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The Dominator

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Posts posted by The Dominator

  1. Interesting.  Thanks.  I will say that I was thinking more of violent crime, and that study doesn't differentiate between the different types of criminal offense.  But I could be wrong either way.


    Yeah the study is interesting to say the least. Like they admit in the story, it's a running tally of arrests of NFL players that the media picks up on. They can be innocent or guilty, and there could have been a few arrests made to lesser-known players that they didn't pick up on (although in today's media age, I doubt anyone went unscathed post-Twitter era). 

  2. I would like to know the age of boys, whether there has been history of trouble with him and if he really threatened to kill family. He isn't being charged for any threat.

    Like Hoss, I question the guys character anyway but I have had my share of dealings with "juveniles" with no respect for authority but who also know exactly what to say when they want ssid authorities help.


    In an incident involving beach chairs, you can't let it combust into this. This whole situation is ridiculous 

  3. It's 2015 and this is the internet.  You really want to say something controversial like "Let's wait for the facts"?


    This made me laugh.


    Anyways, here are the facts:



    On Saturday night deputies with the Walton County Sheriff’s Office responded to a residence on Winston lane at Inlet Beach in Walton County, Fla in reference to a battery.


    When they arrived deputies spoke to the caller and learned three boys had been fishing on the beach when the suspect, later identified as Buffalo Bills Offensive Line Coach Aaron Kromer, and the suspect’s son confronted them over the use of beach chairs left by a beach access. 


    Victims told deputies Kromer grabbed their fishing pole and threw the pole into the water and then pushed one of the boys to the ground and punched him in the face. It was stated Kromer then told the boys to return the chairs to where they found them. 


    The victim stated Kromer also told him if he reported him to the police he would kill his family. 


    Kromer was subsequently arrested early Sunday morning on a misdemeanor battery charge and transported and booked into the Walton County Jail. He has since been released on bond. 

  4. Absolutely. KC is basically the Bills, except with a worse defense and slightly better QB. The Eagles are going to be a mess this year--their offensive line got worse, their defense is still bad, and not only do I think Bradford is bad but I don't think he fits Kelly's offense at all.

    Bradford won't even be healthy for Buffalos matchup against Philly as far as I'm concerned.

  5. Found some Cigar City Vanilla Madura last week.  Very smooth and very delicious.  A bit heavier than I like my summer beers but it was a mouth watering treat for my mouth.  The vanilla was subtle and this is a brown ale so it just adds a little bit of sweetness to it. I recommend trying some if you can find it.  Cigar City does some really good beers and I hope to drink some more of their stuff.



    This sounds right up my alley. I can't find a local location distributing it though. Is it only in the south?

  6. When I saw what Stephen A. Smith said, I thought the implication was clear and went beyond the literal words: sometimes women have it coming. He was socially conscious enough to know he couldn't actually say that so he adamantly repeated it's never okay to hit a woman, but I thought he was clearly blaming the victim. Maybe my low opinion of him and that show colored my interpretation of this, but I thought it was obvious. It's sort of like the crazy guy on Ancient Aliens who always days "I'm not saying aliens did it" when everything he says points to him believing aliens did it.


    Like I said, I probably interpreted it in the way I wanted it to be convened. He very well could have, and probably was, pushing the agenda you mentioned above. I like having this conversation (not that I like the topic) because it needs to be had.

  7. Stephen A. Smith is a bloviating idiot who speaks non-stop in the 24-hour news cycle, and in so doing, once said that part of the story in the Ray Rice scandal was the under-reported fact that there are women who provoke men into acts of violence. No one altered his words. He said it. I won't cut and paste his stream of consciousness logorrhoea here because I don't think those words warrant re-publishing. 



    I just won't.


    I didn't think he was speaking to the Ray Rice case specifically when I watched the show initially. I thought he was speaking towards domestic violence in general after the Ray Rice case came to the public's attention. I could be wrong and maybe I morphed his words to coincide with my own argument (it very well may be the case). Of course, there's no defending Ray Rice or the FSU QB. I sure am not trying to defend them or any other offender. 

  8. No, you're pretty spot on here aside from using Stephen A. Smith as a quote machine here. He lost the benefit of the doubt long ago when he insulted those that insinuated that Floyd Mayweather is a domestic abuser. Floyd Mayweather deserves to be knocked off this pedestal but won't be. Along with many other athletes that we do or don't know about.


    I mostly used him since he is a prominent figure who was suspended from his job for making the same argument I just made (maybe he could have worded it better, I don't know). I figured other posters know him and the incident that occurred with him on this topic. There's no doubt that Mayweather is pond scum 

  9. What, you don't think we should feel sorry for the guy who sunk his own career by assaulting a woman? Sigh, what an idiot.


    That said, I do think there is a legitimate conversation to be had regarding how society treats domestic violence cases differently based upon the gender of the victim (see, for example, coverage of Hope Solo), but this is most definitely *not* the case to use as a launching pad for that discussion.



    Yes and yes. I can understand the scenario of a girl slaps a guy and a guy slaps her back. Imo both are in the wrong.


