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Posts posted by Kong

  1. 1 minute ago, Curt said:

    Ok, so you don’t have a specific objection to how the Hall situation is being handled, you just think Buffalo management sucks in general.


    I don't see what all the brouhaha is all about. I'm not the only one who thinks the longer this Hall thing goes on, the less Buffalo gets in return...




    With Taylor Hall out of the Sabres lineup, it appears his days are numbered in Buffalo, but the longer he stays on the market the lower his value may get.



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  2. I don't have confidence in Buffalo's management period. Is that so shocking? Maybe it's shocking that my confidence is dropping and I have no confidence in the first place. They're waiting for the light on Hall. He's had a bad year. His price is down already. I wonder what the offers are like. I don't even remember the last good trade with lasting results that was pulled off by the Sabres. Joki for Nylander? Maybe. But people are now talking about trading Joki. Before that...? It's just an endless game of hot potato with this team.

  3. I think a trade should have already happened. The longer this goes on, the less confidence I have that Buffalo's going to get anything for this latest mercenary who has been playing his way off the roster and into a cheaper trade deal. I know the Islanders were part of the discussion but now they're not part of it anymore, I think that's good because they're a lot smarter than us and would surely snooker our rookie GM. Buffalo's front office is a mess. It consists of The Waitress, who has done nothing but fumble things, albeit with an iron fist. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. Dahlin's goal was really exciting! Loved the celly too. All of a sudden, he's a star. Good things coming from him.

    Wonder how much Granato is getting paid to be interim head coach. Krueger can't carry his lunch as a coach and what did he get? 3.7 million/3 yrs.

    My coach friend suspects Skinner has a hand/wrist/wrist injury. But for two years? 

    Can't wait to hear Ruotsoleinen from Ristoleinin.

    Suddenly this is kind of fun. I could get used to winning.



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  5. This is a perceptive group who wants to figure things out. Has anyone else noticed that Skinner has been dropping his stick fairly often lately? (maybe not last game but the last few games)...maybe it's just me hallucinating. I asked a coach friend of mine and he said If he's been dropping his stick often lately, it could be that he's dealing with a hand, finger or wrist injury. That didn't occur to me...My friend slowed down the play and noticed the ref not making the call (the ref was only a few feet away). It doesn't mean that Skinner isn't playing hurt (teams are notoriously non-specific about disclosing exact injuries) but another factor is the refs aren't working with replays like we are. 

    The plot thickens: the gif replay below shows Skinner knowing that he's going to block the puck and get a breakaway, but takes one hand off his stick when he gets it chopped out of his hand. 

    IMO it should have been a penalty shot.

    http://coachchic2.s3.amazonaws.com/New CCcom-2020/SiteWork/Skinner-StickLoss.gif

  6. 13 hours ago, dejeanneret said:

    “We have a little bit more information than maybe a fan does, some inner workings that we see some positives in.”  

    Kim Pegula, May 2020.

    Words echoed by our storied Team President explaining the retainment of GM Jason Botterill, before performing an about-face and firing him weeks later.

    Botterill's departure led to the hiring of Kevyn Adams as GM after serving as the team's Senior Vice President of Business Administration for one year.  An opportunity that had more to do with the Pegula's familiarity with Adams and less to do with his executive prowess.  

    This elevated Head Coach Ralph Krueger to almost de-facto AGM.  He knew more about personnel and coaching than Adams.  They were to lead this team together by adding pieces whom, on paper, seemed to increase our goal production and make the Sabres an "almost" playoff contender, if not one.

    Fast-forward to a dozen games into the season and things began to fall apart with a quickness.  Our starting goalie went down for several weeks, and Adam's inability to secure an NHL-level reserve bit this team hard.  The team began to lose confidence.  Scoring ran dry.  Swagger disappeared.  Simple plays seemed impossible to make.  "Embarrassing" was a word used often to describe this team's performance.  Meanwhile our head coach kept preaching "system" and placing round pegs in square holes that would eventually fit. 

    One day.

    Fans and media called for Krueger's firing for weeks.  The players looked lost and careless, and those who were regular point pushers couldn't buy one.  The analytics were horrible.  Under Krueger this team looked like an AHL franchise.  Trade everybody.  Fire the coach.  Start from scratch.  Tank for who knows.  The usual Sabres drill.

    But our team President--you know the one who knows more than all of us--decided that making a coaching change wasn't a prudent move.  Was it his salary?  Who knows.  But let's not fool ourselves.  Adams was given his GM role because the Pegula's knew they could control him.  It wasn't Adams call to fire Krueger, regardless of what he insisted upon in his press conferences.  This was a Pegula call.  One they failed to make until it was way, way to late.

