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Posts posted by jeffismagic

  1. That breakdown is from a Chiefs website though.


    I'm just not convinced he's a pocket QB. Everything I've seen from him in the preseason so far is scramble first, instead of stepping up in the pocket


    You have to scramble or shuffle when you lose protection. Texas Tech he had no oline. The Chiefs 2nd and 3rd string oline isn't that great either. You don't stand in the pocket when someone is running free or the pocket is collapsing. 

  2. I'm not very high on Mahomes, seems like he panics too much under pressure, but he has some good tools.      


    Kizer is far from polished, but I really like his demeanor... reminds me of Russel Wilson.    He's confident but understands his limitations, seems to have that "it" factor IMO.    That said, I don't think he should be starting this season, could set him back.... but CLE does have a very good OL, so we'll see.     


    What about the college games Kizer played in last year? He looked spooked and that was why he fell when many expected him to be a high first rounder.

    I and others on here very much disagree with this. Can you provide some proof of this?


    I can't find the spreadsheet but Mahomes was the best of the bunch on 3rd down last year. As for a better breakdown here is one.


    "Patrick Mahomes’ college tape, it’s easy to get caught up in the arm talent. He throws the ball all over the yard and he does it from all over the field. We all talk about his school yard style, and that’s where a lot of the Favre comparisons come from. We’ve all seen plays of Mahomes putting his insane arm talent on display. He escapes pressure, rolls out and flicks a ball 50 yards down field with minimal effort. You can find several plays of him creating big plays off scrambles.

    It's great that he can do that, and he’ll certainly use the talent to his advantage. But there's an attribute to Mahomes that people aren't talking enough about and is a very underrated part of his game: He has the potential to be lethal against pressure in the pocket in the NFL. He already shows the traits (although unrefined) needed to do that at the highest level.

    After watching his college tape the last seven months, I do believe his first inclination is try to win from the pocket first and scramble out of the play as a last resort. He has a good feel for when to bail and when to stay. I think he wants to deliver throws with the routes called and the circumstances at Texas Tech led him to have to be more creative most of the time.

    The structure of the pocket Mahomes will have in the NFL is significantly different than what he experienced in college. Texas Tech uses a unique pass protection scheme that you will never see in the NFL. They use wide splits and their tackles often open up early to the sideline as part of their pass set. It forced Mahomes to take odd angles and routes at times to escape pressure when his linemen got beat.

    Mahomes won’t be able to get away from pressure the exact same way in the NFL as he did in college. He’ll have to make more subtle adjustments to escape pressure in a tighter area. In my opinion the drastic adjustments he had to make in college have more to do with the protections and play calls than his desire just to run around and make plays outside of the pocket. Before looking to scramble, he looks to find a receiver on their original route."


  3. Mahomes seems to fall apart under pressure. The pocket buckles and he runs or rolls out immediately. 


    He has great pocket presence. It's actually one of the main qualities I look for in a QB prospect. He has a great feel and only abandons the pocket if someone is free or crashing in.

  4. IMO Trubisky and Kizer will be the best of the group.    


    I had first round grades on Mahomes and Trubisky. Did not like Kizer. Falls apart under pressure. Not what Buffalo needs more of. But he does have all the tools. And Cleveland got him for a relatively low cost.

  5. It's funny. I am SO anxious about 1 or all of the top QBs from this past draft panning out. I need them all to fail, spectacularly. Please, Lord.

    Trubisky, doesn't matter. He was gone.


    Deshaun Watson. Love his intangibles but his arm strength and accuracy issues should limit his upside.


    Mahomes. Yeah, he is the one that got away.

  6. I have found jeff willing to trade lightly in some conspiracy stuff, but, on balance, I find that he has real substance underlying his takes. It's been his style and tone with which I have I had a problem at times. And a tendency to over reach at times.


    But again, on balance: jeff has good information and interesting takes.



    I'm not far off from this. There's been enough good there, though, for me to push through and appeal to his better angels.



    Is this being discussed in another thread?


    Anything serious? Or is this a case of Irish (Polish) flu?

    I didn't have a great start on this board when TBD posters came on and tried to bring grudges over here. I will work on a clean start and doing what I can to post quality takes and avoid personal BS.

  7. So you agree with his assessment that you primarily are posting at this time about the Bills.

    Yes. I also have outlined that the ratio will move to hockey once training camp starts.


    Don't know why it matters either way. If my posts aren't fan favorites at least they are confined to this thread, right?

