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Posts posted by SwampD

  1. I hadn't seen his thread--Tank, I don't have you on ignore but your comment seems to have disappeared.


    I do think it's less cluttered to have one thread per round.


    That said, I don't really care who starts a thread, either, and it looks like you have some good info in yours, so my suggestion is that you edit your title, mods pin that one, and mods shut this one down.

    Mods? There are no mods anymore. We're living in Escape From New York in here. You want anything done, you gotta see The Duke. I got all this complaining to do and that thread'll open up at 11:55 and before I'm done typing it will be locked again. Mods. Pffft!

  2. Anybody see Ottawa's coach (Dave Cameron) say that they'll slash one of Montreal's best players if the league doesn't suspend Subban? Yikes. That series should be intense.


    As much as I've liked Chicago recently I was really pulling for Nashville there. Damn. Duncan Keith with a rocket.

    That was not a vicious slash. A slash, yes. Not vicious.


    Stone should have been called for diving. They way his head snapped towards the ref was comical.


    If I was Subban I would have furious, too.

  3. I'll take it one step further.  Seriously, who drops their gloves at any level of beer league hockey?  It takes a special breed of moron for that.  Clearly this guy has some Boston in his blood.

    Not just fighting, but punching a ref. That's a line you just don't cross.

  4. Can you compare the likes of Babcock, Hitchcock, Julien, McClellan, Tippet or for that matter any other NHL coach and how they stack up to Teddy?

    Is the answer that Babcock and McClellan are the only ones without a Jack Adams award?




  5. I've got something awesome to share.


    I've been playing a beginners league at thomas creek in Fairport for awhile. This will be my last session as beginner- I'll be moving up as soon as my schedule allows. And while that's cool, the awesome part is this:


    This Spring session has 17 women in it. We outnumber the men. In the past, it's been a max of 6 ladies, with only myself and one other on my team. 17!!!!! All from different leagues in the area, all ages, some brand new, others have played more. We have to have 2 whole locker rooms!!!


    We all came to the consensus that most of us would have started playing earlier if we'd known how to get into entry level leagues. There's pressure in being new and joining an all men's beer league or low level team. You stick out. It's kind of tough to overcome. Women DO want to play hockey. I know the vast majority of the posters here are totally on board with that, but I feel it's something largely ignored by most hockey fans.  


    Really looking forward to knowing some more hockey girls around here. Last session had some very high ego, nasty dudes in it who ended up brawling/punching the ref Sunday night. This'll be a niiiiice change of pace :)

    Pretty cool.


    I hope that they called the cops/lifetime ban that guy.

  6. Not sure what you're getting at w/ the 'right or wrong' but here's my atempt to address what it seems you're getting at.


    Two + seasons ago the decision was made to blow this team up and sink it to the bottom of Lake Erie. There are some that felt that occurred too late, others that felt it didn't need to be done then if ever, and others that likely felt it was the right time. Regardless of when/if people got on board with the tank, the management team had made the decision and we were left to root for the carcass, be indifferent towards it, or root for it being put on a funeral pyre to hopefully rise like a phoenix (ironic, huh); and management had put together a team that would lead to "suffering" on our part in the short term. This team had older players that didn't fit into the rebuild and had value to other GM's and they were traded. Except for Myers, no player with any potential long term use to the Sabres that the Sabres held the rights to beyond June were moved.


    This team has gone through the process of accumulating young players (potential assets). They're now at the point where they are trying to develop those young players (hopefully converting them into true assets). They WANT (and need) these kids to win hockey games.


    We've been through the suffering. All assets that weren't considered to be of use long term (at least all that had any positive value) were jettisoned for assets that MIGHT be of use long term. This team will at minimum be bringing in 2 top line players (Kane and McEichel) that have never been with the Sabres. They will also be bringing back Girgensons and Gorges and possibly Reinhart.


    The goal last season was to be bad enough to have a shot at McEichel (they hit that goal like the exploding red at the top of a United Way thermometer). The goal this year is to get these kids some chemistry and win games.


