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Posts posted by drnkirishone

  1. Attempted to fight Kessel and went after Ericksson's head. Those are pretty good examples of "going after."

    hardly and complete ######. If Thornton was on the sabres and pulled that ###### you would be railing again about how horrible the sabres look to even have that guy on the roster. But instead your going with the BS thing that Scott targeted the head of Eriksson. If the sabres are bush league for having scott then the bruins are just as bush league for still having Thornton

    If you consider what Scott did a "hockey play" there is no point continuing the conversation.


    Anyway, how about that Tyler Sequin?

    a body check is a hockey play. You can argue the distance travel or about who delivered it but body checking is hockey. what thorton did is bush league and something i would expect to hear happening in the echl or some such lower league.


    Seguin is looking real good and making the B's look bad for giving up on him. Still thou he is young and has the partyboy reputation. I hope he grows out of it but his coach doesnt have a great track record dealing with players like that

  3. Compared to Scott, Thornton is Gordie Howe.


    It was an ugly play and Thornton will get suspended, probably somewhere in the 5-10 game range. Neal will likely miss some games for the knee to Marchand and Orpik may even see a game or two for his hit on Eriksson.


    aa the deluca spin. Scott makes a hockey play (body check) and he should be bum rushed outta the league. Thornton commits a act that is so against the code that many had to look up the rule that the nhl is using for his hearing because it is enforced so rarely and what do we hear? a tongue in cheek Gordie comparision and meantion that it was a ugly play

  4. nexus 7 or the Asus models (as some others said Asus makes the nexus 7 so your getting a similar tablet) only thing i ran into was my first gen nexus 7 got real slow for a bit because it ran outta space. I have heard that was fixed in a update since they first launched thou. my issue was all the space used prior to the update being installed.

  5. TSN already lost 2 of their guys to Fox Sports in the States


    I don't think its really that big of a deal, aside from the Trade Deadline and Free Agency coverage all of TSNs NHL games are usually just the coverage of the NBC games (Guess this may change for the Jets, but not the Habs who have regional coverage of their games on TSN).


    Sportsnet already does about 90% of the Leafs games (except HNIC games and the few shown on the Leafs TV network), and they do the games for all the West coast Canadian teams, and the Sens.


    Guess its hard to say right now if TSN will continue with their Traded Deadline and Free Agency coverage to the extent they have been without the rights to broadcast games. They could always steal HNIC away fromt eh CBC like they did the HNIC theme song


    But for those 19 games, the NHL did not make it crystal clear the effects of head injuries he could suffer. Maybe they should all continue this down further and sue everyone down to their parents who at one point put them in Hockey without properly informing them of the risks of a head injury.........

    to take it a step further. Perhaps they should sue god. After all did he tell them about the dangers of head trauma? Or maybe Eve, if only she would have ate the apple that covered that....
  6. I don't think calling Pysyk the best defenseman on this roster is crazy nor a reach. To me it just depends on what you value most. Erhoff has the better shot and better reads on the point. But i see Pysyk as the better skater better passer and better defensively.

  7. That is a rather simplistic review of Ted Nolan's time with the Sabres. While they did rely on Hasek to make saves, they also fore checked, skated hard, and counter attacked effectively. He won Coach of the Year with laFontaine on the injury list for all but 12 games, and they won a playoff series and almost won another win with Hasek sitting out in his fake injury. I don't know how he will do this time, but you are going to see a much more motivated team from now on, for sure.

    I don't remember the underlined at all. Here is how i recall the mythical legendary Nolan teams.


    Get pinned in your own zone for 3 solid minutes (other team is able to do not 1 but 2 complete line changes without losing possession).


    Hasek making the original save, the rebound save, the 2nd rebound save, the deflection save, one hand batting the puck to the nuetral zone (since his team couldn't clear the puck) and finally deflecting the puck into the stands WITH HIS HELMET so his team could change lines


    Getting into 3-4 fights a night so we could intimidate the other team that was outeverythinging us


    a whole lot of 1-1, 0-0, 2-1 games


    a defensive concept that made last years Ruff coverage look like it would win olympic gold


    3-4 odd man rushes or breakaways that typically didnt result in a shot on net due to our lack of talent

  8. Two Oilers just scored their first career goal in a 33 second span. That has to be some kind of record.


    Panthers need goaltending in a HUGE way, Markstrom isn't going to make it past this season.

    wasnt there a few people on this forum saying as late as last year that markstrom is tje future and a future star?
  9. I need more of a sample this season to pass judgment on Stafford. I think Physics makes a fair point. We all evolve and mature; we all have our life-realizations. Stafford isn't an old salt, yet. Maybe he DID prep harder over the summer. The dude just got married, too. If she's pregnant, or they're talking about it, that will certainly get him to wake up a little and think through things differently.


    Personally, while keeping his past in the proper perspective, I will give him more time before deciding whether he's the same old, or has finally taken the right step forward.


    Same goes for Myers. I think his game looks better than it has. But, we'll see.


    I mean, let's remember these are young men, yet. And the past couple of seasons have been hostile seasons here in Buffalo. I think that plays into a player's psyche and takes a lot more to overcome than if one were developing in, say, Chicago, Pittsburgh, or Boston.


    This is not say I think fans should change, or that I wish the attitude were different, all of that is on the organization. But, we can't ignore the effects of being part of a crappy organization on a young, male ego.

    umm boston will tear it's players apart even when they are winning. only reason they get a easier time is cause they won a cup within the past 3 seasons. Give it a season or 2 more and the full venom of boston fandom will strike players mercilessly
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