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Posts posted by drnkirishone

  1. I love South Park.


    For me: I don't think I have much time left with my dog, and although I will happily keep him going as long as he has quality of life, the vet bills are killing me. I had to take him to the emergency clinic last Friday night because he was gasping on the floor when I got home from work. Poor little guy had to be put on oxygen, got a few injections, and a few more meds. I thought I was going to have to take him back in on Sat. afternoon to be put down, but he started to turn it around and has now stabilized. Still, with this being the late stages of heart disease/heart failure, the clock is officially ticking. He's 17 and has had a good life, but I'll miss him terribly when he's gone.

    Always sad to hear of a dog in that situation. Hopefully he keeps it on the good track for you.

  2. I don't see the problem with a player going to their coach about ice time..... depending on how it was approached. For all we know Cody went to Alain and said coach I feel I can contribute more to this team tell me what I need to do to prove/show you.


    Now if that conversation went that way I would think it would put a different spin on things compared to the OMG that seflish child he wanted off a 1st place team crowd.


    The one thing I have heard time and time from players about Ruff is he is honest and will tell you exactly what he thinks when you come to him about your play. Thats not something I have heard about Alain.


    As for that Gillis comment about putting cody in positions to score to get best value (offensive faceoffs%). Let me get this straight you put a player in a position to put up some offensive numbers, he does just that and goes like 11 points in 10 games or some such and you trade em....... You trade a scoring center that is scoring? Maybe it's me but that whole thing just reeks of covering your own ass. I mean if Regier came out and said well we put Zack in positions to Lucic it up so we could get max value when we trade him everyone would be calling out his BS

  3. For Walking Dead fans I suggest buying the comics. You can pickup the books at amazon.com for half price. I just picked up volume 14 and it is taking a very interesting turn.


    I'm working on volume 6 atm.... thou i been reading it for the past few weeks as I have gotten sidetracked recently

  4. I am waiting for Drain to ask how many Smurfs Cody has killed and how many smurf berries each smurf life is worth.


    And yes I called you Drain. Cause your posts in this thread alone has made you unworthy of the simple matter of spelling your name correctly compared to how i picture it

  5. I can admit I was one of the people kind of ok with the stafford contract before the season. Thou to be fair I think I said it was a overpayment and to long of a contract for him but that if he turned the corner as a player it would be a good deal.


    Still if he comes back next season and plays even 2/3rds as good as played on that line with Ennis, then his contract will become a nice deal again

  6. Since when is 6' 185 lbs small? Ryan Callahan seems to do okay.

    Since I see the more physical dman run him over like he is Roy at times. I got no problem with his physical play. But when he is getting checked he either doesn't have the balance to maintain thru it or he has no clue how to take a check.

  7. couple thoughts on the various things brought up recently.


    Tropp has been ok. He is still to small and gets muscled out by the bigger and stronger Dmen out there thou and I don't like that from the supposed grinder of a line.


    McNabb has been brutal in his last handful of games with the Sabres. I don't even consider him the 7th defensemen at this point come next season. His skating has been poor, his decision making has been questionable, and his confidence is gone to step up to make the big hits.


    Unless Sekera is required in a deal to bring someone like Dustin Brown or a superstar player in. I am not getting rid of him. In Sekera you have the exact type of defensemen that excels under Lindy Ruff (smooth skating, puck moving, positional D). I remember shortly after Soupy was traded and saying we found his replacment in Sekera, whilest I was mostly wrong in that we have a very good defensemen that my not be a superstar but he is capable of making whoever he is playing with look alot better


    I just checked Capgeek, and with Ennis due to get a BIG offer sheet this coming offseason and no way in Hell Regier letting him go, to get Brown here we'd have to shed a Roy, Leino, or Stafford to make space. Not just one but actually two higher-priced guys would have to go, and that's AFTER Boyes and hecht are allowed to walk.


    Really?!?!?! Steven friggen Stamkos coming off back to back 90+ point and 40+ goal seasons didn't get a offer sheet. But Tyler dont call me dennis Ennis coming off a 49 point and a injury shortened season of whats looking like 35 points is gonna get a Big Offer sheet?

  8. Here's how you know this isn't a great show: I watched Season 1, skipped ALL of season 2, and then came back in for the S2 finale and it didn't feel like I'd missed anything. Basically it took me a couple minutes to figure out what had happened in the previous 12 episodes.

    *shrug* sure you can figure out what happened but to me the it's all in the journey of how they got there and there was some signifcant shifts in personality that happened in thous 12 episodes.


    I enjoyed all the zombie killing in the first half of the episode, but I'm still not sure what the plan was. They see a few thousand zombies bearing down on their farm and decide to drive around in circles shooting at them? Even discounting that these characters can miraculously score perfect headshots from moving vehicles on un-even terrain, I don't see how that was supposed to work. (It didn't.)