  8. You have 252 posts total and 195 of them (~80%) are in this thread. Are you sure that you're making points anywhere about the Sabres?

    There are only 2 threads about the Sabres in the top 7 and I have indeed commented in both. But...you already knew that if you were looking at my post history.

  9. From everything I've read on Marco, he seems to be a horse.

    Excellent skater, physical, big shot, engaged and smart.


    I think he can handle the minutes and provide some stability.

    I'm not sure he is good enough to be a difference maker, but he hope he can help Risto to get there.

    He will definitely be the best partner Risto has ever had.


    That's what excites me.  Bots mentioned that he thought Scandella could play a bigger role in Buffalo than he did in Minny.

  10. Going to post one of these a day in September in an effort to spark some hockey talk.


    Last year at this time we hoped we had acquired the missing piece with Dimitri Kulikov.

    Oh, how disappointed we were.


    This year, we are pinning our hopes on Scandella to be that two-way, all-situations 22-minute compliment to Ristolainen we so desperately need. Can he do the job?


    I vote yes. I think the need was for a top4 D that could play big minutes and Scandella can fit that bill. 

  11. This thread is more active than all of the hockey ones combined.

    Glad I've not gotten involved, but I do wish people were investing this level of interest in the Sabres.

    Training camp can't come soon enough.


    Right now this is as interesting as the Bills will be all year. I would much rather discuss the Sabres who have legit prospects but need to wait till camp starts.

  12. This is out of line.




    ...but there is some truth in this.  There is something in the tone of Jeff's posts that is off-putting, and leaves room for improvement.


    I will note that there is absolutely nothing wrong, IMHO, with the "the Bills can be presumed incompetent until they prove otherwise" perspective. 


    I will continue to be civil with other posters and expect the same. As for my posts, are they just the ones on the Bills that people get worked up over? I post the same way on the Sabres but get no flack over those. Sounds like people just don't like the POV.

  13. We're a joke because of decades of completely unrelated losing, sure. But if you look at right now from here on out, our position is an envious one. The Colts, Jets, Jags...these are jokes

    The Jets get to pick the top QB and the Bills can sort through the leftover drawer.

  14. Fair enough.


    The phone does complicate the logistics of posting. I'm at a PC today.


    I posted that when I was standing in line at a Starbucks. So I get why it looked like that. But I do know you don't like Brandon so we're good and in agreement there.

    If the Bills did go that route, they are truly idiots. They shouldn't screw around and get a QB with raw talent and potential. They should get a QB with talent and a good degree of refinement.


    The Bills have NEVER used their initial pick on a QB. Kelly was taken after the Bills had selected a tight end. Manuel was a trade down acquiring an extra pick. Losman was taken after Evans.

  15. We had this exchange.



    If you're now saying that you weren't talking to/at me with the "fans eating out of his hand" comment and in response to what I'd been saying, then -- whatever.


    I am all for vigorous message board debate, so long as people are debating in good faith.

    That's what I am saying. Sorry, been on the road so I have been posting from my phone.

  16. The who now?


    Dude. If you knew anything about my content here, you'd know that I am no fan of Brandon. In fact, I harbor borderline irrational distrust (mistrust?) and even hatred for the man. I've posted pictures likening him to Wormtongue from the LOTR movies.


    Which is to say: Coming back at me with that is just more weak sauce.


    It's a shame, really. Much of what you say seems insightful and well reasoned. But then you undermine the credibility you earn by throwing out misinformation and insults. That sort of stuff makes me question the validity and credibility of the other (apparently solid) stuff you post.



    That's about right.

    Where did I call you a fan of Brandon? My post was about how Brandon has got the fanbase to buy in again. Not only that but now these guys are supposed to get two to three free years where wins or losses are not counted. It's brilliant for business. Keep costs down and count on fans to support it as you make vague promises.

  17. Good post. Let's have a whirl with someone whose skill set features asset management and roster structuring.


    I remember hearing Whaley interviewed about Watkins. He was clearly so geeked just remembering the experience. He talked about how his contingent had the entire day set aside, or something, but how they saw him live for some much smaller amount of time, and saw him do certain things (he mentioned something about a level of body control at top speed) and they were just like "hohoho! whoa! yep, okay, that's it, this is the guy."


    So, a good eye for talent. But completely daft on assessing that talent's value relative to other available talent and to the many other needs on the roster.



    How about someone with different credentials?


    I'm honestly unclear on what the other comment means.

    I don't consider being friends with Sean the Wrestler a great credential.

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