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Dreams Burn Down

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Everything posted by Dreams Burn Down

  1. Maybe Bernier's not enamored with geopolitics? Maybe he just had some bad hash?
  2. I remember when not getting out of the first round was such a disappointment; an embarrassment, really. If I only knew what was coming just over twenty years later, I would have complained less and enjoyed those teams much more.
  3. I don't care what you call it. I'll freebase this type of hope all day long. After where we've been, this naivete and confidence is so energizing. I am really looking forward to seeing this young group mature together.
  4. My hope for tonight is that, when they take physical liberties against us, and they will, that the Sabres have a response. It doesn't even have to be an in-kind response; just something that shows a blip on the EKG at the heart of this team.
  5. I, too, am looking forward to seeing him for two or three games here just to see his developmental progress.
  6. The only AFC team that I didn't think we could beat in the playoffs was the Colts. Now that they're out, it really makes no difference who we play. If we play lights out on both sides of the ball, we can beat the Chargers or Patriots. It's our offensive inconsistency that worries me, though.
  7. With 9 sacks and 52 total yards allowed, our defense won this game for us today.
  8. I love watching announcers who were journeyman quarterbacks, at best, instruct JA how to play for three hours.
  9. I always loved the banter between him and Mike Robitaille on Hockey Hotline. They were good foils for one another. In my youth, I also enjoyed him on WIVB as a sportscaster. My condolences to his family and friends.
  10. Letting "inferior" opponents hang around has been an issue throughout the season; beginning in week one against the Steelers. I hope that it doesn't sink us today.
  11. Yes, with the Colts loss and the Steelers win, they are out.
  12. That was a spectacular escape by JA and even more so on the catch by Diggs.
  13. Singletary is one hell of a back.
  14. I am excited with Levi's NHL94esque numbers. The performances he's stringing together are stratospheric. However, the NHL is just a different animal. So, I'm attempting to temper my zeal, but the kid is making it increasingly difficult on me.
  15. It's all about matchups. We barely escaped them in the playoffs last year and got stomped this year. Their offensive line and running game play into our worst defensive liabilities. I certainly don't want any part of the Colts in the playoffs.
  16. He's clearly struggling with this injury. My thought is, why wait for the off-season to rehab? Wouldn't shutting him down for ten or twenty games be appropriate as this juncture? Playing through it doesn't seem to be working. We're obviously thin on talent, but I'd like to see VO healthy more for the future than forcing it to happen in the here and now.
  17. He certainly plays with some fire. If he could help to inject a little nastiness into the Sabres, then I'm all for it. When was the last time that the Sabres were a tough, physical team that teams hated to play against; the mid-to-late 90s, maybe?
  18. Just when you think it couldn't get worse for him. Of course, it can and does. More self-destruction and wasted talent.
  19. Eakin screams Nickelback, no? Then again, he looks like an extra from Grumpy Old Men, as well.
  20. All the work done in this thread has helped to buoy my spirits during some dark days of being a Sabres fan. Thank you all very much. As long as ownership doesn't interfere, too much, there look to be bright days ahead.
  21. He certainly was never "captain" material, that's for sure.
  22. I'm going to have to get my ice hockey fix from somewhere else tonight. A sign of the times.
  23. Two years ago today, on January 7, 2020, Neil Peart passed away from glioblastoma at the age of 67. He was the drummer and lyricist of the most important and influential musical entity of my lifetime, Rush. Rest in peace, professor.
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