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MODO Hockey

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Posts posted by MODO Hockey

  1. 15 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    No, I don't think so. The limited success we're having right now is not being driven by the players who you could move out. It's not Reinhart or Risto leading this slight resurgence, it's Mittlestadt and Dahlin.

    The bottom line for me is the old core was rotten and returning to them as the main focus will lead to the same rot. I'm holding to that view until results prove it wrong. Trading Ullmark wouldn't change any of that. 


    Thank god were all different.

  2. 3 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    cause we're out of the playoffs. The minute you're out of contention as an organization you have to shift to the future so you trade at the deadline, you test the market for potential future deals, you evaluate players and see what you have in development. Then you turn to scouting everything you can and you work on your plan for next year. Winning is irrelevant, you just decrease your draft odds. 

    Already an article about Granato being the possible head coach next year. You just watch, we're going to do next to nothing. 

    That is loser mentality right there, sorry but your dead wrong.

  3. 1 hour ago, Flashsabre said:

    What would you have done?

    Hall had a no trade and would only waive for Boston. Hall was absolutely awful this year and is making $8 million. What wizardry would have you pulled off with Boston?

    Staal has gone to Montreal and been worse then he was here which is shocking to believe. Getting two picks for him was more than fair.

    Montour was analytically one of, if not the worst defence man in the entire league.

    We are in last place because these guys were awful. Teams going for the Cup don’t usually want awful hockey players.

    I swear sometimes fans thinks GMs are just idiots who look at a name and say, “he is well known, let’s add him regardless” without actually looking at how they are playing.

    You do realise we had the worst coach of the century right ? 

    If you dont know how to use your tools, you aint building jackshit.

    We are definitly not in last place because of these players, we are in last place because we had a coach that has destroyed any of confidence players had in them selfs or in this team at all. We had a total waste of a system, eventhough the players are professional players they are also humans just like you and me, hired to do their job as told to and if your boss is telling you to clean the toilette eventhough you could grow the companys productiveness with your skills elsewhere, you gonna clean the toilette instead because your boss told you so and your skills go to waste.

    Taylor Hall and Eric Staal are very skilled players, Eric Staal hasnt missed a single game last 5 seasons as far as i know, and Taylor didnt become mvp for no reason. They were used completly wrong and the team was built and coached like trash. 

    Montour is a offensive D, but he was also beeing used wrong and coached wrong, the skills are there no doubt. 

    If you wanna blame someone here you should blame Kev, Pegulas and above all Ralph Kreuger. These idiots together created the biggest trashcan we've seen in the history of NHL when looking at what players we have on paper. Enough said.


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  4. 1 minute ago, SDS said:

    I must be completely missing the point about the retained salary. He’s on a one-year contract. Who cares? It doesn’t affect the team one iota moving forward and it’s Terry’s money. Who was going to deal us back a worthwhile, high dollar player  (since the team trading for a Hall would be still in the hunt) in order for the receiving team to fit Hall under the cap?

    Never reported a topic before, didnt know, will do from now on though if it comes to this point again.

  5. 1 hour ago, Brawndo said:

    A chance to embarrass this franchise even more, trust me the proposals are coming 

    This is not only pathetic to say the least with trading Taylor to BOS, first you prove that you were dumb enough to sign him for 8 million 1 season (sigh for a bad deal), then you ratain half of that just to get rid of him months later for a 2nd and a nobody. I mean, what is this GM doing?! Kevin Adams is really stupid. 

    Taylor Hall is a catch if given the right tools. I think he will succeed in Boston, let's see.

    But with that said, 

    If Kevin Adamas cant do what is necessary to retain Linus Ullmark im fkn leaving to. 


  6. 22 hours ago, JoeSchmoe said:

    I like him, and what he's been able to get out of this group. Especially the young guys. 

    With Eichel out of the lineup, we shouldn't even be in any of these games.

    Dahlin is starting to look like the 1st overall we drafted.

    Mittelstadt, Thompson, and Aspland are showing signs they could be the 3rd line on a cup contending team.

    Though still a work in progress, Skinner is starting to show signs of his former self.

    The big one for me though is he's playing the young guys in favour of the old washouts. You see this all through the league... It's like a respect thing where coaches play the old guys even when they're terrible. You bring in an old guard guy like Boudreau, and I guarantee you he's going to be playing the Eakins, Sobotkas, and Bogosians of the world in favour of Cozens, Quinn, and Peterka.

    So I say IF we finish the season playing like we are now, Granato should get the job.

    It is way to early for this conversation to even take place.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Gatorman0519 said:

    Dahlin on the highlight reel? Okposo almost a point a game, Tage and Mitts looking every bit of where they should be?  The question is now, is Granato that good or was Ralph that bad?

    To ask a question if Granato is good now is not a legit question to be honest, it's not even close to be a fair question.  What is obvious though is that anybody would do better than Ralph. Ralph destroyed any confidence this team had left from last season, and the signs were already there, that this stupid idiot would destroy this team. 

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  8. 20 hours ago, Eleven said:

    I've got to say, the last few games, Casey has impressed me.  And tonight, with Thompson and Asplund, they were flying all over the place.  They look good together!  Even  Thompson was good.  Really, there could be room for this line in the future of this team.

    Would never work against a good team though. When you look how they play it's very AHL, stupid risks all the time. But hey, for now ill take anything.

  9. 1 hour ago, Brawndo said:

    This is what scares me the most about not having AGMs, a lot falls on an inexperienced GM. 

    Im pretty sure Ullmark want to stay. It's not all about money for him, the return must be pretty much a 3 year plan and that he is involved to be the starter. Otherwise Linus will move to a team that believes in him as n1.

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