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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Hopefully you get to see if they use a Loonie or a Twonie to decide if the goal is good or not.
  2. But Grier and Hecht are part of the 2nd PP line so why wouldn't Lindy put him out there?
  3. Well, you know I agree with you 100% there. For weeks before the season I kept asking folks for any input that they thought would make the league the best. But as commissioner I need to make folks happy when I can so they keep actually playing in the league. (Corp? you reading this thread at all?) Plus - since I'm using Scott's name for the league - gotta make him happy. :) So I've turned the 'Maximum player acquisitions per week' to 8 as a compromise I hope.
  4. Oh well - hard to come back from 3 down.
  5. 7.4 seconds left. Time for Drury.
  6. Can't do anything about FW / FL at this point - can't change the scoring during the season. Not all the time does one player win one and lose one so there is some value. But when it does work that way it at least gives a little parity to the league - don't want to make too many managers lose interest too soon (like Corp has it seems.) We're in week 6 already - use the FA as your bench since our roster is smaller this year and swap a couple player each day and the number adds up.
  7. I think I can still change something like this. I'll look into that.
  8. Yes - too harsh. I'm going to go drop half your players now. :devil: For the most part I'm swapping like 3 guys. Last year the roster was at least 3 players more then this year so in a sense I'm just using the FAs as those bench players. Taking a quick check I still have 12 draftees on my team and you still have 12 draftees on your team.
  9. I have no problem with the Vanek salary. But as you say - Darcy screwed the pooch on a few too many others.
  10. GR says that Kaleta is out with a sternum injury. Gerbe has been cleared to play and will take Kaletas place .
  11. Everybody at least has been online doing some "League Activity" the last few days - EXCEPT CORP!
  12. What if there is a train going in the opposite direction?
  13. These OT points sure do come in handy right now.
  14. Man that was a scary 5 minutes.
  15. As long as it's one continuous motion. :)
  16. Got a lucky break with that whistle.
  17. The Rangers should have like 5 guys in the penalty box right now with all those high sticks and cross checks.
  18. Two games in a row that Enroth goes down early on the 3rd shootout shot with his team ahead. Gotta be the nerves. Whoohoo!!! A winning streak!!! Trade Miller now!
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