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Everything posted by Believer

  1. Hmm… If Pegula sells the Sabres… and the new owner moves the Sabres to a new city… think Pegula will lose the goodwill and investment he’s bought himself in Buffalo over the years… Don’t see it happening myself…
  2. Whatever League Bonehead(s) made that call should be sent down to the AHL… for further development 🤬
  3. BN reports Mittlestadt had surgery on undisclosed upper body injury… Expected to return later in the season… ”Granato doesn’t know if Mittelstadt reinjured his previous problem. He said the latest injury is in the area of the first one.”
  4. It’s Granato’s job to motivate the players and to keep them from quitting… Both he and the players say the locker room is committed to playing better… Need to put several wins together as evidence to back up the words…
  5. Just read Granato’s post game comments in the BN… He is saying the right things… If the team is learning from their mistakes as he suggests, Granato must keep them focused on -Breaking out of their own zone; Attacking the offensive zone; Shooting and buzzing the net; Clearing the puck from their own zone when under pressure… It’s up to the Coach to get his team to be positive and focused… It’s up to the Coach to create motivation… Results will come if the team is learning from its mistakes…
  6. Fair enough… Watching was the wrong word… We did pick it up in the 3rd, but most of the period shot differential was on the PPs… We were badly outworked 5-5 the last half of the game as I saw it… Most of it was our weaker roster and dismal defense in our zone, but Granato can’t get them to play aggressive for 60 minutes… No excuses for that…
  7. The rest of the team was working in the 1st along with Dell… The rest of the team was watching in the last half of the game along with Dell…
  8. Tells the sorry story… Tells the sorry story tonight…
  9. Full team failure… Granato seems unable to teach these kids to play 60 minutes aggressively…
  10. Hard to pick on Dell for this disaster… It’s a team effort…
  11. Embarrassing… Wake up, Granato… Put a line together that wants to score…
  12. Dell is not good, but he kept us in the game early in the 1st… Dell is one part of a unit, and our defensive play in our zone is pathetic… Can’t even clear the puck let alone break out an offensive surge… Playing not to lose has led to losses all season… You’d think they’d learned that by now…
  13. Sabres in their heels… Lost their offense… Need to reset…
  14. You should hear the Panthers play-by-play man… WGR needs an upgrade…
  15. Agree… Conditioning?… Equipment?… Overly cautious on returns?… Mittelstadt’s been out for weeks with upper body injury… Broken bone?… Rotator Cuff?… Separated shoulder?… Anyone know?… Sabres are cryptic with injury information…
  16. Take Tokarski out… Team not playing in front of him… Calgary buzzing…
  17. Ye of little faith… Tokarski proved he can play and belongs in the NHL… and Granato and his teammates seem confident in his game…
  18. Nope… But the Eichel Obsession dies slow on the board… He’s gone… Let it go… We have a fine roster of young stars to discuss…
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