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Posts posted by eman

  1. This season is about to get even uglier with the schedule coming up. Blue Jackets back to back then a nice West Coast trip. We will be lucky if this club is .500 this season. Doubtful we will reach last seasons overall point total as well. Even WGR conceded that a coaching change may be in the offing come the off season. Look at what Julien has done in Montreal? A little adjustment period and the Habs are off to the races. Next season is definitely on Tim Murray. Another slow start after summer inactivity and you have to consider someone new.

  2. g9kdFNZ.jpg

    Hell yeah. Gimme Gerard Gallant! At least he'll light some fire under some of these guys or sit . No more defending DD by anyone. How many times have we seen what transpired today? Up by 2 or 3 and then sit back and let them come to you. Sorry, it has not worked all season. Time to let him go. Seriously, this club could be in a wild card spot if it wasn't for the horrific shootout numbers ( are they even practicing this both forwards and goaltenders? It sure as hell looks like they aren't) and the dreaded sit back and try to defend once up by 2 or even 3 goals. I seriously have never been more disgusted by this club.

  3. I wish I had seen this.



    It looks like the Sabres would be in a playoff spot rn had they beaten Colorado and Arizona after the break.

    Exactly sir and this is why it stings even more. They'd be tied with the Leafs (whom I loathe) I will be watching Leafs/Kings in a little while. Plus perhaps a couple (just a couple of shootout wins and Toronto would be chasing us. Damn to be so close and yet so far away!!!!!

  4. Dude, 

    I agree that we are in inning 5 or 6 of a long-term process.  However today (this week actually) was an opportunity lost and more then a "small speed bump."  Although, I do accept that teams were scared off by Kulikov's back.  


    What do you think the offers for Franson were? A 4th rd pick? A 5th rd pick?  Those have value.  The more PPP you have (Players, Prospects and Picks) the more currency you have in the NHL and sometimes you hit the lottery on those later picks.  After all  two player rumored to be on Buffalo's radar were Sami Vatanen was a 4th rd pick and Ben Hutton a 5th.  However that 4th rd pick could have also been parlayed into something to improve the Sabres now.  After all Jordie Benn, who is a better player (at least this season) then Kulikov, Bogo and Gorges, was traded to Mon for a 4th rd pick and AAAA D Greg Pateryn.  Benn is signed for 2 more years at only a paltry 1.1 per year.  Getting him would have solidified half of our bottom pair for the next 2 years for next to nothing.  


    Mon also picked up solid 25 yr old Brandon Davidson from Edm (he has 1 year left at 1.425) for tiny David Desharnais.  These are deals that GMTM could have easily done, improved the team for this season and next and sent a positive message to the locker room and the fan base.  Instead he did nothing, sent a message to the locker room that mediocre hockey is ok and to the fans not that he was complacent. but maybe incompetent or worse the second coming for Darcy Regier who consistently over value his playersThank yio

    Thank you! Once again, my thoughts exactly. Montreal got better by not giving away too much at all. They addressed a shortcoming in their lineup (size and a little grit) and went after it. I am not sure we even tried. Hell, all I truly want to see first and foremost is a new head coach! (and Montreal did that too) I think we have offence that will produce under a different system.  Say what you want about Bergevin, at least you can't say he didn't try, same in Toronto with Lamoriello & Shanahan, they got some small pieces to make a good run for a playoff spot. We sat idle. Both those clubs gave up very little in return. maybe next season DDB and GMTM can tell me to go #### myself as this team comes roaring out of the gate but I am seriously betting on more of the same. Year 4 of the rebuild and perhaps year 9 of no playoffs. Sad as hell.

  5. So we just settle for mediocrity?  Got it.  Other teams historically and currently can improve quicker, but I guess that's just too much for Buffalo.  Most can see that something is not right here and I'm not interested in staying the course on this version of the Sabres, but that indeed seems to be the plan.

    Bingo! You nailed it! That is why my patience is wearing also. Just look up the highway to Toronto. Look at the Habs. Still a playoff team with Therrien but were in a downward spiral so Bergevin had the cajones to pull the trigger and get Julien back. After a little adjustment period the Habs are back on their game and then went out and got bigger up front at the deadline. not notable names but they addressed their weaknesses. All the while the Sabres just sit back counting on next season to be different. To be THE SEASON that it all comes together like the master plan. I am betting it will be exactly the same show with this coach and GM. Call me out if I am wrong. (and believe me, I've never wanted to be more wrong about this then now)

  6. By not relying on insane stretch passes out of the zone that lead to turnovers and odd man rushes. By playing an aggressive system that puts pressure on the other team, and not on the worst part of our team our defense; using our strengths to protect our weaknesses instead of the other way around, which he does

    And by not sitting on 2 goal leads when your attack got you to that point. You keep pressing to put the dagger in, especially knowing your D is not that strong.

