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Everything posted by SabresFanInRochester

  1. Bob -- becoming wealthy isn't going to a seminar and flipping a house (or whatever he was preaching.) It is dedication to a craft, knowledge, experience, luck, and knowing the right people. I think it is wrong to teach a seminar on the guise that you can be wealthy AND making it look easy. Reality is, you have to work your a$$ off. And if you give it a couple of days and it doesn't work, it is fraud (in your mind) that you spent money and didn't get anywhere. [Please see diet pills, wrinkle creams... (anything in cosmetics that promises bigger or better), infomercials, and everything that is sold that seems too good to be true.]
  2. To me a dummy is someone who is unsuccessful but thinks otherwise. That is Hillary's track record. I really want to see someone in office with a fresh perspective... not a career politician. I was THRILLED when Trump started talking about term limits and curbing lobbyists during his Gettysburg Address. I am all about that! I love your opinion on taking advantage of the laws as they exist. And Trump has openly admitted to doing such. Why wouldn't he. My mom was a Democrat and my dad a Republican. Much like you, I grew up an independent. I actually had some very socialist views when I was young... then I grew up.
  3. You told me his actions were "literally impossible." I told you how someone would go about fixing those things. Are you asking for an advanced Economics course over SS? If that's the case, pay me one of those liberal college tuitions, and I would be more than happy to teach you. Go listen to a book on tape written by someone other than Marx or Engels to learn something about economics involving something other than income redistribution. Unlike what Democrats want you to think, those types of books are not found in the "fiction" section of the library.
  4. As he has stated with Hillary: If there are loopholes, why haven't you closed them. If it's cheaper for him to do something overseas, why wouldn't he? He is a businessman. Not a charity. He doesn't have to stamp Made in the USA on his merchandise. As you are alluding, if he truly knows the loopholes, then I want him in office to close them.
  5. It is not "literally" impossible. The point he is making regarding trade deficits is legit and spot on. That is why I want a businessman in there... because the layman (no offense) and politicians don't get it. It is easier and cheaper to manufacture something outside of the United States and ship in back in. Don't believe me -- ask Apple, or Nike -- too wide ends of the spectrum, from high-tech to apparel. That problem can be solved. And it is easier for someone to buy a foreign car because of valuation and lack of tariffs to encourage consumption here. All those foreign goods are cheaper. There was a time when Made In America was a proud slogan. It stumbled -- some of it was quality, but l personally think global elitists got their way. After Trump is done, you can still buy your Prius, but it is going to cost you more. The landscape of the auto industry is very different, foreign cars are partially constructed in the US, and American cars are built outside the US, so my joke about you Prius might not be the best example, but high-tech and other industries certainly apply. Oh, so an independent thinks that... now, I am ready to vote for Hillary. Thank you for clarifying that. Wait, I am an independent. I guess I can form my own opinion! You call Trump a dummy -- do you think you can mistakenly build a multi-billion dollar business over the long-term? Even if you want to go the path of how he did it, you have to know something to finesse the bankruptcy and tax laws. What has Hillary created or done to amass her $200M fortune -- lie, cheat, and steal.
  6. And, based on earlier discussion of 'who's fault would that be' would the demise of Eastern Europe be able to be blamed on Obama in the tradition of blaming the prior administration? Should be, right?
  7. Putin's already doing it. Thank you Obama, Hillary, and John on a job... done. Yeah, that's BS. She didn't steal them. She sold them. Get it right, man!
  8. Trump can't deliver, huh, and that would make him unsuccessful? Obama said he was going to come in and enact healthcare. And he did that. And it's a disaster. So, is he a success because he did what he said he would do? Or is he a failure because what he did was horrible for the country? In rankings of worst modern Presidents, Obama is right there with Carter, Bush, and Ford. And I think once he is out of office and we see how much worse healthcare is, and potential connections between Hillary's wrong-doing's while in his good graces, he will be playing with George and Jimmy. You don't like Trump because it is the cool Democrat thing to do. Every Republican candidate is a dummy. Never mind that Trump is a billionaire, and one of the few that might exit his political career with less money than when he started. But Bush was a dummy, and Quayle couldn't spell potato"e." Nevermind that Obama was campaigning in 57 States -- That's just an honest mistake. It is such a double standard, and you take the easy way out and follow the sheep. Ba!
  9. Cue the Monty Python "Run Away" bit... :thumbsup:
  10. Not for nothing, but taking my quote of "she is unnatural and fake" and translating that into 'she is ugly' is part of the political problem. That wasn't just taken out of context. It was made up. It was in reference to her robotic and unnatural demeanor. She has the personality of a stick. I care about her email thing because it is another sign that she is incompetent and cannot be trusted and that pattern leads me to hate her. When she was First Lady, I didn't care about her. Didn't hate her, didn't go out of my way to find out about her. When she was Senator -- yes, I realized she moved to a State where anyone running on the Democratic ticket could win. I thought that was distasteful and I resented her for that. Then when she became Secretary of State and our foreign affairs suffered (Benghazi) -- I hated her. This is just another one of many. So you're more of a "Dancing with the Stars" fan and don't care for Trump's "The Apprentice." That's okay. Sounds like a reason to be bitter about someone.
