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Posts posted by eman

  1. I hate this stat with a burning passion. It is useless and tells nobody anything; tells people the wrong thing actually. All it boils down to is: Bad teams play bad, bad teams are bad by Thanksgiving, bad teams will probably continue to play badly, bad teams don't make the playoffs.

    So essentially, we are all in consensus on this: The Buffalo Sabres are a bad hockey club who will not make the playoffs for a 7th consecutive season.

  2. Totally agree with this. Don't see this Montreal team making the playoffs either and Julien will be fired seasons end at the latest. 

    Pokey, where have you been all my life? Totally agree with your assessment once again. Julien will be canned by the end of this season. Montreal doesn't look good at all, even when Price was in goal to start this season. Rookie Lindgren is stealing some games and they were ripe for the picking against the Sabres. Not sure why the Habs are stinking with the guys they have and I do like Julien, (hell, I wanted him here!!) but his methods seem to wear thin with the players after only a few seasons for some reason.

  3. Guys, I hate to rain on everyone's optimism. They WILL NOT MAKE THE PLAYOFFS THIS SEASON! I will go with TSN's stats on that subject. If you are out of a spot by US Thanksgiving, the odds of you making it are very heavily stacked against you. They did the math, not me and I believe them. I wish things were truly different for this club but the reality shows when they hit the ice.


    They do not score near enough to win games (and as Pokey has posted earlier, this has been an ongoing issue for several seasons now)


    Even when entirely healthy, aside from Falk, Risto and McCabe, I hate the rest of our defense. Soft as hell.


    Our hope is that JBot is able to draft and scout wisely (better then previous regimes) and build from the farm up. This will take a few seasons so I believe we may actually go a decade now with no playoffs. You heard it here and feel free to argue my points. Believe me, I would love to be wrong on all counts.

  4. I am over 50 and have been waiting.  Still think this team is lacking help on offense for Jack.  They need scorers... hopefully Middlestadt and Nylander step up next year.  I mind that the team is playing like shiite, but at least if they continue to struggle the draft pick or picks if Kane gets traded... though I hope he stays and have a feeling OK is still recovering as much a confidence thing,... that the Sabres find some depth.  JBOT, is limited as others have said because of TMs stupidity giving away picks, but that is water under the bridge.  Just sucks because I thought we would see more out of this team this year.  But in some ways this does remind me of the years the Oilers struggled.  They will find their footing.  I just hope it is in the next few years...  


    Between the Sabres who I had hope for and the Bills who I had no hope for but are doing the very Billsy thing they have done that last couple of years... collapsing when it mattered most... it is a very depressing year for Buffalo spots...  a least I am watching a lot of hockey... as much as I hate to say it... watching the Toronto play is fun... watching Pittsburgh is fun... and St. Louis tough nose regular season play... and Tampa... just wow, reminds me of what it looks like to see good hockey.

    Great quote on the bottom of your post North Buffalo. Schoenfeld was one of the reasons I became a Sabres fan. Tough as nails and sacrificed his body a ton to block shots. I really miss him. Wish we had someone on D who plays like he did.


    I once had the pleasure of sitting next to his Dad at the old Maple Leaf Gardens when Schoenfeld was a head coach. Great guy and so proud of his son. He was beaming as I gushed over how much I enjoyed watching his son play. It was a cool moment for me. I really hope JBot rebuilds via the draft and good scouting. We are starved for some good times again.

  5. Yeah I'd buy one too. If only to poke fun at the ineptitude of this franchise. and my fandumb.

    Exactly, and my age! Have been a fan since then!!!! Just one Cup before I leave this earth, it is all I ask! Which is why my impatience with this franchise grows with each season that passes by on the calendar. Especially when you're old enough to remember the old Aud and even HSBC electrified with energy during a playoff run. There really isn't anything like it!!!

  6. I was playing poker with a bunch of Leaf fans so I missed the game and saw a good portion of the Bruins Leafs game.


    The good news is despite all the talk about how great the Leafs have rebuilt I wasn't that impressed with what they have. Aside from Matthews (who didn't play) they aren't all that special. Marner is fast but he's a one trick pony. Easy to check. Don't see him as a star.  Nylander is really fast but he is soft and shys away from contact. Sooooo if he is the "good Nylander" we should probably forget about our bad Nylander ever amounting to anything. Without Matthews he is nothing.


    What the Leafs have though is a team that plays harder and is more in sync. These guys forecheck really well and are definitely better than us on the 3rd and 4th lines. Their D is mobile and they pass the puck better than us. I guess that comes down to coaching. 