    So the Hockey President--who knows more than all of us--finally pulled the trigger.  They place an assistant coach whose highest level of Head Coaching was with the Chicago Wolves of the AHL 12 years ago, as the new head guy.

    After a few flat tires, this team began to show life.  All of a sudden the players weren't so bad.  The analytics weren't as horrible.  That starting goalie who hurt himself came back, and the team began to perform.  Before you knew it, they began to win.

    Now, 2-0-2 isn't a Stanley Cup run, and no one is crowning Don Granato as Sabres answer at head coach.  But one thing is clear--the Sabres struggles could be placed squarely on the shoulders of one Ralph Krueger.  Plain and simple.  He was too stubborn and too naïve to think that the players were buying into his "system".  He refused to change.  He thought he knew more than they did.  And it sabotaged Buffalo's entire 2021 season.

    One thing as a fan I sometimes fail to realize is that players are human beings.  Because they make considerably more money than the average fan, doesn't take away from this fact.  Whether you are an NHL player, or work at a warehouse.  If your boss is riding you constantly and making you do something your not comfortable doing, you are not going to perform at your best.  You may even lose intensity.  Lose desire.  Because you feel no matter what you do, or how hard you try, it's not good enough.  You keep making mistakes.  You don't comprehend what your boss is trying to make you do.  Eventually, your like F' it.  I'll come do my job, do my best, and let the chips lie where they may.

    If one thing the last handful of games has demonstrated, is that the players on this team are not as "horrible" as we thought.  A simple change of leadership with a relatively unknown bench boss has led to this team playing totally different.  They seem more confident.  They seem less restricted.  They seem to be having fun.  It's amazing when your jerk boss gets fired, and a new guy comes in who "gets it."

    Which leads me to this.  This team isn't going anywhere.  Regardless of how many games we win, we aren't going to make the playoffs this year.  We are in 2021-22 mode.  That's exactly where Kevyn Adams' head should be at.

    However, that old "blow up the team and trade everyone" take is exactly that.  Old.  Because a coach destroyed your franchise for two seasons doesn't mean you trade away valuable pieces due to his shortcomings.  Sure, UFA's who have value must be moved.  We aren't going anywhere, and to let them stay on this team and not better our future is asinine.  

    But for the homegrown UFA's and RFAs that everyone wants gone...let's take a deep breath.  Sam Reinhart, the guy who supposedly can't play center, had a $13.4 million cap hit over the last 4 years, pumping out 82 goals and 106 assists during that time, and is currently one of the leading scorers on the team.  Reinhart isn't the problem, and his payday is long overdue.

    Neither is Jack Eichel, a guy who scored 36 goals and 78 points in 68 games last year and who wants to win more than you or me. You'll have a better chance of winning the lottery than trading him for a draft pick or prospect that one day has the same production and/or intensity, so let's stop that silliness right now.

    Buffalo hasn't had a sub 2.50 GAA goalie since Chad Johnson in 15-16 (yes, Chad Johnson).  Yet Ullmark is finally showing that he may be on his way to being a solid starting NHL goalie with a 2.44 GAA, with his play improving each game. Yet some are screaming for the Sabres to try and get a mid-round pick for him?  Sure, he's a UFA, but why not try to keep him?  He's home grown, and it's not like UPL is going to step in and dominate next year.  That's like dumping your girlfriend who is in the final year of med school about to get her PhD because she's not able to help pay the bills.  Imagine the thought of having two NHL caliber goalies on this team?  Shudder the thought.

    Risto isn't a top line D, but with the right LD and minutes he can be an asset to this franchise.  His ferocity and will to win is unmatched.  That stuff doesn't grow on trees.  I get it, if we can get a 30g/60p top 6 for him, sure.  Otherwise, Risto isn't the problem either.

    A guy like Skinner who for all of his career has been a goal and point producing machine blanks under HC Krueger, and all of a sudden he's damaged goods.  How about we pair him with an offensive minded head coach and see if that's really the case?  

    Sorry, but Mittelstadt is playing like a man possessed the last handful of games.  Looks like it's finally clicked for him.  I used to consider him a trade throw-in for a goal scorer.  Now I'll reserve judgement until I see him with a competent HC.

    If you want to start with players they should try to move for a bag of pucks, let's start with Eakin and Hutton.  

    The point is you can't gauge this team based on their performance under one of the worst head coaches this franchise's history.  But when it comes to RFA's and some home grown UFA's, trying to trade away pieces just to trade them away for draft picks and unknown prospects will set this franchise back years.  Ralph Krueger was the problem in Buffalo, not the players.  It's time to give these guys a competent coach, and let their play under competent leadership determine their future, as well as the team's. 

