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Posts posted by PerreaultForever

  1. One way to end the dismantling is to not trade your #1 center minutes and role-wise.


    Just sayin'.

    Unless it's the final step. 


    Just don't think you can "change the culture" while keeping this scenario going. No way is ROR in the long term plan, so it's best to end it all now and then it's JBot's team to make or break. 

  2. Anyone thibk Housley went to JBOT and emplored his need for dmen for his system to work?

    No, I just think you can't win in this league without a mobile defense that moves the puck up quickly and he is moving us from one of the worst D's in the league to a promising one filled with potential. D-men are hot commodities every year and so if we end up with too many good ones we'll be able to trade them easily to many suitors. Building the D first is a good idea. 

  3. WHY?  All this "ROR is the locker room problem" talk is pure speculation.  If you really believe the bolded is true, you don't have a clue.

    Clueless? Probably, I'm still a Sabres fan over all these years so mentally insane is even more likely than clueless but for the sake of rebuttal, name me some examples of situations where teams have actively shopped players, then NOT traded them and had that same player have success for them? There might be one or two, but as a whole it's a recipe for disaster and certainly not what you want for a start over new era kind of thing that you can have with Dahlin.  

  4. Maybe Botterill should trade with Bergy

    They want ROR, Sabres want 3rd overall so talking continues.


    So far JBot's trading skills are in question. Not much for Kane, likely nothing for Lehner (tough sell I know), and after shopping him around, if ROR is still a Sabre in October has to be viewed as a fail so far in that area. I just think that if fixing the locker room is the priority, and he has been singled out (right or wrong) as possibly one of the problems then a deal of some sort has to be made before camp. 


    San Jose sure looks poised to sign Tavares.......

  5. Trotz is an excellent coach, but a lot of things have to come together for anyone to win the cup, and some of that is luck. He was starting to look like the Marty Shottenheimer of hockey, always good in the regular season crap in the playoffs, until finally this year a little luck, a little timing, some breaks, some goaltending moments and he finally won one. If he hadn't won it all this year he'd have been fired. The timing for us to hire him is wrong, and imo he does not fit with what they want to do here. If Housley doesn't pan out we'll probably wish we had him, but if Tavares doesn't sign on the Island Trotz's bubble will likely burst and fans there will wonder why he got a 5 year deal. 

  6. Lehner was a major contributor to the room’s dysfunction, that’s addition by subtraction.

    I'm going to guess with that whole psycho ufc personality of his no one would say boo to him if he got in a mood (including coaches). It's clear that JBot is going to attempt to fix the locker room, whatever it takes. Sad he couldn't get something/anything for him, but it is addition by subtraction for sure. 

  7. This is where I'm at.  Where XGMTM failed was in being too generous with cap money and ending up with too many useless, toxic contracts.

    Murray over-valued the players he had and the same thing is going on here at sabrespace. Murray was convinced everything was going to fall into place with Kane getting healthy and being what he was supposed to be, Jack was going to be league leading, Lehner was going to be a top notch goalie etc etc so he dumped cash at anybody who'd take it. Just dumb all over.


    Everything I see from JBot involves a slow and steady restructuring of this team, the end product should be young and fast with D depth rather than a bare cupboard. Nothing so far tells me it's the wrong way to go, BUT I do think this is a method that will take a long time to come together. It might happen sooner, but likely this is a good playoff team in 2, 3 maybe even 4 years, but not for a while.

  8. When they exiled Moulson instead of sending him to Rochester it was a clear message that he was a bad influence and wasn't going to be anywhere near anybody on the team. To me, this is just a nail in that coffin. Just another small step in cleaning out the house while they rebuild the foundation. Don't care on the dollar values, it'll simply be good to have him gone.

  9. I disagree on this. Everyone always pushes developing from within and bringing up player to the roster. The Sabres have enough youth, what they need are some good veterans to fill out the roster. You cant build a team off of just youth and prospects.

    Actually, I think you can and should. No more deadbeats at the end of their careers. If we are to win, the current crop must be the leaders (Jack and whoever else is still here). 


    They said you couldn't build a team of cast offs and a good goalie and yet Vegas is in the cup. Speed and a good goalie is everything now. Speed and youth is what we should do while drafting goalies every year until we get the right one.

    Sure, I'd take a speedy veteran or two with a good work ethic, but not for big money and everybody wants those so it's not worth pursuing too hard.

  10. I will say Botterill seems very methodical. 

    I still think this was a tank year but they kept it secret and were clever about hiding it. Housley was hired to be the right coach for Dahlin. Now the signings, the new players, even a first rounder coming for Kane, if we do not start to see an upwards trajectory for this team now, we never will. 

    I truly believe this team will look vastly different from what we ended the season with. It'll be young and fast. What we are really missing is a goalie, unless Ullmark is ready but I have my reservations on that. Fingers crossed.

  11. There were some reports that our illustrious owner was not happy with the lack of progress from JBot's first year. Might just be fake news or rumor but if it's true, and JBot feels the pressure he'll probably blow it and waste money on declining old talent and slackers like the last guy did.

    I am hoping instead they have him on a longer time frame and let him restructure things properly. Build from the bottom and leave the cap in good standing so we'll have the money for the Mittelstadts and Dahlins and all the great picks he'll still draft.................ya gotta dream. 

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