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Back Handed Praise

That Aud Smell

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If the Buffalo Sabres are not the best team in the National Hockey League, they'll do until the real thing comes along.


I don't see that as such a bad thing. :huh:


Really? :blink:


It's a clear case of dam*ing with faint praise, IMO. That phrase "if the Sabres are not the best team in NHL" is a slap -- because, ay yo breau, we are indisputably the best team in the NHL (right now).


The between the lines message, to me, is: It's only a matter of time before this feisty, fast, no-name (and sorta cute, tee-hee-hee) Sabres team comes plummeting back to earth, falls into the upper-middle of the pack, and allows some other perrenial power/star-laden-roster to rise (rightfully) to the top of the league.


Again, I'd take it as fodder.

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I see an overwhelming and unanimous contrary take on that lead-in from Montreal.


So, reading it again in light of the posts (which are appreciated) ... I now see how the writer may well have been taking a poke at the non-believers, rather than being one himself. I can still see my original reading as reasonable, but I'm no longer convinced that's what was intended.


I think I get it now: They like us. They really like us. :D


I guess that idea takes more getting used to than I'd realized.


I will cease and desist with the Rodney Dangerfield outlook.


One more thing: Go Sabres.

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