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Posts posted by MBHockey13

  1. I bet they'd have problems with that; the logo was a Pepsi bottle top and I'd think Pepsi wouldn't be a big fan of that.


    I'm not a fan of Pepsi products so I wouldn't be a big fan of it either. I wasn't a huge lover of those "Buffalo" thirds. 

  2. I have Sprint and their signal is pretty much dog ###### outside of the city limits for most towns. I got a AIRAVE Signal Booster from them though that boosts my signal from 0-2 bars to full signal and it works for all phones on a Sprint plan up to something like 1,000 feet from the unit. They gave it to me for free when I initially went in to cancel my plan and it only costs $5 per month added onto the bill. I got my first one when I moved to my current home back in 2009 and every now and then then send me a new one once the one I have can no longer handle whatever software or firmware updates that go through the system. I'd definitely look into it if you plan on keeping Sprint.


    I have the same thing. I actually talked my way into getting one for free. Works pretty well.


    Their new phones can also do Wi-Fi calling, which also works well, but I turn it off because I have the AIRAVE and because it asks me to update my location for 911 about 12 times a day. I can only do that so many times before saying "F this".

  3. I am very happy with Sprint because of their customer service and because of the Unlimited Data. I have friends on AT&T and Verizon always sweating or going over their data.


    I have the Samsung Note 4 and love it. I got it to replace my Note II which I also loved. I really appreciate having the ability to swap the battery if needed (though the battery life is very good, but the rapid charging is completely underrated - you barely top it off and it's about full), and also use an SD card.


    The Galaxy S6 to be is a disappointment to me because they no longer allow you to remove the battery or use an SD card. I'm hoping the backlash from Samsung fans means they'll stick with those features on the Note 5.

  4. That's 3-2 Coyotes! They blow a 2-0 lead late, and had THREE breakaways in OT, but manage to pull it out in the shootout. They were wearing those crazy old jerseys too. 


    Honestly, they in no way looked like a team that is worse than the current Sabres. The Canucks needed this win and the Yotes won it.

  5. I'm kind of an Eagles fan, but that's easy since they don't intersect negatively with the Bills very often.


    I didn't really care about the Eagles the three years I lived in Philly but I would root for them because my girlfriend at the time was a huge fan (she also played FF), as long as they weren't playing the Bills. Plus, Eagles fans hate the Cowboys almost as much as I do.


    But I could never root for the Flyers - ever.

  6. 1.  Why does ESPN persist in calling UB "Buffalo" instead of "NEW YORK"?


    2.  That second play looked like a double dribble to me.


    1. As an alumnus, it will always be "Buffalo"


    2. Who knows what a double-dribble or a travel is anymore? One more reason I don't watch basketball.

  7. I think this bodes well for the future of both the Bills and the Sabres. You can see it in Whaley and you can see it in Murray. If they know what they want, they go get it, and they don't fall in love with players.

    There really is no point on speculating who the starting lineup on the Sabres will be for 2016-17 because I could see almost ANYONE being moved, other than McEichel, if Murray thinks it makes us better.

  8. The superlative belongs to one of these three: Colorodo, Columbus, or Toronto.


    I'm not sure Columbus is as disappointing as the other two. They had an unreal amount of devastating injuries to start the season and never could recover. I don't think anyone had expectations after that. Definitely disappointing from a beginning of training camp standpoint, but they haven't underperformed based on their injury issues.

  9. YES!!! I had just posted on another thread -- what's the point of playing Grigorenko on the 4th line. Initiation by fire, damn it! At least in Rochester, he's the big fish in the small pond. 18 or 19 games from now, Nolan will be dismissed as coach and the roster will begin to take shape.


    I can agree with this. I love Nolan but I don't think he'll ever use Grigs or Hodgson correctly. I have little faith he'd use Reinhart or even McEichel in the right position and they'd all be buried on fourth lines with scrubs while Matt Ellis runs our Power Play - all in the name of "development" and "compete".


    Let Grigs be "the man" in Rochester and avoid the last 18. I was excited that maybe out of desperation Nolan would stick Grigs between Moulson and Ennis so something fun but I guess that would never happen. At least Ruff stuck Luke Adam between Pommer and Vanek with good results for a while.

  10. Actually, I need to confess that I'm being a hypocrite. I have changed my rooting interests.

    I'm openly cheering for the Coyotes and the Oilers to win this season. I'm actually more interested in those games than any others right now. 


    (checks to make sure I spelled "Coyotes" and "Oilers" correctly)

  11. I took it he was just funning you, not trying to be condescending. It's hard to put a sarcastic tone in the written word. I just give people the benefit of the doubt, as I hope they will me, because I love to use sarcasm.


    Your defending me was SO helpful...


    How's that? ;)


    And I'm less about the spelling and more about the threatening to bail on the Sabres or Bills just because they aren't winning right now. I haven't lived in Buffalo since 2002 and I'll be damned if I'm going to waste one minute caring about the Hurricanes or the Panthers. I wouldn't even suggest such a thing. The Bills haven't made the playoffs this century and I still buy NFL Sunday Ticket and the Center Ice Package every year, and I never miss a game when the Sabres or Bills come to town. Of course, that might make me a glutton for punishment, but I'm a true Buffalonian - what am I going to do? It's far superior than the alternative.


    If people want to threaten to not be a fan then just go. Bye. But don't come crawling back in a few years when the Sabres are in the Stanley Cup Finals every spring and Pegula has the Bills going 8 - 0 at home in their new Downtown Retractable Dome Stadium and 5 - 3 on the road and making Pats fans dream about the Tom Brady days when we sweep them every season.


    Honestly - the thought of sitting in PNC Arena watching the Canes carry around the Cup again makes me puke.

  12. How can anyone think Grigorenko has a future on this team? He can't crack the lineup on what may be the worse team we have ever iced.


    Our draft fate is in the hands of at least 12 guys who probably will never wear a Saber uniform again after this season. Just the way Murray wanted it I guess.


    Oh I see - you can't spell Sabre either. Cheer for whomever you want, though I recommend something simple like the Maple Leafs...er, maybe a bad example.

  13. I had the honor of being there when the Lightening won the Cup in game 7. That was a experience I will never forget. Something we as Sabres fans deserve desperately.


    If you're going to bail on your Sabres and become a local bandwagon fan just because they are winning, you might want to learn how to spell the name of the team.

  14. Moving goalposts, opinions based on how we feel at the moment. Did we get worse? Sure. But anyone could do that. Did we get anything close to reasonable value for what we gave up. No. But I guess that's okay with everyone.


    I'd love to know what you thought he should have received for what he had available on a historically poor team.












    Remember, you have to have another team willing to even want someone from this list.

  15. GMTM achieved his number # 1 goal today which was making our odds even better to get McEichel.


    It's easy to say Darcy would have received more based on his past history because he had a tendency to wait until he could make the "perfect" trade. This tendency is why we're in the mess we're in now. Plus, you can only get so much for garbage. And we can re-sign Neuvirth and Stewart if we want for nothing.

  16. Chad (NOT OchoCinco) Johnson was just on TSN and they were flat out asking him about the tank and saying Marty Biron just explained that they traded Neuvirth because he was playing too well and they want to tank. Johnso can't say anything other than he wants to win games, though he understands the Sabres wants that pick.


    Yes, there is a TSN TradeCentre Stream. I couldn't take the Trade Deadline without James Duthie.

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