    The drive by headshooting and the seemingly 300 capacity Herschel shotgun irked me. They should had them form a line along the fence and shot them. It woulda been more beleiveable. But thous things always happen in film/tv so whatever I can live with it.



    Introducing a new character who has a samurai sword and slave zombies is a little rough too. They couldn't figure out a way to tell an interesting story in a post-apocalyptic world full of zombies without resorting to cartoonish gimmick characters?

    I haven't gotten around to reading them (yet) but keep in mind this show is based off a graphic novel. cartoonish gimmick characters are kinda par for the course imo. Besides if your living in a world where only head trauma kills the things trying to eat you a nice long sword seems like a perfect weapon to me

  9. It's gonna be awesome seeing Hodgson play the point. He'll shut down every team's forward until Myers comes back.



    I'm not gonna worry to much about Cody until next season. This season is for him to get to know his teammates, the team, and the community. Now that I have said that. ###### cody get some points gosh darn it

  10. Right...stack up in the draft......do nothing to active roster.......now trade best hope from draft choices for more of the same.


    I have never banged the drum that center was most important. Last offseason I wanted Iginla in here with Regehr...I proposed it before Darcy went after Regehr. I said a true leader up front is much more important than center, and that Iginla would open up the ice and take pressure off of Vanek, thus making Roy more valuable as well. He would also teach Stafford how to play RW like a man.


    I suggested getting Max Talbot as a griity #3 center with offensive upside.


    That was my plan. You can have all the bling in the world....but if you don't know how to defend yourself, you are going to get your Air Jordans taken from you.

    Iginla was going nowhere.


    Max Talbot has offensive upside? Paul Gaustad has put up better numbers then him lol. I do agree he would been great as a 3rd line center for us thou.


    Kicking the crap outta the bully isn't gonna get you laid wth his girlfriend if you don't know how to score


    It is about the pure avoidance of any players that combine both skill and grit. You haven't had it, you haven't tried to get it, and this is more of the same.


    and you sold off your biggest piece to take a crack at Derek Roy +2"


    Thats complete ###### and is one of things that bothers me with you. The sabres have spent the last what 2 or 3 drafts targeting big gritty players. That kinda shows they are not avoiding players like that. They just aren't morgaging the farm to trade for nor FA contract one. Darcy obiviously beleives the way to get skilled big players is to draft them.


    The Roy +2 thing is such incredible BS that I am shocked you keep banging that drum. Everything I have seen/read about Cody is nothing like Roy. The only thing they seem to have in common is your insistance to proclaim Cody Roy +2.


    Forgive me if I am incorrect in this as it has been 12 or 18 months since this discussion. But weren't you one of the people that proclaimed you need to have quality center depth to win the stanly cup? This was a move to give us center depth. I am sure if Darcy had his wish he woulda gave them some of our Defenseman depth but I feel fairly confident that the only thing that Vancouver wanted was a big young forward that they could put in there bottom 6 this year

  12. That's my point. What makes you think I would be negative if that happened? The Sabres have been a huge failure in my time on this board. I have been consistant in pointing out fatal flaws, and the Sabres have been consistant in showing them. I was happy with their effort and makeup in '06, and when they let all the grit go, I sounded the warning siren. They have yet to figure it out.


    Because I am convinced that you delight in pointing out the negative of things. So regardless of them making every change you desire you would still find some "truth" to tell people about why this team sucks

  13. If no playoff series wins in the past 5 years isn't sucking...please tell me what it should be called?


    Always the same? Pretty much the Sabres results and character 97% of the time I have been on the board has been the same. I don't know what people want. They fight against Anaheim....I say good for them. Miller plays great for 2 games, I say I'll bang him if he played like that all year. What do people want? Lies? Sugarcoating? Fake excitement?


    I told you...I love where the Bills are positioning themselves, and if they don't advance in the playoffs within 2 years....please.....call me out for it. I'm on record. The Bills have good people in place all over, and they will be good, soon.


    You would think this is a RedWings board the way people act to honest critique.

    Don't give a damn about the bills haven't since Kelly retired. I can't speak for others but something I would hypotheticaly like to see happen is Ruff fired, Darcy fired, the team completely gutted, made into the modern day broad street bullies and then read your posts about how the new GM sucks, the new coach sucks, and the new players suck or however else you might spin the events negativly.


    I use to and occasionaly still do like some of your posts. But I get so tired of your spinning of the so called truth

  14. When the fine lady is on her knees, and a C-note is sticking out of her G-string, not only may it be a routine....but it is the truth.


    I have been saying the same thing for 5 years. I think that trumps 3 years of rebuilding. Unless you are happy with what you've seen, which is your right.


    But the crap you say isn't the truth. It is your interpretation of events and your interpretation is always the same regardless of what takes place

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