  7. I agree that Byslma runs a tired, outdated system.  But, I still don't think this team has enough talent to compete with the "big boys."  We have some nice players in Kane, Risto, Eichel, and Okposo.  But, compare our roster to Washington or Chicago or Pittsburgh or Nashville or San Jose or Minnesota... and we just don't stack up top-to-bottom.

    Right on Potato! You watch those teams play and it is night and day. Those thoughts run through my head as well. Even if we squeaked into a playoff spot, our ass would be handed to us in round one. Thanks for coming out! We need plenty more then what we have.

  8. Fire sale?  They spent three years tanking to get this talent and now you want to throw it all away.   Show some patience.  A different coach can get better play out of them.

    Nitro, I will absolutely settle for a new coach. By fire sale I mean the dead weight. I do believe we have 6 players we should keep. That is about all though and I may be stretching it. I do not want a Ron Rolston experiment either. Get a good damn coach. We missed out on Julien. Montreal is starting to get used to Claudes ways once again after a little adjustment period.I will accept a new coach but something seriously needs to happen. As for patience, how many years out of the playoffs has it been? Close to a decade? I think I have shown more then enough patience.

  9. Been a fan since 1970. It's getting brutal

    Exactly Jacque! I can still remember getting excited over Sabre hockey. They are losing a new generation of kids with this garbage that has been going on closing in on a decade now. I know Terry has the money but players also want to know they are in an environment that wants to win, that will not settle. I am not seeing it here. No desperation anymore, trot out more crap and lets see where it goes. That to me is why it may be difficult enticing new players to come. How are things in Rochester? How are the Amerks doing cultivating our youth prospects? That will tell you how our "farm is" because it may be the only way we can get players. Via draft and then hoping they are coached well at that level. This season has been a tremendous disappointment. Even more so when you watch the team down the highway play. I feel they are already miles ahead of us. The games we do win, Lehner has to stand on his head. Poor Okposo, he took the chance and is having a decent year. I wonder what's going through his head as the Isles have nicely rebounded.

  10. Hey I am ready for the trade deadline tomorrow. I hope it is Sabre scorched earth mother######! We aren't winning with this roster so start the fire sale. First off: GMTM- will you please relieve this head coach of his duties? Wholly #### I am not sure what Tim is expecting to see different next season. With this group, even healthy for an entire season, we are going no where. Make some deals and get a new head coach for the love of God! Terry Pegula, I am glad you have done so much for the community yadda yadda yadda. It is anything but hockey heaven since you have been the owner. I am hoping you get more personally involved and get a damn coach. I also believe it is going to be difficult enticing free agents etc. to come here in the current state of this franchise so it may not be as easy as I would hope. Move some bodies please and start with a clean slate next season.......AGAIN! How many playoff less years has it been for the Sabres now? The Bills? WTF Terry?

  11. This haunts me at night. My only solace is that Babcock was clearly his first choice. I wonder, were there any other coaching candidates available at the time? There is Cooper, Laviloette, Julien, and Trotz. Granted most will likely return, but as far as UFA's go this year, the talent is clearly there for coaches

    Articles on why Bylsma sucks








    Wholly Wildcard, thanks for those articles. Now we know. It nails what we're seeing to a tee. No doubt in my mind whatsoever now. DD must go.

  12. There are 27 games left in the season and 8 more games until the trade deadline.  

    To get to a 96 point pace season and be in the running for the last playoff spot, the Sabres would need to win 10 in a row at some point and play at a 96 point pace the other 17 games (i.e. 1.17 pts/game).  

    Yeah, they're selling. 


    The only reason the team is getting points at all right now is that Lehner is playing out of his mind and Kane has been a force. Beyond that, this team is getting absolutely buried in shots on goal and scoring chances game after game. For the season only Arizona has a worse shots for vs. shots against differential. It's disheartening. 

    Exactly, keep our forward units (yes Kane- he seems healthy now) They are starting to mesh a little more. Keep our goaltenders (I like both and they have played better then we expected I'm guessing- despite the disappointing shoot out results) We need some help on D and that won't be easy to get without giving something valuable in return. Get rid of the head coach. We need a coach who has a more "dynamic vision" for this club. Who coaches quick breakouts utilizing the defense and more offensive zone pressure. No backing off when establishing a decent lead either. I think we have the forwards to achieve this, just not the right coach.