    That's not the case here though at all


    The conversation needs to happen. It's funny, I think back to what Stephen A. Smith said on First Take about domestic violence in general and how badly his words were altered...


    "We know you (guys) have no business putting your hands on a woman. I don't know how many times I have to reiterate that... let's make sure we don't do anything to provoke wrong actions... men putting their hands on women is obviously a very real issue in our society and I think that besides talking about what guys shouldn't do, we have to also make sure you do your part to do whatever you can do to try and make sure it doesn't happen. We know they (the guys) are wrong, we know they're criminals and probably deserve to be in jail. We have to try and do what we can to prevent the situation from happening anyway."


    He goes on to reiterate it is never right to put your hands on a female for any reason. I think there is a valid point in his words that people turned into "It's alright to hit women if they start an argument".  What I got from his commentary was 1. It's never ok to hit a female. Ever. 2. Females, PROTECT YOURSELF. I don't want to get injured in a car accident so I wear a seat belt. I don't want to fall off a cliff so I keep my distance from the edge. Male or female, if I don't want to start a physical altercation, I don't put my hand in someone's face or push them or throw my drink on them. I wear a seat belt, I stay clear of cliff edges, and I use my words if a verbal altercation arises. Am I wrong in my line of thinking?


    EDIT: Even with all of that said, the guy is still in the wrong. Like Hoss said, men need to show restraint unless there is a legitimate threat. The FSU quarterback is obviously in the wrong and so was Ray Rice. There's no questioning that at all.

  10. I will gladly quote any post you make just to preserve it if you do want to go this route.  I think it would be hilarious.


    I went through and deleted a few posts but the count keeps going up unfortunately. Oh well. Back on topic, does anyone know how today's practice will differ from yesterday's since they are labelled slightly differently?

  11. The margin of error is so razor thin in those games though.  I know it's cliche, but a couple bounces go the other way and the results of many of those games change quickly.  Just look at that Lions game.  They had no business winning that one.  I know there were a few others that could have gone either way, both wins and losses, but that's the first one that immediately comes to mind.  If I had to guess, I'd put them pretty much right where they were last year.  The only way I'd go over 9 wins is if one of the QBs emerges.


    I choose to disregard all the little bounces and individual plays (you could also point to the Bryce Brown fumble into the end zone and the inability of Chandler to grab the ball when it bounces right in his lap against KC). The way I look at it, they all even out over the course of a season. You could probably lose your mind if you take the time to think about every individual play that changed the outlook of a game. So yeah, I disregard them and look at the makeup of the roster and coaching staff and see a team that could probably end up anywhere from 8-8 to 11-5. Once I see a few practices from the quarterbacks I will be able to bridge that gap by a game or 2, and finally go through the schedule and come up with a final prediction once injuries are accounted for. 

  12. I hope you didn't feel unwelcome by comments as it seems someone else was. That was certainly not the intent. But when I saw you're profile with the perfect alignment of Dom! It was kind of cool.


    Not at all! 


    I thought it was hilarious.  And the trick to keeping the post count would be to delete an old post each time he makes a new one.  That way, he could be stuck at 39 forever.  I don't know if it works with the software here, but I remember one person doing it at another board to forever stay at 6969 posts.


    Hmm. I may need to look into that...

  13. I suppose for many fans that's true. However, given the QBs, I think 9-7 is much more likely than making the playoffs and I'd have a hard time getting too bent out of shape over the most likely outcome happening (see also: NHL draft lottery).


    This has been my thought process regarding this team up to this point: Looking at the differences between last year's 9-7 team and today's, upgrades were made at head coach, offensive coordinator, RB, WR, and TE. O-line is still a question mark. QB is an ugly wash. The defensive personnel is largely the same. 


    But even with multiple upgrades on the offensive side of the ball to a team that went 9-7 and was poorly handled in regards to offensive playcalling (Anyone remember 3rd down playcalling against the Jets?) and game management (ahem Marrone), I can't predict more than 10 wins because of the quarterback position. Maybeee 11 wins if everything went right (see: 2013 KC Chiefs) but they are most likely a 9 or 10 win team, right on the fringe of the playoffs. 


    Edit: BTW, who else is pumped for training camp? I am beyond excited to see how Rex interacts on the field and see all the different formations and personnel groupings Greg Roman applies. 

  14. Just grabbed a pair of tickets for my brother and I to see the scrimmage. Somehow on the ticket search suite tickets popped up so I jumped all over that. Obviously the amenities won't come with it but I've never sat in a suite before so it should be a cool experience.

  15. My head hurts a little in the aftermath of last night, and I couldn't be happier. The fact that trading away 21 for Lehner didn't stop GMTM from getting ROR left me elated. So while I really didn't like the Lehner trade initially because of the perceived value, at this point it doesn't really matter who 21 and 31 were used to get because GMTM got both of his trade targets. Oh, and that Eichel kid might be pretty good. To keep this on topic, I finished the night with an imperial stout brewed at Stoneyard Brewery in my hometown. It is a great time to be a Buffalo fan.

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