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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. Power needed to be the first one to get in there in that scrum....not TNT.
  2. I am so sad that all those Leaf fans paid so much of their hard-earned money to buy tickets tonight........NOT!!!
  3. Well, there should be a LOT of Sabre players in the locker room tonight for postgame.
  4. Are the pairings different vs. the start of the game...seeing Johnson & Johnson together there??
  5. It looks like the 2022-2023 version of this team tonight....back to the future!
  6. Sure sounds like a nice buzz in the arena....great to hear so much life in the crowd vs. the morgue on Tuesday night. Granted, there's a lot of Leafer's there.
  7. What a horrible call by the Refs....DG needs to learn how to shout at the refs
  8. Yup....Dahlin should have taken the other guy to eliminate receiving the pass and let Levi take the shooter
  9. All games should be like this one....lots of scoring and offense from both teams.
  10. IMHO - Muel needs to stick to being nothing but a STAY AT HOME defender. Maybe crazy, but I want him to stay in FRONT of our net more and venture less behind our goal line....let somebody else chase people back there. When he has the puck, quick passing...nothing fancy. Focus on protecting the high danger parts of our ice and neutralize forwards in the crease.
  11. The assistants are clearly out of their league, but I'd also argue that HC DG is also. He is still a first time HC in the NHL and I sense no willingness on his part to assess HIS OWN performance, meaning no accountability on himself. I'd have more respect for him if he said "The team's performance is MY responsibility and I need to do a better job!"
  12. Defense pairings are simply inexcusable with this coaching staff. I truly question their intelligence to go with the same pairings (and sitting Ryan Johnson) after the CBJ slaughter. Maybe DG's plan is to have Ryan Johnson in the locker room after the game tonight and the other 20 guys can get out of there before the reporters show up.
  13. Other GM's are not stupid....any Sabre traded would not fetch the return GMKA would be looking for, unless he is willing to do so at a discount.....or take an additional bad contract.
  14. If Wilford has anything to do with the putrid performance of our defense, then he should be the first one gone. Power and Muel are simply awful this year while Joki, Big Johnson and Clifton are struggling as well.
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