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The Dominator

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Posts posted by The Dominator

  1. Waaaay beyond my expertise, but that's not always stopped me before. I think the French "invoke" it, formally or not. In other words, the allies will be briefed and assistance will be provided. My reading (inspired by your post) is that assistance can take many/any form. As a result, NATO will assist as they may, and invoke only if they decide invoking makes a statement helpful to their cause. Invoking won't alter the assistance. NeoPhyte.



    Thinking further - I'd invoke Article V. Let the world know NATO means something. Invite the Russians, Chinese, Saudis and Iranians in. More than bombs and $billions, solidarity defeats this scourge.




    A remarkable post that warms me. Just when I think I'm alone on an island, I see land close by. Who knew?




    I appreciate your balanced approach capturing hearts, minds, boots and bombs. Necessary, all, in my view. I'd look to fund and escrow the $Billion from the reluctant Sunni Saudis and Shia Iranians before I started.


    Double agreed, although I would like for the US to take a surgeon's approach. Attack ISIS with a scalpel, take them out from the neck up. I'm thinking drones. Rain from above. Not a downpour, but a calculated mist. There are about 17 million people left in Syria and 33 million in Iraq. CIA estimates there are 20-30,000 ISIS members. Let's go with 30,000. We are fighting the 0.06%. Need to be precise in order to avoid rupturing any brain arteries (innocent casualties). 

  2. ISIS: Targets chosen as places where the west enjoys life. Sporting halls, restaurants, concert halls.


    Deliberately provocative question. Would you water board a perpetrator you captured last night? Compatriots remain at large


    You don't want to know what I would do, but I'm not trained and not versed in dealing with terrorists. I've also been binge watching Game of Thrones so I'm more inclined to take a page out of the medieval playbook rather than the US counter terrorism playbook


    Very good. I'm in favor of going over there, doing it once, and doing it right. What I don't want, is us to be the only country over there, and I want to believe that the motivations for military action are justified and not just utilized ulterior motives


    This is my concern. I don't know how you do this "once." While once sounds like a relatively short amount of time, how many decades and generations of people need to occupy the ME in order to create sustainability and permanently delete a radical ideology that has continuously cropped up from numerous groups? This isn't Fascism, where a few powerful leaders are hoping to extend their power across the world, this is much more stronger and personal than that. These radicals BELIEVE what they're doing is God's work, and that is extremely difficult to cleanse from someone. 


    To clarify, I'm not saying you're wrong. In fact, if what you propose was calculated and feasible, I would be all for it. These are just the thoughts that run through my head when I hear possible solutions. 

  4. I know, and I'm very angry about it. The extensions of the NSA, the continued criminalization of whistleblowers are what makes me hate the Obama administration. The Patriot Act and Bush in general makes me hate Bush, and Glass Stegall makeshift hate Clinton.


    Sorry, side rant. I think we're on the same page?


    Cheers to that

  5. This has left me shaken. I flew to Paris to study abroad less than 2 weeks after the Charlie Hebdo attack. Call it naive but I wasn't as disturbed as this latest attack has left me. Like others have said, once you live in the city and feel the tradition and culture, it doesn't quite hit home any harder. 

  6. Great GDT, WC.


    Interesting that DDB is going with Ocho Cinco. Presumably we'll see Linus vs the Panthers.


    I think NBCSN does a good job with the production but I'm not crazy about Emrick. He just talks too much for my taste.


    I just realized that I look forward to seeing Eichel every game.


    Go Sabres.


    And O'Reilly. I look for both of them whenever a line change is made. They're so fun to track around the ice

  7. Hmmm...Cassel has ~ 6 times the amount of wins. I wonder how many more games he's played than EJ...


    Cassel 34-41 (45% win %age)

    EJ 6-10 (38% win %age)


    The SHOCKING conclusion, they're both pretty horrible. Although not as horrible as comparing QB win stats in a game that involves roughly 33 players (11 on offense and defense and special teams) and about a dozen coaches in order to win one game. This post isn't directed at you specifically inkman, just using your question as my soapbox. 

  8. I'm a big puss as well! Thanks guys. Sinister is on right now but I have many more hours to kill


    Sinister messed with me. Not so much scary as it is disturbing. I'm sure the second one coming out will be just as disturbing.


    Question, what kind of messed up person must you be to direct these movies? How does someone think of these ways to kill people?

  9. Sounds good, Bio.  I've had Breckenridge before.  I recall it tasting young (hot).


    Went to a Halloween party last night. Made bourbon apple pie shots to bring.  Used Evan Williams Black as the base.  Added sugar, two cinnamon sticks, 1 whole nutmeg shaved, and a big chunk of fresh ginger.  Let that all steep on the countertop for 4 days.  Strained it out and added apple cider to it (about 4:1).


    Oh my aching head.


    Wow that sounds incredible! I need to give those shots a try. Maybe I'll make them for Thanksgiving

  10. If Eichel clearly proves to be the better player this year, do you think it will send more prospects the college route or will people say Eichel was naturally more suited for the NHL? It's too bad Matthews went overseas, it could have helped the NCAA argument. 


    I personally think that Eichel was just naturally more suited for the NHL simply because of the physicality he brings. Not in the sense of knocking people off their feet, but in the sense of staying on the puck and showing balance. The way he moves on the ice is reminiscent of a skater that's 15-20 pounds lighter than him, but with that weight and acceleration he looks like a train coming at you. In the Eichel v. McDavid comparison, while Eichel is only listed at 10 pounds heavier than McDavid, he plays as if he has 20 pounds on him. Each stride seems so forceful. That's why I figured he would have a better rookie year than McDavid because he seemed more physically ready. Over time that advantage will probably even out but still the point remains for the near future. 


    Either way, the NCAA would be smart to leverage Eichel's success to get more prospects to go the college route. 

  11. Yup. Other teams gamesmanship is piping in extra crowd noise. If all other teams are just like the Patriots you'd think one of them would have been caught being Patriots-like by now.


    My friend's dad (who is a cop) told me something that I think resonates with the Patriots and how they seem to always be the team stepping further over the line than others. Basically, he said that in his 20+ years on the job, he has never caught someone driving intoxicated the first time they drove drunk. To bring it back to the NFL, to be caught cheating as many times as they have, in the ways that they have cheated, it shows that they tend to cheat more often and in more ways than any other NFL team. So while it is easy (and true) that many other teams cheat as well, no one is doing it as fervently and consistently as NE.

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