    If at the trade deadline, they aren't where they should be (close to the playoffs, but not quite there) then they should look at moving players that don't fit in for the long term for pieces that might, but there are 2 caveats to that: 1. most everybody on this roster will be here with the intention of either being part of the LT or necessary character guys designed to teach the younger ones how to be a part of the LT even though their usefulness LT is debateable (i.e. Gionta or Gorges); and 2 anytime TM has an opportunity to trade a couple of 2nd liners for a top liner, he will take it even if it seems he 'paid too much' because the guy that ends up with the better player at the end of the day wins 90%+ of trades. This team, as it'll be constructed won't have many (probably 1 or 2 'role players') tradeable assets that are young and don't fit in long term to this team. A year ago, this team had a lot of tradeable assets and traded most of them. This year, the quality of what they were looking to dump was lowered because they'd traded the high end expendable guys already. This coming year, they will likely have even fewer guys that are tradeable and that they'd want to trade for the value that would come back.


    But a side goal won't be to try to end up doing the limbo (how low can you go); they'll give kids in Ra-cha-cha a chance to show what they can do and will still be trying to win.


    As long as everybody within the team is on-board with winning as much as possible with what they've got, not sure why the fans wouldn't be. (Especially at this point where the team is stocked with up-and-comers.)


    Sorry for this rambling so much. But the short answer to the question is, the goals and expectations are changed moving forward. Hard to see a scenario where a tank next year (even at the trade deadline) is beneficial. It's also hard to see a scenario where those hoping for a tank next season are doing anything but trolling.

    I don't think that will fit in the thread title box.

  7. Why that sir is an insult! :flirt:


    Although my post is certainly the drive by type, looking at the rhetoric coming from NB, it seems right for the moment.

    I get what you mean as it seems the tank, anti tank is taking on a you're either with us or against us mentality now more than ever except the anti crowd is about five vocal people. It's tiring on both sides.


    And I'm sorry but this guy seems to be waiting for a glory day when he can say I told you so instead of rooting for the Sabres to win and frankly I've had enough of that. Go Sabres...

    "His Uncle in DC did this" or that. I give a ###### what his uncle did in DC? Actually I do give a ###### what his uncle does in Ottawa and I hope that man recovers fully. He brings a lot to the game. 

    "Smile and pull a Marshawn Lynch" Um, think Terry Pegula expects a little more form his employees than that no? Go away with that...


    If anyone cant see that we are a team on the rise now that we have bottomed out and have stockpiles of talent waiting for marching orders well, I guess I should just ignore them because I am completely stoked now that this has ended and feel that we will be a force to be reckoned with for years. You can't see the talent waiting in the wings? You don't know hockey then. Not an insult to you personally swamp. Just sayin.


    I'm a glass is half full type. Except with regards to the Sabres as of 4/14/2015 Even tough we are at bottom, that same glass will be overflowing in short order and that will make up for any whiny indiscretion the team and it's current owner and gm, current owner and prior gm, or prior owner or owners and any prior gm has inflicted on the organization. We are going to be a fun team to watch for a long time coming.


    Sunshine, unicorns and rainbows from here on out for ###### sake. Get on board or get off now! Cause if you're too butt hurt to get on board you will soon be seen as a bandwagon fan.

    Good times are coming.

    Good post, although I still disagree that NB wants the Sabres to lose.



    On a side note, It makes me happy that "butt hurt" is now a part of our lexicon.

  8. I'm wondering if that is a lie.

    Can we stop with this? It's crap and you sound like Shcopp.


    Just because some of us aren't jumping up and down all a twitter like a little girl as Beiber walks by, doesn't mean that we actually want the Sabres to lose. We have been sold the future before, so we remain cautiously optimistic. We still want them to win.

    and I didn't mean just you, beerme1. others are saying this as well and it's really annoying.

  9. I't so over and done, but not because Murray couldn't care less what Nolan says; if it really is over and done, it's because Nolan is a class act who won't take a dump on the Sabres--recognizing that the whole is not represented by one GM.

    I'm guessing that the non-disclosure agreement he probably had to sign in order to receive the millions in salary owed to him for the next two years might have something to do with it as well.

  10. I absolutely think Murray already knows who the next coach is going to be and knows that he will accept. When describing what he is looking for, it's the one time in the entire press conference where he looks relaxed and, dare I say, happy?


    Edited to fix except/accept. :wallbash:

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