  11. What's this "I hate the way she looks" thing? Typical. I don't know where I said that, yet I am quoted as saying that. Careful what you say about Bush -- he was an incredible scapegoat for Obama. You need him in that role. Obama's record as savior would be tarnished if Bush wasn't there to pin things on. As agreed upon with LGR, we are not going to convince each other. I just find it chilling that people find Hillary honest, trustworthy, and dependable, and defend her like she is the greatest thing to happen to America. I hear "I don't like her, but it's better than Trump, and then that is followed up by a defense that stacks the goal line and will not let anything derogatory touch their model politician. I have a bridge to sell you if you still believe that her use of a personal server and the subsequent deletion of emails upon subpoena and FBI investigation was all coincidental and an honest mistake.
  12. All things being equal; she is an easy target. Could be joyous covering her in that you don't have to dig to find dirt. She is covered in it. She is a mess. She is a compulsive liar. She is a mean lady. She is unnatural and fake. [initiate smile and robotic cackle] And, I will take corrupt politicians for $100, please Alex. Some of the smear campaigns were led by Democrats -- Obama and Bernie. People loved Bernie who said Hillary was unfit to be President. Now those words are lost upon deaf ears, Bernie is all in as he suddenly saw the light (Or whatever Obama promised him.)
  13. Bob - do you think there was a time traveller who once they realized Hillary would be running in 2016 they went back in time to start an elaborate campaign against her to discredit her? You are right, Trump says too much, quite frequently. I hate that. But you know where he stands. Hillary will pander to any group to get the vote. I found out at the last debate that she LOVES the 2nd Amendment. Come on. That's a typical politician, but since Trump is not a politician, I am betting on change.
  14. LGR -- my apologies. I didn't mean to chase you off the board. I don't think there is going to be anyone posting on SS message board and have a reader say, "you know what, I had it all wrong. I am going to instead vote for _______." I am glad you already voted. We all get one vote. You get one. I get one. Unregistered voters get one too. And a dead person can cast one vote. Wait -- nevermind that one vote thing: I am reading a story out of CO that has numerous people voting multiple times. Carry on.
  15. Do you know how silly this sounds? It's same argument the NRA uses when they say Obama/Hillary are going to take our guns. They are going to go door-to-door and confiscate them. Foolish argument, and unrealistic. To an extreme, yes, it is possible. But in all reality, it is the same response you give to people who use that argument. Why does that argument suddenly apply? Check this out -- this is awesome!!! I found myself in agreement with your above statement, expect for the part about me already voting. I do not believe that Trump Hillary will act in our countries best interests in any regard. He She will act in his her best interest to further himself herself. I already voted and I did not vote for Donald Trump. The man woman is a misogynist, compulsive liar who only cares about satiating his her ego and further her personal cause. He She has demonstrated that with almost everything that has fallen forth from his her mouth. He She is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument. I pray to god that he she loses this election because he she is unfit to be lead a parade let alone the U.S..
  16. The federal government is responsible for protecting the United States citizens. A budget for the military is absolutely acceptable. If they spend more to increase the size of a depleted military, pay for veteran's benefits, and quell ISIS and radical Islamic attacks, that is not an expansion of the federal government -- that is them doing their job! And your argument would be false if spending in military went up but was negated by reductions in other departments. You are assuming military spending goes up and everything else stays the same. I use a lot of sarcasm and I jest in many of my posts because there is such a double standard. As soon as something is rumored on Trump, it must be true; a la the Russia connections, or allegations from 11 women who have not said a thing up until a month ago. But when something comes out against Hillary -- it must be fabricated. I firmly believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle of what we are told and what really happened, on both sides. I am typically seeing stuff preached as gospel here, and it is quite rich.
  17. Seems a little extreme, don't you? Could you pick something a little bit more radical? -- I heard they were going to implant chips into everybody and it would provide exact GPS location of everyone at all time! Lighten up, Francis. Any ties? yes. Something to be concerned about. No. Is he a KGB plant. No. Will he act in our country's best interest, more so than Hillary, as it pertains to dealing with Russia -- abso-freakin-lutely. I wouldn't sweat it -- I am positive the Hillary campaign will be able to make something up that does just the trick.
  18. I have no problem with military spending. I have no problem with deportation forces because it is fixing a greater problem. Maybe the IRS shrinks through all of this. You are cherry picking, just as I am. Do you accept the information from wikileaks as proof or do you think that information was altered/doctored in some way?