    But I think that gives us hope. Talent wise its not a huge gulf, we just need to use our speed and play better as a unit. I think the gap between us can close quickly, IF Housley and JBot get it right. 

    You're right that it comes down to coaching Pokey. The Leafs have Babcock, we don't. There's one of the differences. The Leafs have also just reeled off 4 wins in a row. I think their talent pool is better then ours as is their front office (now, with Shanny and Lamoriello) I will give Jbot a few more seasons as I do believe he inherited a mess. Housley gets a shorter leash from me because I do not see any effort from the group he coaches. If they played with a stronger and consistant effort, and still lost, then it's on the crew assembled. Right now, the coach is part of the problem.

  7. Oddly, after the last game I predicted we'd see a lot of 2-1 losses this year. Go figure. 


    Same old same old, these guys just can't finish. Can't score. 


    Lots of people wanted Reinhart on Eichel's line and you got it, and he got exactly zero points. 


    For those of you that called this a "good" hockey game, your bar has really fallen low. Neither one of those teams on the ice tonight is any good. 


    Rubbish. Total rubbish. 

    Kudos sir! Once again, right on the mark. I believe the bar has fallen incredibly low on these blogs. Watch St. Louis and even the Flyers this year. We may have been "in" last nights game, but we will get smoked several more times this season unless we get incredible goal tending to hold us in. we are not nearly fast nor physical enough to play with any of the big boys.


    Washington was tired when they played the Sabres (2nd night of their back to back) and they actually have been underachieving so far this season. Don't take that game as "we're turning the corner". We most definitely are not.  Again, Chad Johnson deserved better. If we wait until US Thanksgiving to reassess, the season can be officially declared over.


    TSN stats indicate, that if you're out of the playoffs by US Thanksgiving, the odds are heavily against you from that point on, to get in.

  8. Babcock has other players who can play. Our first line doesn’t even give a consistent effort.

    They play for Babcock. See Kadri. Wilson didn't like Naz and I think Naz wasn't crazy about Wilson or maybe Carlyle. He plays for Babcock and plays well. We unfortunately have the crappy Nylander (mark my words on this one) Even freakin Zack Hyman made a beauty play on Conner Brown's goal in St. Lou. Who are those guys? We aren't even seeing an effort anymore.Leaf players are playing with effort at least. Their lineup isn't that great save for a few but the effort and speed with which they play the game keeps them in games and makes them dangerous if you're not on your game. St. Louis owned them last night but the moment they took their foot off the pedal, the Leafs started to claw their way back into it. They don't quit.

  9. REMEMBER:  JBot builds from the farm up.  The winning team isn't the one in the NHL.  The winning team is being built in the AHL and will then be moved up to the big club.  Look at all the journeymen on the Sabres on 1 year deals.  1 year for a reason.  I'm not saying next year it all gets better, but when the Sabres get there, it will come from Rochester.

    Totally agree with your post. Eventually it will have to come from Rochester. I also believe this because there is no way any decent free agent will want to sign with this current mess of an organization. Honest, why would you sign here over another club? To play with Jack? Jack hasn't shown me near enough for his pick status or salary.........yet. Leadership is currently not his forte.We will have to draft wisely and build the farm club correctly. Right now, neither has flourished.

  10. Its time!

    I expect to see ANGER in my coach from a performance like this.

    I want these players held to a much much much much much higher accountability standard than what we've seen.


    Start the trades.

    You see it in Toronto. Babcock doesn't tolerate "lack of effort". That translates into: You're sitting the next 1 or 2 games or you're going to The Marlies to "find your game". You saw it in them last night being down 6-2 to St. Louis. They made it close at 6-4 but kept playing hard because they knew what was coming off the ice. Hell, he moved Bozak to the 4th line to "find his game". We need a coach that makes things uncomfortable for this group. They look completely disinterested on the ice right now.

  11. They need a starting goalie that gives them confidence. What we spent on our starter should have ensured that, but the reality is it didn't. Good on Botterill for the 1 year deal. 


    I gave Dan a year so I'm giving Phil a year.  If there is marked improvement in 3 months then we have a coach.

    You can give him the year if you like. I see nothing in this squad that indicates to me that in 3 months "the lights will come on" and they will be much better. What you're seeing is what we have. Regardless of our injuries at D. I watched the Leafs last night and St. Lou handed it to them early and were up 6-2. The thing with the Leafs I noticed was that they never quit. They continued to play hard and made it respectable.


