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Data Collection


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Charts and graphs have become ubiquitous here at SabreSpace, which is fine, but people seem to have a blind faith in their accuracy. With the amount of data being collected, how is it done and by whom?

Are there firms with twenty or so employees sitting around, rewinding playback machines with stopwatches in their hands working for each team? To me, it seems like it would take one person an entire day, if not more, to analyze a a single aspect of a single game.

Just wondering.

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I figure this is like this tracking the stock market and such.  You can't track everything, so you try to determine what the most relevant facts are that you can easily collect.  Then you make a model using whatever methods are relevant and at your disposal.

Aside on modelling - When I took engineering modelling in college, my prof explained models this way:

You can have several models of a tree.  You can have a pre-schooler draw a tree which has a brown or grey trunk and a tuft of green that is supposed to be the leaves.

You then have that of an amateur artist which has the raised ground for the roots, some extra lines drawn in the trunk for the bark, slightly irregular shaping to the trunk, some branches below the leaves, and the leaves being a bit more individualised within a large green area.

Lastly, you have a professional artist draw a generic tree with all the nuance and detail to make it individual.

In real life, we use use the pre-schooler's model and hope to get the kindergarten version before it gets too complex.

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