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Posts posted by BagBoy

  1. Yeah I thought bluegrass. Americana works. Apparently they're from Saskatchewan ? If you want a good laugh look up the Dead South- Hillary, Mr Bean and Forrest Gump. Its ' In hell I'll be in good company ' but with a comedic video. 


    I've been listening to the Dead South a lot since you mentioned them.  They are really good, and definitely have a ton of bluegrass in their DNA.  They are from Regina, and while that may not exactly be a bluegrass hot spot, who cares?  They are very good at it, however they got there.


    Here's another unique bluegrass band that I love called the Earl Brothers, from San Francisco (mostly anyways)...


  2. I hate the word lessen.  It is a lazy-ass excuse for reduce, diminish, decrease, minimize, etc., and its growth indicates we are headed toward 1984 (the Orwell novel).  Perhaps hate is too strong.  I am non-plussed with the word lessen.  If we continue down this path, inevitably "moren" will become the opposite of lessen.


    So today's lesson is we need to stop saying lessen or we will then start saying "moren", and by then we will all be morons.

  3. Back to country. The Dead South. These cats are not pop formula country. A cello, a bango and two singers. Check em out.


    Upon further review they do play more instruments.


    Excellent call Buno!  I would call them more Americana than Country, but who's counting?  Not me. 


    I got a big kick out of their video "In Hell I'll Be In Good Company" having so much of it filmed in Toronto!

  4. It is fairly common for parks and airports to employ trained dogs to discourage geese from congregating, so the ability to discourage the birds is there, legally.  And he could always change his landscaping to to discourage it as well.


    If you get Border Collies, you don't even have to train them.  Their herding instincts include exhibiting very predatory-like behavior like crouching low, pursuit that switches quickly from slow and deliberate to full speed and constant locked-in eye contact.  Geese don't like this.  There are literally hundreds of golf courses around the world that use Border Collies to effectively repel geese, not to mention the National Park Service.


  5. What a rare and remarkable talent. RIP.


    I have found that I must visit his music with care and caution. Its power is astonishing, and it can lead the listener to some dark and lonely places. When I’m in the right mood, though — Jesus. Listening to him is like being in a “thin place,” as the Irish say.


    Wow, Smell.  You really nailed it for me here on each and every point.  So perfectly stated!

  6. This was the Jets season, I don't think they make it back here for a long time


    I don't know about that.  You can't buy playoff experience like this.  This year's playoffs make them so much of a better team entering next season than they were entering this season.  Discount them at your own peril.

  7. Long time ago, when I lived in Washington, my then girlfriend and I would pick a tourist family and follow them for HOURS.  They went into a coffee shop?  We went into the coffee shop.  They went to a bar?  We went to the bar.  Etc.  We would kill entire Sundays doing this.  It was so much fun.


    Christopher Nolan is the writer/director/producer for Dunkirk, Interstellar, 3 Batman/Dark Knight movies, Inception, The Prestige, and Memento.  His very first full length effort is a movie called Following, which is about a guy doing exactly what you have described.  The character in that movie did NOT have fun.  Highly recommended.

  8. The Lightning have developed quite a legitimate fan base. For 21 years I’ve watched it grow in terms of hockey sophistication. Because of the transplants, there are many nights that feel like a Sabres v Leafs game in Buffalo. I’d not call them bandwagon fans who show up during good times. The ownership group and the hockey organization are top notch. The in arena experience is a whole level above that in Buffalo. I can remember the many “who, what” questions when billboards reading “Got Stamkos?” sprang up prior to the 2008 entry draft. There’d be no “who, what” to “Got Eichel?” in Buffalo prior to the 2015 draft. There is a difference. Tampa hockey is ... fun. Go Bolts!


    Howdy, Neo!  Long time.  

    I'm totally with you on the Bolts!  I'd love to see them in the Finals again.


    Out west it's pretty much all good for me, but I spent parts of my youth in Winnipeg, so go Jets!


    BTW, if the Preds win, Washington DC will be the northernmost city in the semifinals.  Would they be the southernmost northernmost team ever in the semifinals?

  9. Is it weird that I make a concerted effort to avoid most if not all news, I don't have cable, I don't like the world and I don't want to be negatively affected by all the stupid crap happening.... When we bombed Syria, I didn't know until I accidently walked by a TV with coverage on. The less I know about this stuff is better.


    To further add, I find comfort in reading about griping in hockey some days, it's not all that serious and after a very stressful day, I actually find comfort in reading some of the hockey threads here, even though it's just you f*cks ;)


    To the bolded, no.  The news is bad for you.



  10. Rest in peace, Mrs. Bush.


    Indeed.  I heard she had refused further care a few days ago.  She exited the same way she had always lived.  Straightforward and no nonsense.  I could half-jokingly say she would have made the best president of her immediate family.  But in all seriousness, I am damn glad she was 41's wife and 43's mom.  The world is a much better place for her having been in it.

  11. Look.. Marcus Miller is a bass player, Stanley Clarke is a BASS player.. Victor Wooten?  No slouch.  There are plenty of great bass players.  Which is why I used the wink.. :)



    Understood and agreed.  I just needed an excuse to get Max Afinogenov's name into a conversation about wingers and low hockey IQ's.  That guy may have been the dumbest hockey player ever.

  12. From a youth coaching perspective I'll put it this way as well.



    My best skaters end up at D first, then C, then wing.

    My worst skaters end up at wing.. always.


    My lowest hockey IQ ends up at wing even if they are great skaters.


    Wingers are the bass players of hockey?  ;)


    LOL.  I was gonna say centers are smarter than wingers, but thought it would sound too glib.  This post nails it.


    I will hesitate at the bass player analogy however.  John Entwistle was a bass player.  Max Afinogenov was a winger.

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