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Posts posted by Ho-Chi-Sock

  1. My off season game plan is to log off.


    NSFW language: https://twitter.com/dril/status/247222360309121024?lang=en


    Middlestadt should at least start the year in ROC. Obviously call him up to the club as needed, but unless the AHL is way too easy for him, I'd like to see him spend the majority of the season down there. In 2019-20, his spot on the big club is his to lose.


    Lehner should be traded come rain or shine. Not all of the problems on D are his fault, but it's time for fresh blood. A 2nd/3rd rounder and a 4-star prospect would be ideal.


    Draft: Take BPA


    Keep Okposo, Bogo can be traded for a fancy new gym bag for Eichel. ROR and Reinhart can be available for (and only) the right price. Spend Nylander to a shrink and get him some good medical weed. Start next season fresh.


    Come up with a new slogan. Sharpen Your Swords is old and passe, and besides the way this year's gone it should just be "Dull Your Blades" anyway

  2. Really? I'm curious about that. They've never won anything, and don't exactly have a long standing tradition of being the center of the football universe like Toronto has. How are they like Toronto?


    They're major talkers, flap their gums when things are going well, disappear the second their team has to face any adversity. There's also that blasted horn, their bizarre inferiority complex where they signed every (and I do mean EVERY) washed-up former Packer player who came their way, and just an unwarranted sense of entitlement while also complaining about what a bunch of underdogs they are.


    Nothing earth-shattering I know, as every fanbase has it's obnoxious sports fans, but I find Vikings fans are a special breed.

  3. This seaon Sabres are not worthy of these players, Rochester are.


    Pretty much this. If the Sabres had a chance at the postseason, fine you have a point. But I'm willing to sacrifice the rest of the year for a high lottery pick AND to let these young cats get enough momentum to come in and set the world ablaze in camp. No point in exposing them to the current state of the team for too long.

  4. Teachers usually have to still show up when schools are closed only for temperature reasons.


    Lockport staff had to show up for a "professional development" day.


    My school is a veritable wind tunnel, especially on the path kids and teachers have to walk on during dismissal duty. I'm not complaining for a second about "cold days."


    As much as I want Brady to tear all of his ACL's every season, can't wish ALS on anyone


    Oh neither would I, just predicting that something will happen to or come about him that will make everyone feel bad about ever having a negative thought about him.


    Sort of like how I want to hate LeBron for being a diva and then I read about how he does these great things for kids with disabilities and is a spokesman for getting kids to stay in school and pursue higher education.

  6. I would love for there to be some type of scandal, something so toxic and over the top that the league has no choice but to wipe out the Pats records, and Brady/Kraft/Hoodie are forced to live the rest of their days with a tainted black cloud hanging over them, as the evil seed of what they have done germinates within them.


    But more realistically, Brady's going to get ALS in his mid 40s and then we're all going to be forced to feel bad for ever hating him during his brave battle.

  7. I blame wings.


    There should be a full ban on any player eating wings during the season.

    1st offense - $5k fine for each wing.

    2nd offense - $50k fine for each wing.

    There will not be a 3rd offense.


    Ban will be lifted for the Christmas break.


    You're a monster.


    Although, if you want to spin this into hockey terms, maybe eating wings is exactly what this team needs. Maybe the threat of cannibalization would finally but these players on notice? If I'm a Sabre, if being forced to butcher and eat Reinhart for his underwhelming performance doesn't kick my ass into gear, nothing will. (Not to mention the possible team bonding activities that the meal prep process would entail...)

  8. Jack Eichel has been imbued with the spirit of Mittelstadt. Did you really think the Casey magic was going to be limited to just one player?


    There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?


    Praise His Name.



    I agree with this.


    Jack's play was substandard for much of the season.  His play has changed and and now he looks like a 2nd overall pick and elite player.  It wasn't coaching.  it was simply Jack needing to get his head out of his ass and play like he talks.


    It could very well have been coaching...maybe not Phil, but perhaps some other higher-up (teammate, agent, etc) who gently gave a gentle nudge about how poor his attitude and demeanor were, and if he wanted to be a captain it was time to start acting like one.


    Whatever it was, it was much needed. Jack was quickly becoming my least favorite player for a couple of weeks. (Not like I was ever a moody d-bag at 21...NO SIR!!!  :angel: )

  9. Welcome!!


    The season is lost, but I don't think the Sabres should be dumping any player that is even remotely OK.


    Thanks!!  I've come to conquer your women and bring glory to the Infallible Leader.


    I think it's fine to say anyone not named Eichel is fair game. But certain folks like Lehner, Kane, and Risto (whom they'd better not trade--my fave! <3) deserve a higher can't-miss price than others.


    I realize I'm not conquering any new ground with this post, but my therapist says engaging in conversation is the best way to respond to meeting new people.

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