    I believe the reason for that was that they had to go back into the dressing room and face an irate Babcock who would be sitting guys next game or 2 or outright shipping some to the Marlies. You have to play hard at the very least for him which puts you back into a game you have no business being in. St. Louis was faster then the Leafs and their forecheck was relentless. When the Leafs started to come back, St. Lou;s coach Yeo called a timeout and read the riot act to his crew. Not seeing anything like that in Phil. We'll be completely out of it by the end of this month.

  12. Housley and his kid brother are in wayyyyy over their heads.

    I fear, that you also, are correct sir. The thing I love about Gallant is: No way Matt Moulson gets in a game with Gallant as our coach. Also, he would blister in the locker room after performances like tonight and the Vancouver game. I don;t see that in Phil. Hell, even Torts would wring a few necks with the kind of efforts we are seeing on a too common basis. Sorry, but we need a coach who isn't tolerating ?#### efforts. need to be sat and bring up so,e rookies, how much worse can it get

    Exactly. Jay McKee and Rhett Warrener would be totally embarrassed. Those two knew something about tough defense let me tell you !

    The Boogeyman as well. Boughner was not the most talented but seeing what I see now, i sure as hell miss him or anyone who plays like he did. Clen the front of the crease please!!! Hit someone for God's sake. Don't make things easy.

  13. Kane or Reinhart get traded soon. It has to happen.

    I believe you will be correct sir. I just hope we get something decent in return but I fear it just may be the coach as well (again) Man Gallant would have looked good behind our bench! I wonder how Jack will be after this one? You know I had high hopes for Phil and I kind of feel bad for him.

  14. This is the difference between a team that does not know how to finish against a team that knows how to put the puck in the net when they get a chance. That was also a lesson in how you should run a PP i n this league. High speed and quick passes and a one timer into the net. Perfect. We need to learn how to do that.


    But what's the deal with McCabe? A couple games where he looked great like he was finally to take that step up and now total rubbish. Just horrible D. I don't get him. 

    Right as usual Pokey. What terrifies me even more is that a fast team like Toronto (and yes, they are noticeably faster then we are) is getting it's ass handed to them by an even faster St.Louis Blues club tonight.


    Stand ready folks, there will be seriously more pain coming as this season progresses. Man I have to be thinking, Arizona is one seriously bad hockey club.

  15. If even for a fleeting moment, anyone thought this club may not be so bad because of a win at Arizona, or in Boston, rest assured, this club is as bad as feared. When we play the big boys (read: contenders) they are woefully exposed for what they are. Slow, and yes, they are slow compared with a host of other clubs and a defense, even with poor Risto, that just seems completely out to lunch.


    Robin was the reason we even beat Arizona. he came up huge on a few occasions. we have not dominated anyone in all honesty. This is going to get ugly folks, be prepared.

    And by ugly, I don't just mean this game. This season. Supposedly according to TSN, if you're out of a playoff spot by US Thanksgiving, it is almost impossible to make it in after that. The odds get seriously stacked against you from that point on.

  16. If even for a fleeting moment, anyone thought this club may not be so bad because of a win at Arizona, or in Boston, rest assured, this club is as bad as feared. When we play the big boys (read: contenders) they are woefully exposed for what they are. Slow, and yes, they are slow compared with a host of other clubs and a defense, even with poor Risto, that just seems completely out to lunch.


    Robin was the reason we even beat Arizona. he came up huge on a few occasions. we have not dominated anyone in all honesty. This is going to get ugly folks, be prepared.

  17. Ok anyone still think I'm wrong that this team needs to be blown up completely?

    You're right on the mark as usual Pokey. I had high hopes for Phil. I no longer do. Trouble is, these guys have shown so little, who really wants any of them on their team? The return would be crap and you can't blame the other teams for not antying up. The tank teams were actually better and showed more effort then what we're currently seeing. Something is seriously wrong in the dressing room. No heart, no leadership.

  18. Man, we are going to get really owned by the Leafs this season. It will be ugly and they put Curtis McIlhenney in goal for all them. Not sure what the hell happened with this crew. I wouldn't mind another fire sale as we just are not progressing with this current squad. You can burn it down. The season is early but it is a continuation of what we saw in the preseason. Only now we can't say, "Oh well, it's only preseason". I call it now, they will miss the playoffs for another consecutive year. Also, if this squad remains intact, we will miss it again next year as well.

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