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The Dominator

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Posts posted by The Dominator

  1. Re: Saranac beers with similar flavor profiles....


    Lots of breweries have house flavors.  CB's in Honeoye Falls is one.  To me, Flying Bison is another.  Yeast has a tremendous impact on a beers flavor.  A brewery that uses one house yeast for most everything is going to have a house flavor.  Add using the same base malts in their recipes, and it is even moreso.  Being a fairly large brewery, I expect Matt's uses a house yeast strain and base malt for economic reasons, so yeah, they will have a house flavor even with differing recipes.


    Good point on Flying Bison. I noticed it before kind of subconsciously, but now that you mention it I think it's spot on. I also agree with d4ark that it seems like their "flavor" is expanding.

  2. It'll only be for a day or two.  Long enough to make sure that the mistake is fixed properly and our customer is up and running again.  Celebration once its over will be in a beer tent.


    Awesome! If you're able to, throw a couple pictures up of the tent/ beer steins. I've been to Germany for a long weekend but not during Oktoberfest. It's on the bucket list

  3. Noted. I was running through the Oktoberfest beers I've had over the past few years (Sam Adams, Rohrbach, Great Lakes, Pearl St.) and couldn't think of a time where I had a bad one. Not that I've had numerous renditions of the stuff though...


    Edit: Actually, I think I have had Saranac's before. Nothing they make ever stands out.

  4. Pretty much. It's year 1 of a complete rebuild, where we have no QB and the schedule was already brutal. I wrote off the season in January, and I'm not going to start flipping out over moves involving players that weren't going to have a future on this team anyways. We've been doing the same thing for 17 years, this may not work but at least it's different.


    So ###### it and let's just see where it goes 


    Basically where I'm at this year. Very early in the offseason I had them pegged as a 6 win team when looking at the schedule and all the moving parts on the roster.


    After the past handful of trades, I have them around 4 wins. Which I'm ok with as long as they finally land that QB we haven't had since Kelly. They're obviously putting a lot of stock into building back up the depth in a way that fits their systems, but they're also putting themselves in position to make a play for QB.

  5. Ducasse is brutal. He plays like he's wearing roller skates. And, Mills is almost as awful. He is a human turnstile in pass protection.


    I can't understand why Ducasse is still given time with the starters. I understand the team taking their time with Dawkins at RT and allowing him to transition, but Miller has been better than Ducasse ever since he stepped into the league. 

  6. Because it implies that any opinion other than "it was a great move" is factually and proveably wrong.


    I'd say 12 or 13. Anyway, the trades made the team worse for the sake of a future draft. They were tank moves in the sense that the team deliberately decided to do it one freaking month before the season. And now I'm even more annoyed. It's like there was no central plan here at all, they're just doing things as they come. Bleh.


    I know if I was LA, I would want to see Sammy take some snaps before finalizing a trade for him. 


    It's a bad look if they finalized a trade, only to have Sammy arrive in LA and fail the physical. 


    The timing seemed intentional. 

  7. They have serious depth issues across the board.


    5-11 would be my guess. I don't think Tyrod can stay on the field, especially once the OL starts to get dinged up, could spiral into a complete ###### show quickly.


    Glenn still isn't practicing...


    Before training camp I had them pegged for 5 or 6 wins. Depending on injuries going into the season, I could see a 4 win team coming out of this.

  8. A lot of great beers on tap. Heard their own milk stout is really good but they had limited quantities and it may have kicked by now.


    Yeah they still had their stout on tap- pretty good! Also really enjoyed the bourbon barrel blueberry stout from dark horse brewing, as well as the victory at sea peanut butter porter from ballast point. Those two were my favorites from my flight.

  9. I've never been in there. It's right near work.


    My complex may give me a hard time about smoking, even on the balcony, so I'll probably be hitting up Virgil or Buffalo Cigars out in OP. Alternative Brews is the old standby.


    I've been smoking my pipe a lot. I enjoy the lack of a time commitment.


    Yeah it's about a 10 minute drive from where I work so I've been meaning to stop in there for a while now. The place has great Google reviews 

  10. Six Point C.R.E.A.M. 


    Meh. I've had much better coffee beers. I thought, considering it was a cream ale with coffee, that it would be a light refreshing coffee flavor but not heavy or thick so I could go through a couple in a sitting even out in the sun.


    But it tastes less like a cup of joe and more like liquid coffee beans if you know what I'm trying to say. More like coffee grounds and less like a smooth brew. 


    The search continues...

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