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That Aud Smell

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Posts posted by That Aud Smell

  1. X hit it on the head, as usual -- the fact that this Hodgson thing is a significant story is proof that the team/media/fans are already in full off-season mode.


    To summarize: Hodgson thinks a lot of himself, his Dad is an overbearing SOB of a hockey dad, and Gillis is looking to save face after making a trade that presently looks bad following a disappointing first round exit.



  2. Elegance of The Hedgehog, Muriel Barbery (translated from the French by a woman whose last name is Anderson, I believe).


    This is a gem of a book -- a philosophical fable basically -- not unlike Life of Pi (if you remember that one from a few years back (it was all the rage)).


    I am hit and miss with books involving female narrators/protagonists, and I am also reflexively averse to all things French. And yet I quite like this book, which is written on a first-person basis in the voices of two French women -- one late middle-aged and the other an adolescent. Well worth a read.

  3. Enjoying playoff hockey, popcorn, and Newcastle Summer Ale with the gf tonight. Also got a twelve of OV in the fridge. Because, yes.


    so much win.


    I am friends with a guy who knows one of the partners at that brewery. I'll have to look for their beers when I am in Buffalo. Always look forward to new beer offerings.


    they're a good bunch. i think most (all?) of them also have day jobs. i threw more money than i reasonably should have at their kickstarter campaign. it felt right.


    You know, i cannot remember if 12 oz OV comes in a clear bottle or not? I think just the splits were clear right?


    OV bottles are brown; the splits were (are?) clear (as are corona splits, fwiw). i have happy, happy memories (albeit hazy) of bucket night at the library on bailey -- a whole mess of OV splits in a bucket of bar ice for some ridiculously low price.

  4. As to the Allergy, it happens with any kind of alcohol, not just beer. I think it has to do with what I've eaten that day. It usually is just hives. It looks like a red raccoon mask and gets really hot. The Flashing lights was new though, but the IPA had some kinda spice/clovey flavor and I'm guessing that had something to do with it.


    thanks for sharing (seriously (i know that is sometimes a snarky thing to say (as i know from my very own 13 and 11 year-old kids))).


    but have you been tested for an allergy to ethyl alcohol? i have a friend who gets a bumpy/reddish mask on her face whenever he drinks (and oh, how he hates it), but he wound up referred not to an allergist, but to a dermatologist (who gave him a version of the old saw: patient: "hey doc, it hurts when i go like this." doc: "well, don't do that, then.")


    (go sabres.)

  5. 1:45 Hops Club at work.


    Last week it was Blue Point Toasted Lager and India Pale Ale - Goose Island.


    Both were great, but I had a weird allergic reaction to the Goose Island. I saw what looked like Christmas lights twinkling in my eyes for about an hour afterward and couldn't see all that well.



    I can't imagine what would've been in the IPA ingedient-wise that would be much different than in the lager. As far as I know, both of those beers are just malted barley, hops, yeast and water. Different strains of hops and yeast probably but that would be like being allergic to pinot noir and not chardonnay. That's a pretty strange reaction.

    Just found this.




    Pretty interesting. I've known that I was allergic to alcohol and every so often I get "Beer Disease". I usually just drink through it. This was different, though, and I was at work so I couldn't just drink through it,.. stupid work.


    interesting stuff, but i am troubled to hear you talk about the allergy.


    but it sounds like the reaction you had to that IPA was different from the "beer disease" that you generally associate with alcohol. (i'm not sure what the symptoms of your beer disease are -- do you get all stuffy in the nose and such?) i dunno.


    have you been tested for an allergy to ethyl alcohol?


    i will add this: i've heard multiple anecdotal stories about how IPA's affect people in weird ways. i was at a brewpub with a buddy of mine (a true hop head) last year and, after he finished a single pint of a ~8% IPA (his first drink), he had a splitting headache. just debilitating. he said that this had started happening to him when he turned 40, but only with IPAs. i told him to get tested for an allergy to hops. but even in the absence of a true "allergy", there can be "intolerances" -- e.g., kids who get sick to their stomach if they have something that is heavy in red food dye 40 don't have an allergy to the dye per se, but an intolerance.


    good luck.

  6. the stuff in the article and upthread about hodgson being a bit big for his britches is fine by me, provided he's the sort of guy who is committed to achieving/playing a game that matches his elevated self-conception of himself.


    and i think that is who hodgson is -- the video that chz posted about how he works out with gary roberts' "biosteel" camp gives me that sense. the guy thinks that he is/can be the best player on the ice at any given time, and appears prepared to work hard enough to make that happen.

  7. Meh. James Neal was a far more seasoned player when he came over to Pittsburgh last year and he did very little there. This year, he's only got 30G, 65P in 68GP, and was just given a 5 year, $30 million contract.


