in Sabres history. Outside of when the franchise started, this might be the most interesting time in Sabres history. To watch them be rebuilt from the last place team to a cup contender I find very interesting.

  12. I can't see the Sabres trading this years #2 for an unknown first rounder in next years draft. Who ever they draft this year becomes one of the 2 most talented forwards in the organization and one of 2 forwards with the natural ability to be a 1st liner. I don't think the Sabres can pass that up.

  13. I would start at swapping this years picks and asking for next years first from Calgary. Probably not going to happen but better to start high and u never know. I'd then take draisatl at 4 and have another first next year. I think Murrayreally wants draisatl but not at two. It wouldn't surprise me though if Murray takes draisatl second this year but that would be a bold move by Murray.


    No prospects until after next years draft. Then we start looking at FAs and prospects.

  14. The problem with the last "core" was the surrounding cast, they didn't get any additional help, When Darcy let Briere and Drury walk he basically pushed that core out there and told them to carry the team.


    Who know what the islanders might do, If they give up their #1 this year the the Sabres have 2 top 5+/- picks this year to add to the prospects already in the system. This team is already young enough, and theres going to be plenty of prospects in this system after this draft.


    who knows what the Islanders will do, I bet no one ever thought they would give up Moulson and picks for Vanek, and yet they did. This team is already stocked with prospects, if they get another top 5+/- pick in this years draft theres going to be plenty of guys to build from. Look no further then the Oilers as an example of a team thats trying to do what everyone here wants Murray and the Sabres to do, collecting high picks to build a core. How about the Panthers as another example?


    Right now we have prospects that are mostly thought of as 3rd line, maybe a couple are considered to be 2nd line players. This year's draft should get us a 1st line forward. Next year's draft should get us another with the tank.


    If the talent in this years and next years draft were swapped, there would be no reason to tank next year. We'd have McDavid or Eichel and the rebuild is on in earnest. But since it is not it makes much more sense to tank one more year than pick in the 12-14 range next year and miss out on what is considered a very talented top 5-6 players next year. What we are really talking about is 20 wins total. The difference between tanking and the last playoff spot. IMHO it is a no brainer to lose 20 more games and have a chance at McDavid/Eichel or one of the other top 4 or 5 players next year.

  15. The question in my mind is, does tanking one more season really mean a much better shot at long term success? I'm not sure it does. Or, put another way, I don't believe that starting the rebound after this season ends is mutually exclusive with long term success and a reasonable shot at a Cup. Or three.


    Tanking one more year, drafting 1st or 2nd increases the chances of a successful rebound. As of right now I'm not so sure that there are any forwards in the organization that so far have shown the natural talent to be a 1st line forwards, outside of possibly Grigorenko. Lots of 3rd and 4th line players and a few that might become 2nd line players. Some of the prospects might step forward eventually but right now there are very few if any gifted forwards. That is why I think tanking one more year and a shot at McDavid or Eichel is so important.

  16. So the Sabres best prospects at this point in time are mostly 3rd and 4th liners with a couple having the possibility to over achieve and be 2nd liners. Doesn't sound too promising. Hopefully Grigs and Armia pan out and we can draft high in this year and next years draft to fill out the 1st and 2nd lines.

  17. The only reason the NHL is considering changing the draft is because of McDavid/Eichel who are considered to be possible generational players. If next years draft class looked like this years, there would be no discussion. Not sure if this is being generated by GMs that think they should get a chance at one of them or generated by the league in order to influence/determine where McDavid/Eichel end up.


    It seems that some here think landing McDavid/Eichel and adding FAs, other draft picks is an either or proposition. It really isn't. The ideal way to build a team is to land a "star" player (McDavid/Eichel) and some of the top FAs as well. Either one with out the other puts a rebuild at more risk of failure, will probably take longer to complete and require more churn of players to keep the team at a higher level.

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