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Posts posted by drnkirishone

  1. Sabres finish / total points? 8-10th in conference and somewhere around 80-83 points


    Sabres leading goal scorer? Stafford


    Sabres points leader? Hodgson


    Miller / Vanek fate? Miller traded Vanek reups


    Stanley Cup matchup & Champion? Red Wings vs Stars winner Red Wings


    Any other predictions you care to throw out there so the rest of us can have some gotcha material to use on you for public ridicule. My prediction is Stafford gets hot for a month or two and scores a bunch of goals that propel him to the team lead and he keeps it due to a season ending injury to Vanek sometime around january. Also I predict the youth movement is going to do very very well and will make people realize this will be a quick turn around hence Vanek resigning.

  2. On how I met your mother...


    Barney "What do you think the last time they had sex was?"

    Robin "Probably not since the Maple Leafs wont he cup.... 1967"


    Bashing Toronto and the season starts tomorrow... woot woot.

    I always like it when they play up her canadian/hockey thing lol
  3. past performance i give him bad grades. I didn't like what i saw in his camera time on the blue and gold series and I was less then impressed with his style once he was called up.


    current/future I give him a lot better grades. I have liked what I has seen and heard since camp opened and whilest not a fan I am getting more willing to say he might be the right guy to coach the youngens for a bit.


    current standings........... there are none and last season was a black hole of shittastic that I don't think any coach could have fixed

  4. I guess y'all are gonna make me keep fighting.


    It was a good post by Sizzle. Players wanting to give back, being good guys, that's great. It just doesn't have to be part of a marketing "blitz." It doesn't have to be so damned superficial. (And, by all accounts, Bills and Sabres and Bisons and Bulls and what have you do make personal trips into hospitals and nursing homes out of the true goodness of their hearts, without a thought of doing public relations. I can only imagine how some of these wealthy guys have helped poor families over the years, without a bit of publicity.)


    I'm glad Sizzle outlined all of the beneficiaries of these visits. Why does it seem like the sick kid is an aftershot, just the money shot that's needed to really seal the deal? I mean, where are they without the kid looking up lovingly at Marcus Foligno, and could you take the oxygen off for just a moment, it's blocking her face?


    We're already a society (I know, this happened in Canada) where a person's value is tied pretty clearly to his or her ability to generate revenue for someone else. Do we really want that to enter the children's wards? The hospital cashes in, the Sabres sell tickets and sponsorships, the millionaire fulfills a contract obligation, and the little girl gets to meet Cody ###### Hodgson and have her photo on sabres.com? Fair deal? Do the kids know that's the deal? Do the families really understand it?


    Let's replace "Sabres" with "popular regional water park." Any difference? Are these kids available for any marketing campaign? Hey, they're gonna get a hug from Sharkie and some goodies, and that'll surely brighten their day too. Maybe even more so than a visit from a hockey player they don't care about.


    Crass. I still can't think of a better word for it.

    now see.. This is a post i can mostly agree with
  5. Carolina is a winnable game. If the Bills played that decent against the Pats, no reason that they can't take this one.


    Better play from CJ, and better clock management by the coaches should do the trick.

    until such time as the bills prove the following statement wrong I won't think of any game as winnable.

    Thous bills find ways to lose games

  6. The only thing i liked was how EJ played the game. I have no idea what his stat line reads but my armchair scouting saw him make a lot of different throws and he seemed poised and in command. My only negative on him is it looked like after the first quarter the NE D ignored him on the read options and it caused a few negative yard rushes i think he could have broke a few long runs if he kept it once or twice

  7. Gold managers from last year who haven't joined yet:

    Tim Connolly's Ghost

    Touched by Boyes





    Foligno and Barnes





    Something Clever



    Plenty of open space in Blue and maybe soon in Gold if those mentioned don't join.

    FrellyouNHL was mine. You can remove them. I'll only be in gold if you need another team to round out the league
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