    And for the love of everything holy---bring in a hockey guy who can tell Kim Pegula to buzz off--I got this.  Just like Brandon Beane did for the Bills.

    She is literally killing this franchise.  










    Excellent rant. Bravo! 

  7. 31 minutes ago, inkman said:

    I want Kyle on this team.  Feels good saying it. 


    29 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    So glad to see him looking like himself again. I'm a big fan, but the first two months of this year he looked done.

    Maybe those injuries were more troubling than we knew?

    Also, when was the last time he was used in a top-six role like he is right now?

     He's playing well lately but I'd like to see the team trade Kyle while he's at a five year high point. Too many miles on the old tank.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Weave said:

    Skinner is a diver, but I can’t see even Skinner dropping  his stick on purpose with clear ice between him and the goal.  He’s taking that to the net every time.

    I'm not so sure about Skinner. If he's a diver, he's not an honest player. If he's not an honest player, there are numerous ways to try to express that in his attempts to draw penalties. This year hasn't gone so well for him so you never know. He may not have the confidence to take it all the way. All I know is I watch a lot of hockey and I hardly ever see any embellishment calls...it involves instant interpretation by the refs...who don't seem too bright. Plus the game is so fast and so emotional, it's must be hard to judge these things. Not even on this play where Barnaby faked an injury...but not for long! 


  9. 27 minutes ago, bob_sauve28 said:

    I was playing hockey once and a player slashed my stick. Not very hard, though.  I was not holding very tightly and it dropped out of my hands. They gave the guy a penalty and I said to him, you got a penalty because I wasn’t holding onto my stick hard enough. He yelled that at the ref, lol. 

    Good story. I used to play street ball against a player who always tried to slash my stick out of my hands, a big guy. He never succeeded. I always hung onto my stick no matter how hard he slashed me and he usually slashed me pretty hard. (for some reason, he didn't seem to like me!) Poetic justice, I may have ended his hockey career (not on purpose) when he tried to push me around near the net. He slipped and fell on some ice, injuring his back and never played after that.

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  10. 49 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    As usual, the NHL rulebook is near useless, as it's too vague and open to interpretation. How does one read the following (Rule 64 Diving/Embellishment)?

    Any player or goalkeeper who blatantly dives, embellishes a fall or a reaction, or who feigns an injury shall be penalized with a minor penalty under this rule.

    Is the embellishment of a reaction limited to the act of diving?

    You'd think Skinner in this case, if he was faking, should get a penalty under this rule.


    25 minutes ago, Curt said:

    I think it’s very clear, although the judgment itself will be subjective.

    Any player who...

    (1) blatantly dives

    (2) embellishes a fall or a reaction

    (3) or who feigns an injury

    ....shall be penalized with a minor penalty under this rule.

    Just use the commas.  They will show you the way.

    Thanks guys.

    So in other words, if Jeff was faking it and dropped his stick on purpose when prompted by the slash, in the judgement of the officials, under the embellishment of (a fall or) a reaction, it would be embellishment of having his stick tapped. I heard a lot of people say the slasher should have got the penalty but I beg to differ. I think he lost it on purpose. As a bonus, he looked like an idiot dribbling the puck down the ice with his feet. No one defended him either because they knew he couldn't score, only pass, and they defended that.

    Then again, maybe he has weak hands but I doubt it. I tend to blame Skinner on this one. 

  11. Question about hockey rules.

    There was this play by Skinner (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTRI-dCFZbc)...He had his stick slashed from his hands and went in on a breakaway, dribbling the puck with his feet going all the way down the ice. 

    My question is about the minutiae...I've noticed Skinner losing his stick fairly often, especially lately. Now we know these things: 1. When a stick is slashed out of a player's hands, it's usually a penalty on the slasher. 2. When a player intentionally dives, there's a penalty for that too. I know it must be almost impossible to tell, but putting 2 and 2 together, is there a penalty for intentionally losing his stick on a weak slash? It's like an intentional dive, only faking losing the stick to draw a penalty on the slasher.

    I would think that a pro hockey player would always hang on to his stick if at all possible and would be strong as hell... Have you ever heard of a penalty called for intentionally losing your stick while being lightly slashed? I know there's one for throwing the stick but how about one for faking having it slashed out of their hands. I assume it's too hard to tell and refs respond by not calling a penalty at all, on either side.

    Has anyone ever seen this called? I assume if it's ever called it would be under the "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" category. Or maybe if true, they'll have to call it the Jeff Skinner Rule.

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