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Posts posted by Stads

  1. Did he really?


    Man we survived some dark years together. I feel like we need the "I survived the tank" survivors party.

    Yep he had 44 points in 2013-2014. Some dark times for sure. This is completely off topic, but can anyone name the 6 goalies who made appearances in 2013-2014?

  2. So UB women go to the tourney on a buzzer beater, Jack Eichel with a sick OT winner to beat the clock, and the UB men go to the tourney after hitting a 3 pointer with 1.8 left. Awesome was the first word that came to mind.

  3. I guess it's back to random streams for me if they're figuring out the VPN. With them playing so bad the last 2 games, it doesn't bother me so much. This is just another example of why the NHL is looked at as #4 in major pro sports. They take something that works and manage to ruin it, kind of like scoring after the lock out.

  4. The Nhl updated it's official app halfway through the season and somehow made it worse. It's almost impossible to view boxscores or highlights. I'll admit that I watch games through a VPN, but I haven't been able to since the switch. The game tonight versus the Flyers is the "Free game of the week" and I still can't watch it because of the blackout rule. They're getting a ton of complaints, but I doubt they really care.

  5. I'm probably his biggest supporter on this forum but I'm not sure his shooting accuracy is really anyone's bitch with him. It's usually his foot speed, lack of defensive awareness or passing ability that people question. All of which are valid. IMHO, he brings what few other D on this roster being. Sandpaper. Risto will use it when he wants and Bogo has plenty but it's Mike's biggest and maybe only asset.

    I apologize. I wasn't sure how else to equate Weber's play to "pinching a loaf". I have no issues with Weber and shooting accuracy. It's not a part of his game I even think about.

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