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[OT] - Indy IV

Guest Sloth

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Guest Sloth

I saw Indiana Jones IV last night. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm just curious to see what other may think about.

I know this isn't Sabres related, but there isn't that much to discuss about them right now.

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Guest Sloth

People, if you've seen the movie express your thoughts about it. Is it as good as the Temple of Doom or the Last Crusade? Did the movie not have the same "feel" as other Indy films? Did you like the storyline? Just say anything you want to about the movie.


I thought it was on par w/ the Temple of Doom. The story is based on an actual myth the Myan civilization had. Lucas and company didn't make it up...to a certain extent. I thought it had the same "feeling' other Indy films had, but I didn't care for the amount of humor that was used. Other than that the movie was a good action adventure. As for the storyline, I've already said it is based on an actual myth. It was a bit odd to have Indy related to some type of sci-fi, but that sci-fi material is religious based. My rankings for the movies go from first to good (None of the movies were bad): Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Last Crusade, Temple of Doom/Lost Skull.

Express your thoughts people!!!

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I saw it last night as well... I have mixed comments about it as well, but after all is said and done, I enjoyed it!

I will put my comments in white font, highlight it if you want to read with possible spoilers...

There were many parts that I would have cut out of the movie because it was too much and too cheesy at times... Mutt swinging through the jungle was dumb, almost all the fight scenes often lasted way too long, the 3 waterfalls they went over were 2 too many, and the end with the UFO coming out of the ground was way over the top. I think you could cut about 20 minutes and have the same exact movie. I was skeptical in the begining because I thought there was too much action in the begining just for the sake of having action, but there was so good lines. Harrison does another great job with Indy and the lines he has are perfect, although many are predictable (but that just shows staying true to the character). I did really like that at the very end, Mutt picked up his hat and was about to put it on and Indy grabbed it from him as if to say "you're no Indiana Jones!". I'm glad they didn't let him put it on and leave it open to him "becoming his dad" in future movies. Although with Lucas' recent comments I think he's thinking of doing just that... I hope not. I know I pointed out many of the things I disliked, but I really did enjoy most of it!

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the crystal skulls really do exist, but they are human in shape, not elongated like the ones in the movie. several have actually been recovered, but their true origin and purpose are still a mystery. the history channel has broadcast a couple of features based on the skulls, and lucas/speilberg clearly took liberties with the real-life artifacts. you can read more about the skulls here.


it's too bad speilberg's claims of forgoing CGI were false. it's so CGI heavy, that it didn't even feel like it was actually happening...it didn't feel like i was watching a movie at all, let alone one that was supposed to look like it was made in the 80's (as speilberg claimed to have wanted). i don't know if that means anything, but i truly disliked this film. i am a huge fan of the three previous films, and outside of the rail cart "ride" at the end of 'doom, i love everything about them. i always have an open mind whenever i see a movie, regardless of who's in it or what it's about, but i wanted to get up and leave the theater after the first 10 minutes of this new one. i know it's stupid to judge a movie based on the first 10 minutes, but it really didn't get any better. many many cringe-worthy moments, karen allen was terrible, and john hurt was WASTED as the mumbling colleague.


i just can't believe this thing went through so many rewrites/treatments, and this is what made it to the screen. i hate people who rip movies because of ridiculous expectations, but this movie really was terrible, in my opinion. i want to pretend that it was never made...starting now.


spoiler related question: spalko told indy who she was, but during his debriefing, he had to describer her to the c.i.a. dudes before they could identify who led the infiltration? what the hell? someone tries to kill me, i'm going to remember their damn name.

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I finally saw it last night. Had to drag the woman along grumbling all the way. I liked it because it was Indy. But, I rated it slightly above temple of doom. It would have been much better if it weren't a****s or whatever.

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