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Posts posted by Ho-Chi-Sock

  1. Fantastic game, took 5 tries but I was finally able to witness a Sabres win in person.


    I was admittedly quite worried at first, but apart from the goal and that long stretch in the Bruins' end in the 2nd , there was DEFINITELY a different attitude with that team tonight. If Boston was going to win, they were going to have to take it from them kicking and screaming. If they played like that every game, this would be a very fun team to watch.


    Oh, and RJ is definitely the class act he is portrayed as. God bless him.

  2. what?


    As God as my witness, I spent today thinking "Wow, they're going all the way up to Vancouver to play the Caps and then have to be back home tomorrow for the Bruins? This IS a horrible schedule!"


    It literally took MSG showing the Capitol building as they were coming back from commercial before I even to started to remember that the Capitals, in fact, are in good ol' Washington D.C.


    I'm fully aware that Vancouver isn't even the capital of Canada, let alone, British Columbia, which makes this whole thing all the more nonsensical.


    I dunno, maybe I just like the way "Vancouver Capitals" sounds.

  3. I'm so glad he's gotten over what little snit was plaguing him in the fall. He really seems to have grown up and mature into the kind of player who not only is elite, but makes his own teammates play better as well. He's given this team some hope after a very difficult start and hopefully it builds and rubs off on next year's acquistions.

  4. I can back up Liger's point. I grew up in the next town over from Geneva, and it is DEFINITELY not anywhere close to WNY. Nor is Canandaigua, Penn Yan, Honeoye Falls, etc. It's an entirely different place. (For starters, the yokels use the word "soda")


    Unofficially, I've always considered the (716) area code to be WNY, or, if that bothers you, then Batavia/Leroy being the eastern boundary. I've just never felt Rochester or the burbs were necessarily the same as WNY. Midwestern NY maybe?


    Also, Buffalo feels more like a Midwestern city, given its blue collar culture and proximity to the Great Lakes and Canada, than an East Coast city like Boston or NYC.

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