  13. As nice as tonight's win was, to me, it was more of the same. It felt like a nice win because it felt like we were these massive underdogs who went to Toronto and beat the giant Leafs 3-1. But other then that, i just don't think theres much to be excited about.


    Lehner was fantastic as was the defense, in particular Jake McCabe as many have mentioned above. Must give credit to Kane and Samson for finishing their scoring chances of course as well. Besides the hustle plays and the finishes, tonight was nothing more then any game they have played this past week vs NJ, SJ or the Ducks. Toronto was all over us, they were quicker, they were stronger, we had issues getting into their zone, and when we did we were one n done and going back the other way. I think Sabres fans feel very thrilled to have won, but i think Leafs fans think the better team didn't win.


    Leafs out corsi'd the Sabres by almost 40. I don't think i've seen it that lopsided ever.


    This game just had that feeling, if the Leafs had gotten a second goal at any time with time remaining on the clock, they were going to come right down and tie it up.


    Nice road victory for the Sabres, but as far as increasing our hopes of making the playoffs, this game did nothing for me. We are who we are, and thats not much more then a 82-84pt

    Well said. I feel exactly the same way. we'll see how they play today against crappy Vancouver. This team needs to string a few together to get back in the hunt and I feel another let down coming on. They are who they are under the current coach. It is frustrating because I think this group isn't that far off from being a contender. The fact we get glimpses of it adds to the frustration. Lehner is a goalie I am comfortable with. I hope our coaches continue to work with him on rebound control but he has been very solid for us in spite of the shootouts. In fact has kept us in games we should have been blown out in even though we lose. He makes us look better then we are at times. That being said this team did not play an entire 60 minute game once  again and the Leafs kept coming for the final 2 periods but some lucky bounces our way and Lehner got us the 2 points. Play this way vs. Chicago, Montreal, Pittsburgh and we're eating our lunch. We need to exert way more pressure in the offensive zone. Also stop with the hanging back once we build a lead, that will never win us a Cup because we aren't good enough at it.

  14. I'm not too happy with DDB either, but to be fair, I don't think Pittsburgh lost any good players due to them not liking his system.

    That's because Pittsburgh didn't wait to can DDB's ass before the rebellion started! Not sure what we're waiting for? Expect Toronto to feed it to us on Saturday night as well. This club is pathetic. There will be no miracle turn around under this coach next season with a completely healthy roster. What we're seeing is what we get.

  15. Awesome avatar, man. Bruce Campbell is the f'n man! I hope Ash vs Evil Dead goes on forever.

    If you ever get that chance to meet the man (Comic Con, Fan Expo etc) He is well worth the money. Terrific to his fans and gracious. No pompous prima donna. He had the biggest lineups full of much younger people then me,which just goes to show you how he connects with a new generation of fans. It was amazing!

    so 6pts out of the playoffs with 2.5 months to play, are we giving up on that? how many more seasons of this? why not be buyers and try to make a push? what's trading your second leading scorer for a prospect D going to do for you next season? nothing. 


    as sabres fans, you're always looking at success two years down the road. it's an insane mindset that never comes to fruition. 

    All I want is Julien and preferably right the #### now, for exactly the reason you've mentioned above. We are still close and cannot afford to lose any ground. I think he can push us through. I want to see how Lehner plays in the playoffs where shootouts don't exist. I would love to hear First Niagara Centre rock with noise and anticipation again!

  16. Looking at the RFA list, I realize that next season is critical.  Both Samson and Jack could leave if they don't see adequate progress on the team.  I don't want to wait until the off season to change coaches.  The Sabres have literally too much to lose.

    Exactly, you can see Jack's frustration this season. Losing his #### in the dressing room. yapping about the home fans booing in post game interviews. He gives a crap and management had better do something to keep our youngsters happy. DD is not it. They're being wasted. if we keep DD, they will go the first chance they get when they are able, and we can sit back and watch them produce for another club and get on these blogs and bitch about it some more and ream about what could have been in Buffalo.

  17. 1) Just because young players are improving under him does not mean they are improving because of him. Nor does it mean they wouldn't improve more under a different coach.


    2) C'mon man, no player is going to come out and rip their current coach. Further, their regular comments about playing aggressive being how they need to play could easily be construed as "our coach holds us back until we're losing by two, and he shouldn't be."

