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Posts posted by BagBoy

  1. 7 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    So, speaking of Spike Lee movies, I attended a pretty cool event the other night -- a screening of "Do the Right Thing" hosted by John Turturro.  He gave a short speech before the movie and did Q&A afterwards. 

    I hadn't seen the movie in full since it came out in 1989 -- well worth seeing if you like Spike Lee.  Anyway, at the end, when the credits rolled, I was pretty surprised to see that the character Buggin' Out, who had a pretty big role in the movie:



    ...was played by none other than Giancarlo Esposito -- now best known as Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.



    John Turturro mentioned, btw, that Esposito's father is Spanish.

    Anyway, I thought it was interesting.


    I love John Turturro, but he misspoke on this one.  Giancarlo Giuseppe Alessandro Esposito's father is definitely Italian.

    I remember him (Esposito) mostly from Homicide:Life On The Street.  I loved that show.

  2. 8 hours ago, New Scotland (NS) said:


    You know you have a serious addiction when you walk the 7 minute walk to your local grocer in a Typhoon and end up looking like a soaking wet rat (not drowned, though).


    Also, my wife has me pretty interested in The View.  Until last night that is ... the ladies had on the cast of that abomination ... Bohemian Rhapsody.  For the life of me, I do not understand why peole try to dupicate Freddie and why people pay good money for that nonsense.  Really.

    Per Inky, I would probably try to avoid The View, also.

    NS, you have been very clear on your dislike of this Bohemian Rhapsody movie even months ago.  I probably won't see the movie anytime soon (if ever), but the commercials (to me at least) seem to paint a very positive picture of Freddie and the band.  That's got to count for something.  I'm thinking people who are too young to have grown up hearing Queen on the radio/stereo regularly will definitely benefit from this exposure, even if this movie is less than perfect.  My mother, who was born in Truro, Nova Scotia btw, was the one who turned me on to Queen at quite an early age.  

    Great job on dealing with the Nicotine curse!  You do whatever you have to do to kick it.  I did cold turkey also, and it sucked, but it was the best way.  Just before I stopped, I was leaving myself notes about updating my will and morbid things like that to motivate me.  Whatever it takes!

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  3. Lots of good posts here. 

    I'm mostly with the math people on this one.  Who really needs $600 million or whatever when $5 million would more than solve all your financial worries forever?  If you can't justify buying a ticket when it's only a $5 million payout, you probably can't justify buying a ticket regardless of the payout.

    On the other hand, if you aren't starving your kids to do it, buying 1 ticket for $2 is a great escape to dream.  I also love the idea of fellow employees getting together and buying a ticket or two.

    If you are buying a ticket and choosing your numbers (not taking the random numbers), you are better off taking numbers greater than 30 or 31.  This is because people have a tendency to choose significant dates in their lives, like birthdays, wedding dates, the day you lost your virginity, divorce dates, etc.  Doing this will not increase your likelihood of winning, but it will definitely decrease your chances of having to split the pot with anyone else.

    I did a ticket with all Sabres retired numbers once, but didn't hit a single number.

    Not sure about the rest of Canada, but if you win in Ontario, there is no tax burden.  It's all yours.

    It can definitely be regarded as a tax on the poor, but the proceeds generally go to funding education, so that can work both ways.

  4. Peter Laviolette does a press conference with a bull's head.  This was a reward to the team for winning 2 games out west.  This is the kind of thing I think almost every player would like their coach to do.  Good move Pete!  And yes, the Preds have the best record in the league right now.


    Also, Charles Wang, that former, let's say "eccentric" owner of the Isles died Sunday.

  5. On 7/14/2018 at 11:04 PM, darksabre said:

    So I was out thrifting today and hit a pretty cool score in Lancaster at Amvets.

    First off, I did not buy the two accordions they had for sale. I would have liked to, but no, I resisted. For those who might be interested, the working one was a black Frontalini for $200. 

    What I scored today though was a box of old 78s. I haggled them to give me the whole box for $6. Artists include Hal Kemp, Harry James, Horace Heidt, Kay Kyser, The Sportsmen, Roger Williams, The Mariners, Reinald Werrenrath, Eddy Duchin, a broken Perry Como, The Merry Macs, Anton Karas performing a Zither solo from an Orson Welles film called The Third Man, Woody Herman, John McCormack. Lots of the first three guys.

    I had no idea if they were in playable shape or not, I've never bought used 78s. I tested a few out on my turntable and they sound pretty good. Ordered a replacement stylus for my cartridge tonight that will play the 78s better. 

    The prize of the collection seems to be the single sided John McCormack, a 1920 pressing of Your Eyes Have Told Me So. 

    Not bad. I could really see myself getting in to 78s. There's a lot of music out there that I don't know from the 78 era. 

    There is definitely some fantastic old music out there that only exists on 78's.  I hope you digitize them, even though they will undoubtedly sound better on a turntable.  All about the preservation.  

    Anyway, you'll probably like this guy as much as I do.  Joe Bussard -->  http://www.baltimoreorless.com/2014/07/fredericks-joe-bussard-is-the-king-of-78s/

  6. Huckleberry, you will always know futbol and Belgium's team better than me, and as fellow Sabres fans I understand keeping the expectations low, but Belgium will be fine.  First of all, they're in the same group as England, the most over-rated club in the world for going on 2 or 3 World Cups now.  I looked at the odds (http://www.vegasinsider.com/soccer/odds/las-vegas/) and Belgium vs. Panama is the biggest mismatch in group play.


    Why is Panama even in?  Yes, the epic collapse of the US is an obvious answer, but that aside, FIFA seems to have a Bettman-esque desire to spread the game to new places at the expense of places who play it better.  These are not my original thoughts, but CONCACAF has 1 too many berths.  Africa has 1 too many berths.  Asia does, too, and why is there even an Oceania?  Italy BARELY made it in, and they don't suck!

  7. I used to hate hate hate Mexican food, was soooo picky, one day I just started to love it, and now I downright crave it.... Our tastes def still evolve when we age


    So true.  As a kid I simply would not eat Chinese food.  My mom would say, "fine, you can eat crackers" and I would.  By college, and to this day, I could eat it every day.

  8. I bet this team goes to White House


    No team should ever go to the White house, from any sport, during any presidency, past, present or future.  No matter who is president, he/she has better things to be doing than fawning over, and mispronouncing the names of inconsequential, sweaty jocks.  Presidents should be honoring philanthropists, Nobel prize winners, and other people who are making a real difference in society, not athletes.

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