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Cascade Youth

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Posts posted by Cascade Youth

  1. The headlines aren't even always written by humans.  And sometimes the AI changes the headline multiple times throughout the day in an effort to capture the maximum amount of eyeballs.  The algorithm pushes the language towards the provactive - the goal is to generate traffic and discussion.  Looks like it's working.

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  2. 2 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    Homemade garlic bread:

    - Any baguette-type long roll is fine.  Cut it in half longwise like you're making a sub sandwich.

    - Apply a decent amount of olive oil with a tablespoon to each half of the roll (i.e. several spoonfulls)

    - Sprinkle lightly with parsley, oregano and minced garlic

    - Bake in oven or toaster oven at 325 for 7 min or so until it browns

    - Add some shredded cheese and bake for another 4-5 min



    I use melted butter instead of olive oil - I find olive oil tends to overpower the flavor.  Also, a tip I learned from Guy Fieri - add a splash or two of hot sauce to the melted butter before you slather it on the baguette. 

  3. 6 hours ago, JohnC said:

    My criticism isn't the specific hiring of Lindy. He may turn out to be an excellent hire. You ask why lengthen the process? There is a simple and good answer for that: You may end up with a better candidate by waiting a little longer when other candidates could have been available. Yes, Lindy fit the criteria that the GM laid out when the hiring process was established. That doesn't mean that by waiting other candidates wouldn't also fit the desired criteria. Quite the contrary, by waiting a little longer there would have been a longer list of candidates to choose from. What's wrong with that? Why the urgency to get Ruff in the fold right now? What other franchise was knocking on his door?

    I'm rooting for Ruff to do well. In my mind, this hiring process was too limited and rushed. As @LGR4GM aptly stated: the organization hired the candidate that they wanted before the process was meaningfully gone through. That's not the best way to conduct business when doing a candidate search.

    Not to mention - the interview process is a great opportunity to LEARN things about how your own organization is perceived, or how other organizations do things differently, that you might not otherwise get.  It’s free information that Terry and Kevyn seemed to have no interest in collecting.  Again: doesn’t doom Lindy but is not a good sign or look.  Once again Terry may be relying on luck.

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  4. The thing about this I find most amazing is that somehow Kevyn felt no pressure to do the normal GM thing of canvassing candidates and hiring the best one.  Zero pressure.  Like, if you’re Adams and you’ve got nothing to show for yourself as a GM - no great trades or signings, no in-season (or offseason) tweaks to get your flailing team on track, just nothing, wouldn’t you at least pretend to appear to give off the optics of actually doing your job well by going through a routine due diligence process?  Was Ruff really in danger of getting scooped up by some other franchise?  He lives here for chrissakes.  He would’ve taken the job next week or in July; there was no reason not to at least look like you’re putting in the work and diligence.

    And yes I hope this works - who doesn’t?  But if we’re being honest, Terry Pegula is the worst owner in NHL history.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Mango said:


    I was just going through some data points in another forum. Cap friendly is by far the best NHL cap resource, below is the team spending going back to 2015 when they first started. The Sabres have been spending bottom half of the league 7 of the last 9 years that they tracked. Another (not so) fun fact is that the Sabres scouting department is tied for the smallest in the league with Ottawa. The Kings and the Jets don't list their scouts, which is super weird, even if they have less the Sabres are in terrible company with those three teams. 

    2015: 27th
    2016: 24th
    2017: 19th
    2018: 6th
    2019: 4th
    2020: 18th
    2021: 32nd
    2022: 32nd
    2023: 31st

    The scouting department, roster spend, plus the lack of arena maintenance should be major question marks for any high sought after candidate. There are a lot of data points that point towards lack of institutional support. 


    The Adams-era Sabres operate a lot like the Levy GM-era Bills.

    • Disagree 1
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  6. 6 minutes ago, Believer said:

    Just listened to Adams’s presser… 44 minutes… First time he’s been humble in his public comments in my memory…

    Took his mask off… Admitted his failure as GM… Rightly took the bullet for Granato… without letting the players off the hook…

    First time Harrington, Lyskowski, Hamilton et al put hard questions to him publicly … and he answered every one he could with patience and intelligence…

    Provided great insight into his thinking, his relationships and his process… Bravo, Adams… Looking forward to his off season decisions. 

    Agree with all of that.  We didn't hear what, if we're being honest, most of us expected to hear, which was "We were close, it was the injuries and some bad luck, but we were right there and I'm proud of what we were able to accomplish" etc.  No, it was a different message - "We've done nothing and it's not good enough."  Good for him.

    And yet...

    He still peppered in some suggestions of bad luck and injuries.  And he still didn't really explain why he sat on his hands as the team floundered.  Thinking about it, I'm left wondering how much of that was because he backed Granato's asinine contract extension in August and couldn't find a way to go back to Terry mid-season about making big changes without fitting his own head for the noose.  And maybe I missed it (I missed the first part of the PC yesterday) but no one asked him why they felt the need to give Granato a new contract last summer.

    I also noticed, yesterday and in prior PCs, that when Adams is asked about an internal cap he always responds with some version of "We have enough resources to win."  That isn't a denial, it just means to me that he has sold Terry on being able to do more with less.  It's a disingenuous answer in my view.

    Anyhow, all things considered, I feel better than I did earlier in the week but it still all sucks.  None of these developments are good ones.  For someone who (yesterday) preaches accountability, I still don't really see what metrics Adams is being held to other than budget.

    • Like (+1) 4
  7. 1 hour ago, JohnC said:

    Some players disliked what some fans did. So what! They expressed their displeasure by stop doing some meaningless "stick salute". Big freaking deal!  The players are allowed to express themselves just as fans are. There is nothing disrespectful about stopping a meaningless act that was in reality overdone. If that hurt some fans' feelings then tough. My recommendation to these overly sensitive and whining and sniveling crybabies is stop being a pathetic snowflake and toughen up. If you throw shiiit---then don't cry when it symbolically gets thrown back at you. 

    They are employees of a business.

    No sane business operates the way you are describing - none.

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