    Totally agree. Plus let us not forget this team was heading into the 3rd down 4-1. Sure they pressed because they had nothing to lose. Lets see how Buffalo does in their next 2 games, especially Saturday night in Toronto. Then we'll see whose rookies have their #### together. Toronto is very fast, let us see if we can match it. Dan should go ASAP. The Sabres will not be fine, they have not been fine for almost a decade now, a decade!. I'm sure the Bills will be fine as well. That lack of hunger leads to acceptance of mediocrity. This team is capable I believe  but lets see which squad shows up vs. Anaheim, then Toronto. Under DD I expect no difference in standings nor play next year if he is coach.

  18. Thoughts:

    - Claude Julien is a very good and very structured coach. 

    - He's had less and less to work with as the years have gone on. Look at their defense. Just look at it. The depth isn't there in the forward ranks either. Beastly forward Bergeron has been off all season, and has fewer points than Sam Reinhart. Jimmy Hayes played 35 straight games in their top nine without registering a point. They have 3 #7-8 defensemen dressing and playing with an old Chara, a rookie who is pretty good, and Torey Krug. 

    - He has them playing the best possession hockey in the league, with the second-worst PDO. The goaltending isn't there and the skill to finish hasn't been there outside of two players, 63 and 88. 

    - His power plays are regularly awful. Sometimes really good, like last year I think it was? But terrible this year. And didn't they only score 2 power play goals during their entire cup run?

    - Great PK this year. Top 10 2 of the past 4 seasons, and still higher than 15th the other two.

    - Puck. Support. It's why they possess the puck. 

    - I drool imagining ROR and Samson playing that type of system.

    - How is he with the young guys? Tyler Seguin not fitting in? Pastrnak is getting opportunities and flourishing, though. 


    This probably isn't going to happen for us, obviously. Florida literally doesn't have a coach right now, so that's an option for him. Mayyyyyyyybe if he wants to wait for the offseason, but that would require Murray being done with Dan, and I don't think that's close to the truth. Murray sounds content, and not ready to admit to being a seller, for some stupid reason. Even though his team has been bad all season, when injured or healthy. And by not firing Dan mid-season to hire Claude, he's simply continuing what is normal behavior in the NHL, can't get on him for that. Though, didn't the Ducks fire their coach and hire Boudreau in the middle of the season after Boudreau was let go by the Caps?


    Some team is going to be very pleased.

    Randall, why can't it be us for once? Why aren't we going for a coach of his caliber? Again, I am not sure what GMTM sees in Dan that we aren't seeing. I agree with a previous post that playoff money would lessen the beat down of cutting DD early. Do you alienate and frustrate Jack even more? He's got talent but I do think it is being stifled by this system that we play. I believe if we don't step up soon someone will beat us to the punch once again (see Babcock) Hell GMTM was willing to waste a draft pick aggressively pursuing the right to speak with Jimmy Vesey. Be aggressive and hungry for once. I know it's been a long time since we've seen that in these parts. To me, this season as it stands now, is toast. Nothing to lose as far as I'm concerned.

  19. Given the core that both teams have going forward, does anyone see DD beating Babcock in a best of seven series.


    And Swamp I believe you are right about the need to win the press conference after losing out on Babs

    This hiring of Julien would be an awesome new press conference! It shows that maybe Tpegs and GMTM give a crap. If they keep DD, I'm not sure what the hell they're expecting to see from this club for next season and the season therafter. We are not out of it completely yet. In my opinion you make the move ASAP (as long as CJ would even come here- also not a given as someone will go after him to be sure) 

  20. The GM screwed up that talent not Julien and their D is getting old. They let go of too many good D and forwards. Friends of mine who are from Boston are furious at their GM and love the CJ

    Those Boston friends of yours are totally accurate in their assessment as well. They also shouldn't have let Lucic go. I hate like hell seeing Jack wasted in this town. He is obviously frustrated and should this organization keep it up, he will be gone the first chance he gets and I couldn't blame him one bit.

  21. Why do we want him again?


    Oooo, I think I know! It's because he was fired from an under-performing team with some good forward depth, young talent that needs time, a decent goalie and a suspect D,… and he would find that familiar here. Is that it?

    Why did we want Dan Bylsma again? Oh yeah, he won a Stanley Cup with a loaded roster! Yes, I want Claude Julien. ASAP! His time ran out in Boston. Every coaches time runs out eventually so let us get a coach with at least some fire. I do believe this club would fare much better under Julien then Bylsma.

    We should take him, although I'd take just about anyone over DB at this point.


    81 points in 82 games last year. 52 points in 52 games so far this year. Not exactly what I'd call progress. Plus I hate his face and his "system".

    Totally agree. Well said.