  19. :nana: -- sorry, they didn't have an emoji of someone crying. If the Democrats ran someone who wasn't a career politician, and didn't believe in expanding the scope of the Federal government, I would switch to the Democrat party in a flash! Herein lies the problem with Hillary and the Clinton Foundation and her accepting $$$ for favors, Haiti, ... (All except for completely ridding the world of Aids -- she is a saint!)
  20. Um, yes. When there is evidence on the table and he backs away from it, something is fishy. The timing of it now... would it really matter if it was a month from now and, assuming Hillary would have won, she had to be impeached. As I stated above, if Comey was in the Trump-camp, he would have suggested charges from the beginning. So, you pretty much summed up exactly how I feel.
  21. Very true. I am in sales, and I compare that to never bashing your competition. It is a tough sell to overcome when you acquire, or get acquired, and have to suddenly sell that brand that you have advertised as junk. Also -- my tip of the day -- in an exit interview, when HR or your boss ask for advice as to how they can improve, take the high road. Do not spill the beans at this time. This makes getting a job with that company or boss a little more challenging should the opportunity present itself. I will say, I had lost faith in the FBI and thought they were too politically swayed. I thought for sure that Comey was in Hillary's camp. Now, I don't think that, but to think he is a closet Republican or in the Trump camp, I think that is a long shot. Comey would have listened to the initial pressure from his FBI peers and pressed on against Hillary long ago if that was the case.
  22. Darn -- I wish the whole letter was posted. I believe it continues that Mr. Trump is keeping a drove of young women in his basement. Even if it is a legit letter, it is pretty hilarious. Hey, Senator Reid -- good idea to concentrate on, and be upset with people who broke the law. Now, there is this woman running for President... I don't trust any of this stuff, and I used to use snopes but I believe they have fallen into political favoritism. For example, on this letter, they would say, "partially true" -- Harry Reid is a Senator, and James Comey is the head of the FBI. Mr. Trump has been accused of wrongdoing with the Russians. blah blah blah. [and finally conclude] None of the allegations have been proven. It is in fact a legit letter -- http://www.redstate.com/jaycaruso/2016/10/31/trey-gowdys-hilarious-reaction-letter-harry-reid-sent-james-comey/ Below is a response to the letter from a right-leaning politically slanted journal... "Nevada Senator Harry Reid is a dirtbag. Reid admitted he flat out lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes in 2012. What’s worse is that he told those lies from the floor of the United States Senate. When confronted about it, Reid laughed and said, “Worked, didn’t it?” When James Comey didn’t recommend Hillary Clinton be charged with a crime in July, Harry Reid said Comey’s integrity could not be questioned. Naturally, with Comey releasing the information he did on Friday, Reid changed his stance immediately. Reid wrote a letter to James Comey accusing him of violating The Hatch Act and said he was sitting on information that provides a direct link between Donald Trump and the Russian government."
  23. Eleven -- I am glad everything turned out okay. To drag this over from the political message board -- are you certain you are not a Republican? Your misogynist action and womanizing sounds more aligned to those associated with said party. :P
  24. You are taking a program where Obama opened the floodgates and saying everyone used to do it. Why would money from the private sector be considered public funding? If someone has a choice over where their money goes, and it comes from them, then it is privately sourced. Waste, fraud, and abuse is going to happen in any large system or program - this is why Hillary has been a lifelong politician and wants the Presidency so bad. Look at the upside she has! In reality, the government should not be overseeing these programs because as you just defined, you cannot get bigger than the government and fraud is going to run rampant as a result. You are promoting a self-feeding fraudulent system. Why? If I want to donate to the NRA, that's my right. Should I be forced as a taxpayer to give to the government who can then decide where my money goes? In some cases (defense, infrastructure) yes, but no way do I trust them. I used to run in the Tough Mudders, but I now boycott and look elsewhere because of the abuse of funds towards Wounded Warrior Project. It's a shame but that's the reality. People can make a decision. We don't need to the government to do it for us.
  25. It's so funny to read posts from people who associate with the Democratic party -- a party that tries to reflect public good, helping, peaceful, caring and compassionate people. And, Democrats paint Republicans as racists and hate mongers, yet over the course of today's forum, I witnessed three different people vehemently scream (type) "f*** a certain group" or "let's be crude when talking about abortion" or insinuate that I was racist for addressing someone else's introduction of racism into the topic. I have also had a couple of great exchanges with some others, so I know there is underlying good to the Democratic party -- I just don't agree with it. Maybe there should be a third party for agnostic hate mongers who don't care about babies, and happily pay income taxes to support people who do not contribute to society. (While forming your party, please take some members of the Republican party who are misrepresenting our ideals and making us look bad.) You are quite confused. Bush is blamed for all the bad that Obama inherited. I don't think we should include Bush 43 phones in that conversation because that is an entitlement -- those are great things!
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