    It does take time to learn your teammates, especially for skill players. Add to that, the extreme travel log and the increased ice time (prior to last night), and it's not too surprising that he's not producing yet. He's basically a rookie, who hasn't really practiced with his team. The raw skill is there, you can see it at times, but he wasn't brought in to be the solution this year; he was brought in to hopefully be a long-run solution. I'd like to see him produce on this stretch run, but next year is when I'd actually expect to see production. It's not a TSC vs. SAK things, but rather the realization of what they really traded for (basically, a prospect) and the realities of deadline deals.





  8. Psssst.......hey kid.........com'ere......


    nice. but who the funk are you calling kid? i'm not as old as some around here, but i'm plenty long in the tooth.


    seriously, though, and to the non-titillating aspect*** of chz's team-switching post, there's some TSC in all (most) of us, and there's some CLG/SAK in all (most) of us. the amounts of each that are present are matters of degree, and the blend can change from week to week, day to day, hour to hour -- sh!t, minute to minute. some of us tend to be more resolute in the darker of the humors (e.g., ghost), while others remain committed to the sunnier varietals (e.g., chz).


    *** sorry, but that dog don't hunt for me no more.


    DeLuca Armistice violation!



  9. I'm still hoping we can settle on not using those stupid names at all.
    I agree. Call it as you see it, no crusades and no personal attacks. No "teams" necessary.


    aww, c'mon, man (men?). it's just a bit of fun.


    You can be on Team Wet Blanket.


    ha! a funny joke you made.


    It's not you have to stay on one team. You can always switch teams, daily if u want.




    yin and yang. jekyll and hyde. jack and locke. zenyattà and mondatta


    How often do you switch teams?



  10. So LR shouldn't be talking to his players? Or is this like getting called to the principals office and everyone goes oooooooohhhhhh


    no, of course he should be talking to his players. especially a new one who seems to be struggling a bit to adapt.


    there was just something about the image that allowed me to feel a certain weakness for the preachings of TSC.




    thanks for this.


    It's not a TSC vs. SAK thing


    i need another refresher. SAK = Sunshine and Kittens? (i think d4rk gave this to me upthread.) i thought we had settled on the Candyland Gang.


    what is it??? I cant see that at work


    just a grainy phone pic of lindy having a post-practice heart to heart with hodgson.

  11. It was in the GR interview. Towards the end I think.


    hearing it now. and, having heard it, his "curiosity" quote now seems much, much less like a jab at kassian and more like genuine interest in how (not really "if") kassian will develop as an nhl player.


    and, yes, lindy specifically confirms that foligno's progress in the roc. was a big part of the willingness to part with kassian.

  12. I read it a little deeper - if impotence (ie having a sh!tty hockey team that doesn't win) is the disease and fooking your wife(ie having a winning team you like) is the goal, you can accomplish that goal by taking viagra, but it doesn't cure the problem, (ie heart disease) that is keeping you from fooking your wife. Under this analogy, Kassian is Viagra - he makes you feel better about your team because he's rough and tough and gives you a b0ner, but he doesn't cure the impotence that keeps you from fooking your wife. Hodgson, on the other hand, is the heart medicine that has the secondary effect of curing your impotence and allowing you to fook your wife like a porn star.


    I understand this requires some medical knowledge and is apparently not how you intended it, but it was my take.

    Honestly, I no longer have any idea what I intended.


    my favorite posts of 2012 right here.

  13. or he could be just being honest about why they let the guy go.


    fair deuce. i'm not sure why i posited the ulterior motive -- i think my original point was just that he was being candid.


    And fans sometimes wonder why coaches/players do nothing but give cliche after cliche after cliche. Heaven forbid they be honest, and have interesting things to say, then they have the media/fans jumping down their throat. Ruff is honest about some reasons Kassian was parted with, Miller is honest about his feelings regarding the Gaustad trade....and they get micro-analyzed and criticized for what they said. I'd stick to the cliches too.


    i have no problem with what miller said -- it's the sort of thing i expect from him (remember his interview about the over-the-glass penalty that campbell took in game 7 of the ECF?) -- he's an emotional and somewhat moody guy.


    and i have no problem with ruff being honest and candid ... about his team, about his team's opponents, about specific games, specific plays, whatever. but when it comes to pontificating on how a former prospect will develop ... i just thought it was gratuitous.


    Furthermore, as far as Ruff "hating toughness"--- an impotent man doesn't hate ###### his wife... he might just need his heart medication more than Viagra.


    try as i might, i can't unravel this metaphor.

  14. I think Ruff putting the lack-of-toughness onus on Kassian is an attempt to try and allay the calls (fair or not) that he hates said toughness.


    you think so? i don't think ruff hears those claims, or, if he does, that he heeds them one bit.


    i think he was just trying to downplay the quality of the player that the team sent to vancouver and amplify the notion that the sabres got the better of the deal.

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