    The Pens were a SC caliber team, we sir are not.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love a new coach, I'm just not convinced CJ is any better than what we've got.

    Bang on assessment. Julien is there. Time to act GMTM. There is no way TPegs and TM can be happy with the performance of this club so far. No progress whatsoever.

  22. The Sabres are 21-21-10 for 52 pts in 52 games and are currently 15th in the East and 27th place in the NHL.  They are 6 pts behind Toronto for 3rd in the Atlantic (Tor has 1 game in hand). They are 7 pts behind Philly for the final wild card (with 2 games in hand).  




    G- Nilsson

    D - Kulikov, Franson and Fedun

    F - Gionta (and McCormick), Grant & COR



    G - Lehner, Ullmark

    F - Foligno, Larsson, Girgensons


    UFA's next year - Gorges, Kane, Falk and Delo

    RFA's next year - Eichel, Reinhart, Carrier, Bailey, Baptiste, Fasching & Nelson


    Cap Situation: (Capfriendly.com)

    Projected cap space: 1.689

    Deadline cap space: 7.602

    FYI: Bettman said recently that the cap looks to be flat next season, but could rise only to $75 mill in best case scenario.  


    On paper it seems we still have a chance to make the playoffs.  However to get to 92 points with 30 games left would mean we'd have to go 18-8-4.  That is nearly an impossible hill for this team to climb.  This means we are going to be sellers at the deadline.  


    Draft pick situation

    We have an extra 2nd (Minn) and 3rd (Wash) this season (2017), but no 5th.

    We have all of our picks for 2018, but nothing extra.



    1) Scoring:  We have the 2nd worst offense in the East.

    2) Defense:  Is it injuries or a lack of talent in slots 3-7 behind Risto and McCabe.  I'm going with a lack of talent.

    3) PK - Ours in the 2nd worst in the NHL at a terrible 73.8%

    4) 4th line center - Grant and COR have both been waived and sent down.  Larsson our for the year.  That leaves...... a huge hole in the lineup.

    5) Lack of near NHL ready D prospects.  Guhle is our best D prospect and he is in Jrs and may or not be ready for full time NHL duty.  

    6) A sniper to play on the top 2 lines now or in the very near future


    So who?

    Franson should draw some interest.  Kulikov might also if he can get healthy,

    Gionta (if he is interested in being traded) would really help a playoff team and should garner some interest.

    Kane?  He is probably our most value trade-able asset.  Is he part of the core and future or is he an asset to trade to fix the D? Might be easier to move in the off-season.

    At the top of GMTM's list: Fire the current coach. Enough is enough. I don't care who they get or deal (player wise) None of it will matter under this coach. Tiring.

  23. So if your Murray and we land top 5 what position is in dire need. We could use another winger but I see a big need for a number 1 defenseman. What do you think our need is?

    Our most pressing need is a coach. (and a D-man) but I'll settle for a new coach. One preferably with some emotion and cajones. I've seen enough and Jack is getting stagnant under this one.We have enough good players to be much better then where we are and averaging 2 goals per game.

  24. It has been a while. I try to stay away (sort of) because the true fact of the matter is, this team is really pissing me off. Thanks for the mention. I just see a team with enough competitive talent and decent goalies that are now underperforming. Our guys up front do know how to put a puck in the net but we just aren't seeing it here under coach Dan. You mean to tell me Eichel, O'Reilly, Kane, Okposo, Reinhart, and even Moulson are good for an average of 2 goals per game? No way! On any other team they would be producing more. I had really high hopes for this season and I know Jack got hurt and that slowed things, but he is back and I see a team treading water. The Penguin fan base was correct in their assessment of Dan and we need a new coach in my opinion. I like who we have on this club. our defense could use some upgrading but our forwards are capable. Lehner has given up a softie on occasion but seriously, he's been pretty good and even great at times. Nilsson is more then adequate. what pisses me off more then anything is that the Leafs have completely leapfrogged us and I do believe Babcock is the soul reason. They are a young exciting team to watch and although they got smoked last night, watch how they rebound in their next game. This is with a very young squad also. Babcock will not accept mediocre effort or you sit. I feel we are at least as capable as Toronto is with what we have.

    Well, I take some of it back, even though we scored our complimentary 1 goal again tonight The Leafs are getting rocked again in St. Louis, so that would be "back to back" smoke outs for the blue and white. Babcock may lose his after this one. Caught the Blues right after the dreaded coaching change. Again there is a whole third period left in that game but it is 4-1 Blues right now. Maybe a Leafs slump coming? (I can only wish!)

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